Revolutionary Boy Bakura


Yes, yes, I know I have two other stories out already. Trust me, I'm working on them. I just needed to get this idea written out. I promise that I'm working as much as I can on Isabella and The Crystal Keys! Anyway, this is an idea I had for a crossover. Revolutionary Girl Utena and Yu-Gi-Oh! I'm going to use the Utena series as a sort of backbone, and build my story from there. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is copy the series.

Disclaimer: I don't own Revolutionary Girl Utena or Yu-Gi-Oh!, or anything having to do with them! I'm just borrowing both to perform a transfusion! Muahahaha!! X3


Always double check plans with a friend, especially those who are absent-minded.

"Let's live our lives heroically,

let's live them with style.

Even if the two of us

are ever torn apart...

...take my revolution."

Once upon a time, years and years ago...

"In the sunlit garden,

we both joined our hands.

Drawing close for comfort,

we both swore:

Never again would

we ever fall in love."

...there was a little prince, and he was very sad...

"I see that photo of us smiling,

standing cheek to cheek.

I look at it and a bit of

loneliness starts to fill me."

...for his mother and father had died.

"Even if I dream, even if I cry,

even if I get hurt...

...reality keeps

on coming recklessly."

Before the prince appeared a traveling prince...

"I wanna find out where I am,

the value of being me.

Gonna take who

I've been up till now..."

...riding upon a white horse.

"...and find the strength

to throw it all away.

Strip down to nothing at all.

Become like a rose petal

blowing free!"

He had a regal bearing and a kind smile.

"Even if the two of us

are ever torn apart...

...I swear that I

will change the world."

The prince wrapped the young prince in a rose-scented embrace-

"He's late."

The teen boy, dressed in the school uniform of black-trimmed, aquamarine coat and slacks, sighed with a frown. His platinum blonde hair clashed with his darkly tanned skin and deep violet eyes, his gold earrings swaying slightly in the breeze. A bell tolled in the distance as students walked under the bridge he stood on, chatting amongst themselves as they headed off to school. The boy growled, fist clenching with irritation.

" long does he expect me to wait here?!" he muttered, glaring at the stone beneath his feet. "If he makes me late on the first day of the new term, I swear I'll-"


The boy looked up in surprise upon hearing his name called, only to see two of his friends standing beside him. Both boys wore the same uniform as himself; one was tanned, and the other was pale. The pale boy had long, black locks and dazzling green eyes. The tanned boy, on the other hand, had black eyes with matching jet black hair, as well as a scar curving up his cheek from his jaw line. Also, the tanned boy was muscular, while the pale boy was thin and more delicate-looking.

"What are you doing? Aren't you going to class?" asked the pale boy, who had obviously spoken before.

The blonde, who's name was now known as Malik, smirked and placed his hands on his hips proudly. "I'm waiting for my boyfriend, that's what I'm doing!"

The green-eyed boy blinked and exchanged glances with his companion before returning his gaze to Malik. "'Boyfriend'?? Well, he pretty much ditched you, dude." He snickered, along with the black-eyed boy by his side. "He left the dorm really early this morning!"

Malik at first had an expression of shock on his face, but then it became tinged with red out of anger and embarrassment. Brows furrowing and fists clenching, he grabbed his briefcase and tore off across the bridge. "THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING-OOOH, HE'S GOING TO PAY WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM!!!" he yelled.

Meanwhile, a tall, pale figure entered the large academy building. As he passed, the other students stared at him with mixed expressions. He wore the same uniform as the rest of the boys, but kept his coat unbuttoned to reveal a white shirt and a golden ring hanging from a cord around his neck. His dark, hazel eyes snapped up to look at the woman who had stepped into his path, coming to a halt himself. The woman that stood before him looked positively frightening with her green hair and red glasses, and the other students seemed to turn their attention to the both of them.

"Tenjou Bakura," the woman stated sternly.

So, what do you think? I know it's short, and that I copied the opening theme for Utena as well as part of the opening story. I thought it would make a nice opening. ^_^ However, unlike the series, I WON'T be posting it every single chapter. So you don't have to worry about that. So, as you can see, a few characters have been pointed out already. Marik Ishtar as Wakaba, and Yami Bakura as Utena Tenjou. Not to mention those other two nameless boys. Can you guess who they are? X3 Anyway, review please! Keep me interested and inspired knowing people bother to read this! Unfortunately, I won't be doing any artwork for this story, as there won't be any OCs.