hey everyone...this is my first ever fanfiction...please be kind. i dont own anything :)

The live in Privet Drive was going its normal way: the children were running around playing on the nearby playground, the adults were minding their own business and trying to do a good impression on their neighbours. Noone noticed the silvery grey tabby cat that was sitting in the drive way of Number 4 Privet Drive intensely watching its inhabitants.

Number 4 Privet Drive was home to the Dursley family, meaning Vernon, Petunia und Dudley Dursley. While Dudley and Vernon were fairly large, Petunia was quite the opposite being small and thin. And then there was a second boy, much smaller than any of the other ones living there. This small boy by the name of Harry Potter was the son of Petunia's sister Lily who had died when Harry had been one.

While the little tabby cat was watching the door suddenly opened and out came four year old Harry, carrying a waste bin. If the cat could have cried she would have for the sight she was met with broke her heart. Not only did Harry spot a black eye, but he had bruises all over his arms and legs and seemed to be in pain. On his way back up the drive way the cat could hear Uncle Vernon yell at Harry to hurry up and get in cause he still had lots of work to do. When Harry went through the door the little cat saw a fist swinging and Harry doubling over in pain.

It was in that moment that the small cat turned around and raced down the street.