Thanks go out to:

dragondude3538 and Shaman of Fire, for answering my question. They were the only two that responded before I wrote this

"text" = talk

'text' = think

"text" = Yari

"text" = TV, speaker or hologram

A/N………… = Author's Note

Rito opened his eyes; there was that pink hair again. Except this time it was okay, since they were dating. They had fallen asleep in each others arms, in each others warm embrace. Rito smiled as he remembered back to the first day he met Lala.

'It had been a normal day, trying to confess to Haruna-chan, failing miserably. After that, sadly walking up to my room, to lie down. Then talking to Saruyama about it on the phone, and him making me blush about Haruna.'

"What did he say, her wearing nothing, and covered in whip cream, saying "Eat me Rito"?" Yari interrupted his thoughts.

'Oh, I almost forgot you were there. Seriously why are you interrupting my thoughts?'

"Because that's all I can hear! I hear everything you think, unless you block me out!"

'Uh… well…sorry for thinking…'

'Never mind that the story is just getting good!"

'Well after that all that happened was I had a bath, Lala teleported into the bath while I was in it.'

"Was she naked?"

'Yes, she was naked, and when my sister came up no one was in the bathroom, only me. After that I went back to my room, and there was Lala. We talked a little before Peke came and clothed her. But Peke had been followed by Devilukean guards. They grabbed Lala, and were about to take her back.'

"And then you saved her, right!?"

'Ya I kicked a soccer ball at one of the guards, grabbed Lala's hand jumped out the window and ran to the park. The guards were trying to bring Lala back to her home world, but she made this one gig vacuum thing suck them and me up; of course she sucked me up by accident.'

"Wow what happened next?"

'I meant to confess my love to Haruna, but instead I said it to Lala, don't make me explain.'

Rito sighed and looked outside, it was getting dark…GETTING DARK-"Oh No, No No, NO!" Rito jumped off the bed.

"What's the matter?"

"Lala's Dad, Earth explode, gets dark, tall building!" Rito couldn't keep his mind strait.

"Sorry I asked!"

He ran right into the family room, all the girls chasing him earlier were there watching T.V. Rito looked at all of heir heads, no flowers, good. "Does anyone know what is the tallest building in the city is?"

Mikan was the first to respond, "Uh ya the radio station where they film Magical Kyōko, you know, the one Run took us to." Then something flashed before the girls eyes, a thin black-

"Okay, thanks, bye!" Rito ran out the door.

"Did-did, you see that?!" Nana was wide eyed.

"It appears Rito wants to be like a Devilukean." Momo smiled.

"That was no fake, that tail was moving life like." Yami, looked back to the T.V.

"Are you saying my brother is an alien now?!" Mikan was wide eyed.

Rito was standing right in front of the tallest building. 'How do I get up?' Rito knew he couldn't simply go in and ask, "Can I go on the roof?"

"You could climb." Yari sounded ecstatic.

"Ya I could die too!" Rito yelled. The people around him looked at him funny.

"Rito? Rito is that you?" Rito turned around to face the person calling his name.

"RUN! It is soooooo good to see you, could I ask a favor?"

"Of course, I would do anything for you Rito!" Run jumped into his arms.

"Man you are a player!"

"Do you think I could go up to the roof?" Rito looked into Run's eyes.

"Of course, just follow me!" Run motioned Rito to follow her.

"Thank you so much Run!"

"Don't mention it." Run walked by tons of security guards, leading Rito to the roof.

"Sadly I just remembered I have to be there for an episode, so I can't join you, when you are ready to leave just walk down those stairs, they lead strait outside." She pointed to a door on the roof.

"Thanks Run!" Rito smiled.

"Okay see ya!" Run ran down the stairs they had come up

Rito looked around no ship…no ship…he was too late, but the sun was still fully visible on the horizon. Rito ran around looking from side to side of the building looking for a taller one, but no success. He ran for the stairs Run had told him to go down, 'Oh no, Gid is going to take Lala I have to save-'


"Oww, Oh shit that hurt!" Rito looked up to what he ran into, but nothing was there. He reached out his had, it contacted something that felt like metal… 'what the hell?'

"Good evening, Yuuki Rito." Speakers said out of no where.

"That voice…Gid." Rito gritted his teeth. "Where are you, you bastard?"

"Oh I am sorry; my ship's cloaking device must still be on."

"So turn it off, so I can come in there and kick your ass!"

"Dude, in your mind you see him as powerful, and that voice sounds like a demon!" Yari sounded terrified.

"Very well," In front of Rito a blurry ship began to appear, but what Rito had run into was not the ship, but the leg of the ship. Rito looked up, the ship was right over him, it was massive.

"Dude, with a ship that big he must be compensating for something," Yari Began to laugh like a child.

Then Rito was all of a sudden surrounded by a bright light. Then he felt sick, like he was going to-"BLUUUUK," Puke. He began to float up towards the ship. A hatch open and Rito was raised through it. The hatch closed and- THUD! Rito hit the ground.

A/N: I tried to do a kind of beam down abduction scene.

Rito looked up, he was in a big room, kind of fancy, but at the same time high tech. Rito turned his head to the right, there was a few doors, Rito turned his head to the left, there was a giant hall way, Rito turned around, there…was…"GID!"

"Good to see you Yuuki Ri-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Rito began to walk towards Gid.

"NO Way! A kid ! And I was worried. The bid strong Gid, is only a kid, hahaha, o snap. I guess he has to conpensate for every part of his body! Remind me to never to judge anyone from their voice! Hahahaha…priceless! You should have told me, I wouldn't be dieing from laughter!"

Rito was now face to face with Gid, actually he was over two feet taller, so he was looking down. "What the hell did you do to me?!"

"I simply made you better; thou, I am still far superior." Gid spoke as if he were a god.

"I am going to kick your ass with these new powers, and then I am going to make you change me back!" Rito was fuming.

"Change you back? Really, you are stupid, what does Lala see in you?" Gid was laughing. "And you think you ca beat me!?" Gid smirked.

"Don't let this punk ass kid tell you off!"

"Tell me off?" what does that mean number 2839?" Gid asked looking directly in Rito's eyes.

"What, you heard that?" Rito was confused

"How the hell did he hear that?"

"2839, I can hear everything you say as long as I have this," Gid pulled out a little remote with string leading to an earphone in his ear. "My scientists made 2839, the main purpose was to strip a Devilukean of his powers, but we came across one that did the opposite. To become a Devilukean, to be one of the most powerful race in the universe."

"But where does Yari tie into this?" Rito was even more confused.

"Yari, ha you named that soulless piece of junk?" Gid laughed. "He is only there to teach you how to use your powers, and find your signature power," Gid laughed again. "To think, The product I gave you was broken, and I bet it has feelings too right?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"His programming must have been erased or something, but it should not be able to think." Gid pulled out the remote again, "This will fix it." Gid pointed the remote at Rito.

"Don't think you can zap me with that again, I am ready this time!" Rito took a ready stance.

Gid smirked, Gin shot a beam at Rito, Rito dodged it, Gin shot it, Rito dodged it, shot, dodge, shot, dodge, shot, dodge it played out like that for about ten minutes.

"Yuuki Rito stop resisting!" Gid was now yelling.

"He's trying to kill us!"

Rito dodged once more before turning around and running towards the doors he noticed before.

"You're not getting into those doors in a million years, they are made out of the strongest material in the universe, I even have trouble scratching it!" Gid yelled.

Suddenly the door opened, "Deviluke –sama, is everything all right, we heard some commotion and yelling, and w-"

Rito pushed the guard out of the doorway, tackling through another group of guards. He was running down any hallway he could find, not even stopping to turn around. He found a ladder and some stairs and began to make his way up. He finally found a large red ladder that he immediately latched onto climbing up like a monkey. It continued up a long tunnel, soon Rito banged his knuckle on the top of the tunnel. He reached around with on hand feeling around, finding a wheel. He turned the wheel over and over until he heard a click. He pushed it up, being engulfed in a bright light, Rito squinted his eyes.

He crawled out of the tunnel and into the light, his eyes were still adjusting. He felt a strong wind. His vision cleared, he was on top of the ship.

Rito then noticed the whole time Yari had been quiet, which was unusual for Yari. "Yari what' wrong, are you still there?"

No response.