Author's Note: Mmm… hot marauder orgy. :P I've been looking forward to writing this one for a while now, and I'm happy with the results. It's actually a little tamer than I anticipated, but I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless! And now that this one's done, there are only two more drabbles to go in this miniseries, and they'll both be posted tomorrow. :) 'Til then, I hope this tides you over! Hehe!

Disclaimer: The characters and settings used in this story belong to the illustrious J.K. Rowling. I may have taken slight liberties with their personalities and/or appearances, and I mean no harm whatsoever by doing so. No copyright infringement is intended and absolutely no money is being made by my writing this.

James, Remus, and Sirius — Friday

Friday night was always orgy night for the three hot marauders, and that Friday was no different. The three boys kicked Peter out of the dorm and proceeded to ravish one another.

Normally, they all made their rounds of pleasuring one another, but thanks to the prize Remus won for getting James his drink the previous weekend, he was the center of attention in this week's Friday night fun.

James sucked him off not once or twice, but three separate times that night, while Sirius alternated between fucking him and fucking James.

Remus thought it was their best orgy yet.