Week of Mischief and Pain

Chapter 1- It All Begins

A/N: Ok so I had the idea to start this and I couldn't resist writing it. So this story is about Amy's old team and is also a way of introducing three of my brand new OC's. It's also a way of expressing some of my opinions. *wink wink* So on we go!

Oh, and WARNING: There will be some things said about some characters that won't be very nice ;)

And that is exactly why I'm saying, NO FLAMES!

Spring cleaning; just one of Amy Rose's many favorite times of year. She went about each chore with such enthusiasm and joy that it got to the point of it being unnatural. Today's work was almost complete, all the pink hedgehog had to do now was clean her room. She returned the broom, which she had used to sweep the roof (hey roofs can get pretty dirty) to it's respective closet and proceeded to skip down the recently cleaned hallway and into her bedroom. She flung open her door that was covered with various posters of boy bands and a certain blue hedgehog. She dropped her bucket that contained her cleaning supplies on the pink (ew) plush carpet. She then got down on her hand and knees and peered under her bed.

"Sheesh what a mess." she commented to no one in particular. She then began scooping out a year's worth of trash and dustbunnies out from under the bed when she hit her hand on something.

"Ouch!" she hissed as she recoiled her hand and rubbed it for a moment. She then reached back under the bed and pulled out what she suspected she had hit her hand on; a black, dust covered shoe box. She studied the outside of the box for a few moments, blinking away the dust in her eyes.

"Huh, I don't remember ever cleaning this, must have missed it." She thought as she opened the mystery box to reveal a small, black, walkie-talkie like device with a green "M" on the front. Amy's emerald eyes widened and a pang of sadness hit her. She picked up the device carefully and blew off the layer of dust that had settled on it as she ran her gloved fingers over the front of it. She got up from her crouched position on the floor and seated herself on the bed.

Turns out the small device was her old communicator from her old team before she formed Team Rose. (well do you think she just fell out of the sky?) It had been years since she talked to her old team. Last she checked they were pretty upset that she was leaving just for some guy-and the guy didn't even like her.

Suddenly Amy had an idea, "I know! I'll invite them over for lunch or something!"

Pleased with her decision, Amy replaced the communicator back in the box, which she then set on her night stand. She was about to get up and give her old team a call when she heard something moving on the bed behind her. She turned around and saw Cheese humping a stuffed Sonic doll.

"EW CHEESE! BAD! NO!" Amy scolded as she swatted Cheese off the bed. She cautiously picked up the doll with two fingers and held it at arm's length, she got up and walked to the laundry room. She decided after she washed mini-Sonic she would give her old friends a call.

A/N- Ok so this one was not very interesting but I plan to update every three days or so. R&R please and NO FLAMES!!!