This idea popped into my head. I'm not sure if I'll continue this. I might just leave it here. If I get a good amount of reviews asking me to continue, than maybe I will.

I should be working on History instead of this, but this is more fun.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh


My name is Ryou Bakura, and I'm in love with a boy named Yuugi Mutou. We only talk a little. I get too shy when I'm around others, so I usually just keep my distance. Yuugi usually hangs out with his friends Honda, Jou and Anzu. Even this guy named Otogi recently joined their "group." I wish I wasn't so shy so I could be around Yuugi more. Sometimes at lunch he'll come up and talk to me for a little and than go hang out with his friends. I don't think…his friends like me. If I dare to look up from my lunch occasionally, sometimes I'll see Jou or Honda just staring at me; it feels like they're trying to murder me with their own eyes. I could be wrong. I hope I'm wrong. But I feel like there's no other reason for them to be staring at me. Yes, I do have a low self-esteem. I'm what you call a "loner." Yuugi is probably the only person I talk to, but I wouldn't consider us friends. I don't think he would even consider us friends.

I feel like I'm obsessing over the short teen, but I really can't help it. I try all I can to pay attention during classes. I'm surprised that I even get good grades. Sometimes my thoughts will just trail off to Yuugi and me in my perfect fantasy world. The lowest grade I have is a B- because Yuugi is in my English class, and I tend to get distracted. I hate learning English. It's not like I'm going to pack up and head over to America, but we have to learn some kind of language, and I chose English.

I turn my head a little to my right, not all the way that it looks obvious that I'm looking at Yuugi, but just enough so that I can see him at the corner of my eyes. He was probably working on the English sentences that our sensei let us work on for fifteen minutes. I was already done. I don't know if they were right, but I just couldn't concentrate with Yuugi sitting next to me. I hated having feelings for the boy, but it's not like I chose to have these feelings.

Yuugi looked up and I found myself staring into his purple confused looking eyes. And that's when I noticed that I wasn't just looking at him from the corner of my eye, but now my head was turned all the way and I was staring straight at him. I must have done this when I was wrapped up in my thoughts. I quickly turn my head to look at my English assignment. I could feel the heat rushing to my face. That's one of the reasons why I hate being so pale-it's noticeable when I blush. I decided to pretend to work on my English assignment.

"Ryou," I hear Yuugi whisper. Oh no, is he going to ask me why I was looking at him? Well, better just get it over with.

I turn to face him and nod my head a little so he knew to ask me the question.

"What did you get for answer four?" Thank Ra.

I look back down at my paper to see what I have written. "I got I know that girl over there." Hopefully that was the correct answer. Yuugi obviously had gotten a different answer than me, because he was erasing whatever he had before.

"Times up," Our sensei spoke. He was going to say something else, but the bell rang and everyone started piling out of the room. "Don't forget to finish that worksheet if you haven't already."

"Hey Ryou?" I look to my right to see Yuugi walking next to me. He usually never talks to me after class. He's usually too busy rushing to his locker and meeting his friends outside. I didn't say anything, just waiting for him to speak. "Can I borrow your worksheet? I don't really understand this…" He trailed off.

"Oh..." I was hoping there was something else…"Sure." I ripped the paper out of my blue binder and hand it to the tri-colored hair boy.

"Thanks." He gave me one of his famous heart warming smiles than rushed off to his locker.

I just sigh. Better head to my own locker.

After throwing my school stuff into my locker, and placing what I needed into my bag, I walked out of the school doors. I usually just take my time so I don't get stuck in a big pile of people all trying to get out of the door at once.

It was sunny out, and I could feel the heat of the sun on my pale skin. The warm wind blew through my hair. I closed my eyes to admire the nice day. Then I heard my name. I look around to see Yuugi and his friends. He waved for me to come over and I shyly walked over to them.

"Hey, we're going to the arcade, wanna come?" I didn't even look at Yuugi when he asked, just stared at the ground. I would love to go, but I'm getting this vibe that the others don't want me to go. And maybe Yuugi is just being nice.

"No thanks. I have a lot of work to do at home. Thanks anyway." And with that said I started walking away. I heard Jounouchi say something like, "He thinks he's better than us." And Honda saying, "He's too different." That's when I started running away from the abusive phrases with tears trickling down my face.

They were right. I was different. Being shy was one of those differences. Maybe one day I'll be able to break out of my shell and than I'll be able to tell Yuugi how I really feel…

I made it to my front door. "Probably not…" I answered my thought as I walked into my lonely house.

The End?

Should I continue this or not? Review and let me know.