At one o'clock in the morning, Severus Snape could usually be found doing one of two things: sleeping or stalking the hallways.
However, today was not one of those days.
Today he had been summoned to the Headmaster's office.
Naturally, he'd expected the Headmaster to be there.
Unfortunately, said Headmaster was not.
Naturally, Severus Snape was not happy.
And a not-happy-Snape was a very-dangerous-Snape.
As Sirius Black, who had also been summoned, had found out. Said Black was nursing a broken nose, as a direct result of remarking that Severus looked like a vampire, and then inquiring whom Severus had transformed recently. Severus was well aware he'd be punished for breaking that nose ... and was rather looking forward to that punishment.
At present, Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black and Minerva McGonagall were all present in the room.
Minus, of course, the dratted Headmaster.
"If he does not reach here," Severus snarled, rising to his feet, as his voice broke the angry silence, "Within the next five seconds, I am leaving."
"No need for that, my dear boy!" chirped said Headmaster, bouncing, yes bouncing, into the room, despite that it was, at present, ten minutes past one o'clock in the morning.
The group of teachers and carers sighed as one.
"How many lemon drops have you had, Albus?" Minerva grumbled.
"I'm not sure, but that's of no concern," sang Albus. "What is of concern is the most wonderful idea I've had!" He dropped into his seat, grin on face.
Naturally, the other four men, and woman, were worried. And upset. And still very much annoyed.
"What's this wonderful idea you've had?" groused Lucius, though, if you asked him, he'd tell you that he'd do no such plebeian thing. "And why could it not wait 'till morning?"
At this point, it must be noted that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy were in much danger.
Harry, on top of the rather obvious danger he faced from a deranged mass murderer and his followers who were all desperate to kill him, had Cornelius Fudge, British Minister of Magic, wanting to adopt him. This was unpleasant. Fudge only wanted Harry for his popularity. (Surprisingly, Fudge disliked Harry.) And, well, Harry hated Fudge. One can see what would happen if Fudge were to adopt Harry.
(If one can't, one must understand that Harry, despite never having used the curse preciously, knew how to cast the Killing Curse, and was quite prepared to wield said curse on Fudge. Obviously, Britain losing its Minister of Magic in the midst of a Wizarding War would not be all that wonderful (not that they would throw Harry into Azkaban for killing Fudge).)
Draco was in danger from Voldemort. Lucius, Draco's father, had just swapped sides, from Voldemort to Dumbledore, not that many people knew this. Lucius, unfortunately, was unpleasantly aware that one day, he'd have to present his son to Voledmort, and let his son take the Dark Mark. Neither men wanted this. (Much of this had to do with the fact that both were horribly aware that Voldemort would happily take Draco as his bed toy.) Naturally, both wanted to avoid this fate for Draco.
And Dumbledore was aware of both boys' problems.
And he'd found a way to solve them.
He spelled this 'brilliant' plan out.
"Let's get Harry and Draco married!"
There was silence.
"To whom?" Minerva asked suspiciously, quenching the feminine girl inside her who jumped at the chance to see, and hopefully organise, a wedding. Preferably weddings.
"Each other, of course!"
Silence once again reigned.
"What you mean to say," Sirius snarled, "is that the two biggest rivals of this school should get married, to each other?"
Minerva fainted.
Severus, thanking his renowned ability to compose himself even in the worst of situations, very calmly, despite his inner shock, reached for the bottle of whiskey handily sitting on the table, and poured himself, Sirius and Lucius a rather full glass each.
After downing the glass in one large gulp, Sirius wiped his mouth, ignoring Lucius's glare, and turned his darkest glare (learnt from Severus and therefore extremely powerful) on the Headmaster.
"THAT'S PREPOSTEROUS!" Sirius yelled.
"Congratulations on the use of a word longer than two syllables," drawled Severus, unable to pass up the opportunity to tease the Animagus, who snarled at him. "But, for once, I agree. Black, in an once-in-a-lifetime moment of intelligence, has said something correct."
Sirius aimed a swat at Severus, but missed.
"It's not that bad, actually," mused Lucius. "It's quite a strong marriage. Fudge would never dare go against the Malfoy Family, which Potter would be a part of. On top of that, it's not a particularly shameful marriage, and the Dark Lord would never dream of touching my son if he was married to Potter."
"Yes, but they'd kill each other within five minutes of being married!" Minerva protested. "Maybe not even that!"
"I'm sure we can arrange for something in the contract."
"ALBUS!" Minerva snarled. "I will not let you force Harry to marry Malfoy!"
"Myself, or my son?" asked Lucius snidely. "Because I assure you, I am very much already married."
"Your son, you idiot!"
Lucius smiled, again. "As well as that, you have no say in this. You cannot stop this marriage. Only Potter's guardians can, or myself. I am quite happy to allow this marriage to proceed. Black?"
Dumbledore had removed Harry from the Dursley's care, when Harry had, once again, run away from the house. Dudley and Vernon had nearly raped him.
Sirius sighed. "Do I really have a choice?" Albus smiled. Sirius scowled.
"No," Lucius replied, almost cheerfully.
"Redundant question, you moron," Sirius growled. Lucius smiled. "I suppose so."
Even if he had never embraced pureblood traditions, Sirius had certainly learnt most, if not all, of them. He knew that, despite his misgivings, this marriage was certainly a strong marriage. If they could keep the two from killing each other for a year, until Harry turned seventeen (the legal age to marry was fifteen), and until Voldie-poo (as Harry had childishly started calling one of the mist feared wizards in history) was defeated, then everyone would benefit.
Of course, it was easier said than done.
But, he supposed, they'd find a way. The marriage did not have to be consummated… And ... There was always divorce…
A/N: Uh. Yeah. Review, please, and I'll put up the next chapter...