Rapunzel and her lazy prince

they meet... i think and I'm calling off the espadas sorry :( so is the pervy toad sage i'm deeply sorry :(


'ah... this is more like it , no gay weirdos to bother me now I can peacefully sleep' the lazy prince thought as he was lying on a tree branch. When suddenly he heard a scream, particularly a high pitched girl scream. Now our prince in this story is undeniably lazy and sometimes his sarcasm sometimes gets the better of him. Then maybe he exposed to gay people too much. But when there's a damsel in distress, his princely instincs kick in.

As soon as he heard the scream, he rushed over to the source and saw a blonde lady being carried by a man w/ a black cloak and a cat mask. He immediately pulled out his sword and effortlessly defeated the cat masked guy. He ran over to the blonde lady and checked if she has injuries only to be slapped in the face. Real hard.

"What the hell! you troublesome woman"

"Troublesome am I?! How dare you!"

"Well whatever! Do what you like. I'm out of here. Troublesome lady"


"what now ? "

"I-I need to ask you a favor "

"Not interested"

"it's my friend, she's locked up in a tower"


"What do you mean so?! How could you say so like it's not of a big deal. Now come on! You can and will save her" Ino said as she dragged Shikamaru to the tower. 'What have I gotten myself into' he thought. After walking for 3 hours, they found a really huge lake, and in the middle of the lake, there stood a very tall tower with no doors or any way of entrance, except a small window. There was a blue haired lady, maybe the same age as he is or maybe a little younger, singing a very beautiful but sad lullaby.

The very moment he looked at her, he felt a very strange feeling. A feeling that he knew her. It was like meeting an old friend. But wait... what the hell is she doing in that tower? And is this blonde girl really her friend? What sort of cruel joke is this? Is sh-

"hey!" Suddenly Shikamaru felt a sharp blow over his head. It was Ino."Stop drooling and make with the saving already!"

"Do you really want me to save your friend? I'm sure you'll do well without me"

"How dare you! I'm a very delicate lady!"

"yeah I'm sure you are"

'Delicate?! I'm sure you could kill a wild pig with your own bare hands' Shikamaru thought as he swam through the deep lake. And when he reached the tiny island, he saw a beautiful woman with long black hair getting herbs beside the tower. "Excuse me, miss? Do you know the lady from that tower?" Shikamaru asked. But the lady ignored him, He tried shouting, blackmail even begging. But still, the lady ignored him. "you know, he's not a woman" said a voice behind the black haired prince. When Shikamaru turned around he saw a bandaged guy with a large sword.

'She's a he?!'

"Hey Haku! This guy wants to talk to you" the man said. "By the way I'm Zabuza and this is my student, Haku" Zabuza gestured at the beautiful young man (I can't believe I'm typing this) Haku turned around at their direction and said "Yes what can I do for you, young sir?"

"I need to know how to get in the tower"


"I'm saving someone"


"A friend"

"Well then... You need to get us first"

Fight scene next chapter and Ino and Hinata's Flashbacks I'm moody today.... Darn them!!!!