disclaimer: unfortunately i do not own twilight or any of the characters.

It is March. The middle of the semester and I am starting at Forks high school. As my dad, Charlie, drove me to the school, I remembered the events that led to me being here.


"Bella honey. Please come and live with me and Phil. You'll love Jacksonville. It's really sunny and you'll love it there." My mum, Renee, begged. I am stubborn though. It was one of the few things me and Charlie have in common. My mum had been trying to convince me to go and live with her and her new husband Phil when they moved. She had been trying for three weeks now. She wasn't getting anywhere. It wasn't that I didn't like Phil. He was good for my mum, despite him being several years her junior. I just didn't want to go. So I told mum that I wanted to live with Charlie. I think I made the right decision.

End of flashback

Now, however, I was starting to think that maybe I should have decided to go and live with my mum. Charlie pulled up outside the school.

"Good luck Bells" he called as I got the car. I carefully made my way towards the office. I got a lot of people staring at me (although I had no clue to whether it was because I was new or the fact that I had tripped over nothing twice now) and I blushed.

I made it into the office in one piece and I went over to the lady at the desk.

"Um, hi. My name's Isabella swan and I'm new here" I stuttered nervously.

"of course dear. I'm Ms. Cope. I have your timetable and there are some papers that you need to get your teachers to sign. Bring them back to me and the end of the day" I took the papers off her and glanced at my timetable. I had English first. I checked my map and hurried off in the direction I assumed the English room was, promptly bumping into a small pixie like girl with spiky black hair.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I gasped as her books clattered to the floor. I bent down and helped her pick them up. She shot me a grateful look.

"Thanks. I'm Alice, by the way. Alice Cullen." She said.

"Bella swan. I'm new here" I replied, shaking her hand.

"Really?!" Alice squealed. "We're going to be best friends. I can feel it."

I blushed again, glad to know someone.
"So what do you have first Bella?" Alice asked me.
"Um, English" I answered.
"Oh me too. Come on" I let Alice drag me in the opposite direction to that I had been going and by the time we reached the English room, I already knew Alice was right. We were going to be best friends.

I hope you enjoy. this is my first fanfic.

read and review.

i'm also looking for a beta.