Disclaimer: Do not OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy!!!!!!! AN at the bottom!

I awoke to Jasper mumbling in his sleep. The sun was just beginning to rise so I decided to start getting ready for school. I took a quick shower and walked back into my room in a daze with my bathrobe wrapped tight around me. I went up to Jasper's sleeping form and pocked his butt. He was laying on his tummy. He grumbled once and scooted away from me. I poked him again and he turned on his side facing the opposite direction. I poked him once more.

"Go away," He mumbled with sleep evident in his voice.

"You have to wake the hell up," I said sweetly.

"I'm not doing that any time soon, so piss off," He replied.

I glared at his back before I came up with my revenge. I climbed onto the bed and settled in next to him, before gathering all of my long, wet hair and wrung it out over his sleeping face.

He jumped out of bed with a look of hatred evident on his face.

"I. Smell. Like. Strawberries." He said slowly.

"Then go take a shower, manly-man-who-can't-smell-like-fruit." I said sweetly.

He turned away wordlessly.

I began dressing when my cell phone beeped. One new text it read:

He's gonna get you back for that, watch out :D oh and wear the cute navy long sleeved rather than the black t :) luv, Alice.

I stared in shock for a few moments before remembering she had her own powers. Creepy. I started thinking about what she must know and how she knows what other people are gonna do before they do.

My phone beeped again:

I only see things after the person makes a decision, but it can change at any moment. Alice :)

Ok that is extremely creepy.

It beeped again:

I'm not the one who sees dead people. And don't ask how i knew that was what you were gonna ask, i'll explain it to you later. Alice.

I stared at the phone for a few more moments before shrugging and blow drying my hair.

I got my hair the way I wanted to when I switched over to doing my make up as quick as possible. I just put a layer of some mineral based foundation and a quick swipe of mascara.

I went into my closet and looked for the shirt Alice mentioned. I was searching through my many clothes in my bra and undies when i heard someone awkwardly clear their throat. I turned and saw my father as red as a tomato standing in my doorway. I decided it was too late to cover up now so i just turned and gave him an encouraging look.

"Uh... um... y-you have a visitor," He stuttered.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"He didn't tell me his name... but he is rather large, and claimed he's your big... teddy bear," He said blushing.

I smiled slowly. "You can send him up," I said.

"In your, uh, condition?" He said awkardly.

"I'll be dressed by the time he gets up here," I said, while turning back to the closet searching for the shirt.

He left the room quickly. I could hear him going downstairs, and could hear a slight murmering of words being exchanged.

At that moment I found the shirt. I forgot all about it until Alice mentioned it. It's a dark royal blue in a baby doll cut with lace at the neckline and the bottom, with little fabric bottoms at the top in the center. I slid the shirt over my head at the exact moment I heard Emmett burst into my room.

I walked out into the open when I realized I wasn't wearing pants, and that he could see my hot pink panties. A blush started to crawl up my neck.

He looked me up and down when a smile began tugging up on his lips. He whistled and turned away, sitting on my bed. I walked slowly over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans. I pulled them on and turned to look at him.

"Hey, baby cheeks," He said with a smile on his face, showing off his dimples.

"Hey, teddy bear," I said with a matching smile.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked when I got bored with the silence.

"I'm here because Jasper just pulled out of the driveway. Without you." He answered.

"What!?" I screeched.

"Al said you would know why he did it," He said calmly.

"That little..." I trailed off.

He stared at me before busting out laughing.

"What?" I asked baffled.

"You need your own car."

"I'm not allowed to drive," I mumbled.

"And why not? I saw you take off yesterday. You deserve to be a Cullen, you sure as hell drive like one," He said smiling at me.

"I crashed last year because I thought I was about to hit someone. But no one else could see her." I answered, blushing.

"That sucks," He answered sympathetically.

"So you have super strength?" I asked as i lead him out the door.

"Yeah," He answered.

"How does that work? Do you turn all green and mean?"" I asked out of curiousity.

His booming laughter echoed after us, "No. I do not turn inti the Hulk. No ones ever used that one before. But I'm just super strong. I can lift whatever I want and I can carry as much as my heart desires. It also takes a lot to hurt me. Like alot alot."

"Interesting. But you don't feel all rock hard or anything, and you haven't crushed me," I said thoughtfully.

"Control. I have to be careful. I also don't touch people often. So I can't accidently hurt them."

"Oh, that sucks, having to be in control all of the time."

"Yup. But so do you," He said, "As do the rest of us, that's what keeps us together. Not letting anyone know what you can do,"

I kept my mouth shut. By that point we were sitting in his Jeep. He started the car and swifty took us to the parking lot.

I exited the car as gracefully as possible and walked over to Emmett. "Can you take me home? I have a few more questions that I forgot to ask."

Emmett gave me a large dopey grin and put my head in a head lock.

"Whoa big boy, I rather keep my head, thanks." I teased him. A large laugh erupted from his body.

"Good one, Bella," Alice called from across the parking lot. Thye little pixie was advancing towards us with Edward and Rosalie in tow.

Alice was radiating energy while bouncing up and down excitedly talkiong to Emmett about secret plan that was working. I glanced at Rose and noticed that she was inspecting her perfect nails while ignoring her surroundings and looking like a super model.

I tried to keep myself from looking at the bronze haired god but couldn't take it any longer. I didn't want to risk him seeing so I looked discreetly from under my eyelashes. I began with his feet going up his legs which had a simple pair of great fitting blue jeans. I continued my journey and saw a tightish fitting long sleeved sweater that looked to be softest cashmere that money could buy stretching across his well defined chest. I then reached his face. The face that is so perfect, I'm surprised I didn't just kneel before him already. The pale skin and full lips that I kissed in my dream just last night. The cheeks caressed lovingly in my sleep. The bone structure carved in marble. And the best part of all, the emerald green of his eyes with eyelashes that makes girls jealous.

Wait. Oh shit. Those eyes. And great. Just great. They happen to be laughing. And at who? Well it must be the person their focused on. And who might that person be?


I guess someone noticed my gawking. And the best part of it is, he happens to be a effin mind reader. Just my luck. The god can read minds. I'm screwed. And he knows! How dare he just laugh at me?! It's not funny. So, I have a school girl crush on him, but that doesn't give him the right to be laughing at me. Well, you know what? He should mind his own fucking business. Or maybe just fuck off. Yeah, that would work.

"What?" I asked harshly.

"Nothing." He responded ever so coolly in his velvet smooth voice. A voice so amazing, it could- wait, what am i doing?! Letting my thoughts go that way when he is clearly mocking me just gives him an advantage. One that I cannot let him realize he has.

I saw Jasper from the corner of my eye and waved him over.

He approached us with a glare.

"Sweets, let's just go to class," I said to Jasper.

"Bugger off, Bells." He all but growled.

My jaw dropped, as did everyone else standing in the group but Alice's. Jasper stomped away without me.

"What was that about?" Emmett asked baffled.

I just stared blankly at my twins back as he retreated to class.

"He's still mad about this morning. Someone must not like strawberries," ALice said with a smile.

Edward smiled himself as he got the low down from Alice.

"I feel so left out," Emmett pouted.

"Don't worry 'bout it Em," I said.

"Let's go to class," Edward said.

"Alrighty kids! I'll be seeing you all at lunch," Alice instructed.

"Come on, Bella. I'll walk you to class." Edward said while grabbing my arm to pull me along.

I am sooo sorry it's taken me so long to update. School is a real bitch. And just when I started the chapter last week I got the flu. I know right? It was horrible. Anyways hopefully my muse is back to stay and the chapters will start to flow more easily.

Please review!!! I feed off of them lol they keep me going :) and maybe if i get a lot.... it might just speed up me update.

Now i'm trying to give the story some fluff before I go back to the fun part of the supernatural and all that fun stuff so i hope you like it!
