Welcome to my first story on fanfiction please be nice I'm only a chick that likes to write.

So hello people of the outside world. Just telling you now that I do not own Harry Potter or any other thing to do with Harry Potter or I would be really, really rich. And I'm not.

Hope you like my story and if you don't stop reading.

P.S. sorry if there are any spelling errors


"If you go out to the woods today your sure for a big surprise" The softly sung song travelled down the disturbingly quite corridor, it's childish melody seeming to freeze even the vermin that had some how gotten them selves trapped on this level.

"If you go out to the woods today you better go in disguise" Pale lips twisted into an insane smile as the young man stared at the same stone wall that he had the pleasure of staring at for the last seven years.

"For every bear that ever there was, is gathered their for a certain because" his dark emerald green eyes had gotten used to the constant darkness. When he had first been brought here, he had been afraid, terrified even. But after awhile he had lost that kind of emotion, maybe the same time as he had lost his mind.

"Today's the day the teddy bears have their pic…." A scream interrupted his song, it wasn't like he was surprise about that, his neighbours tend to scream out in madness.

"It was rather rude though," he said to himself as he crawled his way to the steal bolted door. "It's not like I scream in the middle of there songs," He continued "not that they sing songs"

Slowly he made himself sit up and pressed his lips to the small slot were his 'meals' wear pasted throw to him, and yelled, "Stop that now" he said calmly "or I'm going to have to kill you".

The screaming came to an abrupt stop. A smile once again made its way onto the young mans lips as he made his way back to his favoured corner.

It had been seven years since he was placed in the 'care' of Azkaban. Six years since he had talked to anyone from his past, and if his predictions were right and the images that dear old Voldemort were sending me were true, then it will be two years, four months, eight days and sixteen seconds until Voldemort has won the war.

Not that he cared.

He had long ago give up on this world and every lying scumbag that was in it. He had lost that kind of hope within the first year of his incarceration, when he realized no one was coming to save him. Truth be told the only one that had stood up for him at his 'trail' was Snape, It had often made him laugh at the thought of it, of all the people Snape was his last line of defence.

A merry laughter rang out throw the cell "I guess that old bat liked me after all" he said out loud to himself.

Slowly his cheerful mood faded, it was only two years ago that Snape had been killed, Voldemort had fond out that he was a spy, by non other then Charlie Weaselly himself. No one had seen his betrayal coming, well no one but a loony man with green eyes.

Harry James Potter, cell 824, age 22. Stared blankly at the stonewall. It had been many years since he thought of his trail, he often tried not to think about, the memory were not happy one…


A 15 year old Harry Potter was awaken suddenly. 'Another nightmare' he thought to himself as he rubbed his eyes in the darkness. The noises from his roommates filled the room, Harry looked over with envy, 'if only I can sleep so soundly'.

He placed his head back on the soft pillow, and stared into the blackness of the room, no moon shone in the sky tonight making the night have more shadows. Harry lay there of what seemed like hours until he could take it no more. He sat up again and pulled his feet out of bed.

'Maybe a midnight snack will make me sleep again' he mused as he stood up and pulled a robe around him. He pursed for a moment thinking wether he should take along his invisibility cloak or not. 'It's so dark anyway I don't think anyone will see me, and I'm not going for long' he decided not wanting to have to dig out his cloak form the bottom of his trunk and risk waking his friends up.

Quietly he snuck out of his dorm room and into the common room of the Gryffendor tower, he looked around to make should no one was their before he left the tower altogether. Slowly he made his way down the corridors of the school heading towards the kitchens were he knew Dobby would be happy to help him.


A loud clang echoed down the corridor as a cold chill swept it's way through the cells. Harry waited as one by one the inmates began to scream in terror as their meals was delivered to them. Two demontors came flouting down the hallway giving the slop they call food to the prisoners. They only got one meal a day and the dementors made sure they took advantage of it, stopping at each persons ceil and only moving on to the next when the prisoners was drooling on the floor.

As the tray was pushed into his ceil, Harry looked up into the dementors face 'well I think it it's face' he thought with some humour. It had been in his four year here that he realised that the flouting pieces of cloth had little affect on him anymore. They mostly leave him alone these days, after all there was no point trying to suck happy memories out of a person that doesn't have them anymore.

'No' he thought to himself 'all the memories I have now are tainted with pain'.


"Harry" came a sharp whisper.

Harry looked behind him to see Hermione looking at him. "What are you doing, do you want to get points taken off," she said with a frond as she moved closer to him.

Harry smiled sheepishly at his best friend as he replayed "I'm just going to the kitchens 'mione, nothing bad is going to happen" she rolled her eyes at him as she pulled her fluffy blue sleeping robe around her.

"Well I'm coming with you" she stated, "I can't sleep either"

Harry smiled brightly at her and then they started their adventure down to the kitchen.


Dull green eyes brighten a little at the thought of his best friend. Out of everyone Hermione never left him, she always was there even when Ron wasn't. He wished she had been at his trail he was certain that she would have been able to take them out of putting him away. He new with out a doubt that she would have made them sees reason.

But she wasn't at his trail, and he would never see she again.


"YOU KILLED HER" Ron shouted a look of hatred on his face. Harry looked around at all the faces in the crown court room and with just one look he knew that none of them would help him. That none of them believe in him.

"I could never kill her, she was my best friend," he shout back trying to be heard over the loud chatted of the people.

Words like 'murders' and 'evil' were being flung around the room as more and more glares were amide down at him.

"You were the last one to see the victim" State one of the women on the court, looking at him as if he was the dark lord himself.

"Yes but.." he tried to explain desperately

"And you were fond with the body" she interrupted

"Yes but I…" he fought to get his say it.

"And no one else was anywhere near the victim at the time but you" she snapped

"BUT I DIDN"T KILL HER," Harry shouted.

The crowned went silent all looking intensely at the young boy tried to a chair in the middle of the room.

"Then how did?"

The question hung in the air like a noose waiting to be tightened.

"I don't know"


Harry stared at the grey wall again his face blank for all emotion, only is eyes showed is inner torment. Hermione was murdered, how he didn't know, why well that one was a lot easer to answer. It all came down to Voldemort, it always did. The Dark evil git thought killed Hermione off was the best way to get Harry out of the picture. There was only one thing worse then killed his best friend and that was it had worked. Harry James Potter was out of the picture. The Dark Lord had won.

And he didn't care.

"If you go out to the woods today your sure for a big surprise" he song out as the air around him began to get hotter and spark with energy.

"If you go out to the woods today you better go in disguise" A smile appeared on to the pale mans lips.

"For every bear that ever there was, is gathered their for a certain because" a blue light filled ceil 824 as loud cracking sounds thundered though the air.

"Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic"

The light dulled down as the old nursery rhyme ended.

Ceil 824 was empty. Harry James Potter had escaped from Azkaban.

You don't have to review if you don't want to I don't really mind. Hope you liked it though I should be writing next chapter soon if you wanted to know. But for now that's it.

Peace out.