Rogue Amu

SUMMARY: Amu is a rogue, once human, now half robot. Ikuto is the heir to a huge company. Amu doesn't have any emotions unless she builds them up herself. She can't feel pain. Amu has a mission, when she was human; she was looked down on, treated like dirt. Since she's changed, she wants revenge. Two of those people, is Aruto Tsukiyomi. But what if she ends up taking another agent? Who just happened to be Aruto's son?

Tara: My 3rd idea! If you want to read my other ideas summaries, then go on to my profile! I hope you like this idea, 'coz I thought it was interesting.

Amu: what's it about?

Tara: Basically in this story, you used to be human but you are now half-robot. You have no emotions unless you or someone helps you build it up. When you were human, you were looked down on. Since you became half-robot, you want revenge on Aruto Tsukiyomi.

Ikuto: Amu wants revenge on my dad?

Amu: no!

Tara: -sighs- not in reality dumbass…look, I love you and all but you can be so clueless sometimes…

Amu: -grumbles and glares at Tara-

Tara: heh? –Waves hands around- n-not like that Amu-chan! I don't love him like that! Eheheh…more like a brother! –Nervous laugh- Ikuto!

Ikuto: you're on your own Tara…

Tara: -glares at Ikuto-

Ikuto: fine, fine! –Hugs Amu from behind- she's like a sister to me, nothing can compare to you…

Amu: h-hn…-relaxes-

Tara: phew…anyway, I don't own SC sadly…

(Amu's POV)

Finally, after 5 years, I will finally have my revenge. That Idiot Aruto made me like this, a half-robot. I can't feel, I don't feel pain, I have no emotions and it's all because of Aruto Tsukiyomi. He, Aruto Tsukiyomi looked down on me, created me this way and just threw me away. I have been getting revenge on everyone who has looked down on me. Now my last few people are the people who have made me this way, but before them, I need to finish my revenge on Tadase Hotori, the man who left me, and also one of the men that sponsored the money to make me like this.

"Amu-chan, he's in room 304." Nagihiko stated from my earpiece. Nagihiko is my best friend; my friends are Rima, Yaya, Kukai and Kairi. They have been trying for years to get my emotions back, but no such luck. Hell, I've been trying to help them get my emotions back. I don't remember what it's like to feel or have any emotions anymore.

"Thanks Nagi…" I whispered back. Apparently, to finish my revenge on Tadase, I have to be in a maid's outfit. I can put up a fake smile to fool him, to seal the deal; I have a revolver strapped around my leg under my costume. I disengaged and took out the plug of the camera on the third floor. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard that annoying princely voice that I tried so hard to forget.

"Room service!" I called in a sweet voice. He grunted and groaned before opening the door. I wore a brown wig to cover my pink hair.

"I never ordered any room service…" He said suspiciously. I looked past him finding Lulu de Morselle in his bed. I mentally rolled my eyes. Of course, I thought. Oh well, it makes my job easier.

"Oh, this is a complimentary dinner since you are one of our best customers!" I replied to his previous question. I could see lust in his eyes, as he looked me up and down. I wanted to slap the smirk right off his face. There was only one emotion that I picked up over the years: anger. Anger flared in my mind but I kept my poker face up.

"Hm. Okay then. Come on in." He attempted to sound husky. Well, mission failed asshole. I walked in swaying my hips slightly. I heard him give a slight gasp that was barely audible. I smirked. Lulu looked at me with jealousy but I just rolled my eyes facing the cart. Lulu needed to realize that she was basically just a sex slave to him. Tadase started walking up behind me and put his arms around my waist. Anger was building up inside me and my eyes widened. He knew, I thought.

"I didn't think you'd go this far to see me…Amu-chan." He whispered in my ear. That did it; I lifted my leg, turned around and kicked him on his side making him crash into the wall. I took off my wig revealing my strawberry pink hair.

"Yes, it is me and I think you know why I'm here Tadase. You looked down on me and threw me away for another girl. I now realize I never loved you in the first place, but it still hurt." I looked at him with disgust. I heard Lulu shuffling around the bed to get her clothes on. He just smirked. Lulu came up behind me with a knife by my arm. I stayed calm and she started cutting my arm. I just clicked my tongue and sighed. Tadase looked at me in shock as I chuckled slightly and turned to Lulu. "Aww, Lulu, you should've known that I couldn't feel pain, unlike you." I took the knife and stabbed her in the stomach. She grunted and fell to the floor. "Experiment 244, Name, Lulu de Morselle, Purpose, slave." I glared at her and turned back to Tadase bringing out my revolver.

"Now it's your turn." I stated with a blank expression.

He looked scared now, good. "Please no, Amu-chan, I never should've left you all those years ago. I still love you but please, please don't kill me!" He started begging. Begging, could he be anymore pathetic? After all, I am pretty much a man-made killing machine.

"Its too late now, Tadase. Goodbye." And that was it. I shot him 3 times in the heart and stared at his lifeless body. I felt no remorse whatsoever. I would never regret this; this is what I've waited to happen for 5 fucking years. I walked out of the room leaving no trace of me and put the gun in Tadase's hand. To keep up the charade, I took the cart out of the room and left the door open and put up a scared and shocked face. I had Nagi get the camera back up and I did what any other normal person would do if they saw 2 dead bodies. I screamed.

Hotel security started rushing through the hallways and telling me to move out of the way. I smirked and quickly made my way out of the hallway into the air vents; I quickly changed and made my way into the parking lot where Nagi, Rima and Kukai were waiting for me. I got into the black Lamborghini as Kukai put the pedal to the metal. Not a bad job for 3,000 dollars.

"Is it done?" Rima asked quietly from the backseat with Nagi.

I merely nodded. "Hmm…Hotori-kun deserved it, at one point, he took advantage of all of us back in high school." Nagi commented. I stayed quiet, so did Kukai, I caught him looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Nani?" I spoke quietly. He shook his head.

"It's nothing. Hinamori, you should know that when you go for revenge on the Tsukiyomi's…re-think it." He stated. My eyes narrowed.

"Why?" I spoke a little louder this time.

"You'll find out soon enough." That just made my suspicions higher.

"Geez, why do you have to be so cryptic sometimes…" I said stubbornly. Wait…stubborn? Looks like Kukai realized it too. He laughed to lighten the mood.

"Looks like you found another emotion." He smiled.

"I wouldn't really call it an emotion…" I grumbled.

They all laughed but I hated the fact that I couldn't laugh along with them. I would actually give anything to have my emotions back. I blame the Tsukiyomi's for all of this. Aruto and Ikuto Tsukiyomi made me like this, and I know for sure that all I want right now is revenge.

Inner Amu…

No! Stupid robotic senses! Amu, listen, Revenge isn't what you want! Aruto and Ikuto Tsukiyomi--!

I cut her off. My inner self will not get the best of me. I have a bigger fish to fry.

Tara: Was it good? Did it make sense? If you liked it, please review!

Amu: wow, she's keeping this short.

Tara: shut up. I know the chapter was short but it's the first chapter…hopefully I'll make them longer in the future.

Ikuto: Interesting.

Tara: heehee, thanks! Now, review people! Reviews are an author's best friend! XD.