Two boys were sitting in the lounge on one of the couches doing homework. It was very late, well, for the vampire fledglings that is. One boy was slight and had dark circles under his eyes, his blonde hair slightly mussed with frustration. The other boy, Damien was leaning over the blonde on, Jack, looking at his progress.
"No, you do it like this." said Damien, taking his pencil and carefully erased Jack's scrawl and demonstrated the correct method.
"Oh! Now it makes more sense. Thank you for helping me, with that big test in a few days, I would be.... in trouble." Jack said, yawning.
"You are very welcome!" Damien said while hugging Jack, "You seem tired, you should go to bed." Damien suggested with slight worry.
"I am fine!" Jack said chuckling, "I just need to finish this up." Jack gestured to his half finished homework.
"Really? You look so tired with those dark circles under your eyes. You've been studying so much you have not been getting enough sleep. You should at least relax." Damien kissed Jack's head affectionately.
"But I will get even more tired if I stop working and..." Jack gave a huge yawn, interrupting his argument.
"It sounds like you need to sleep. Sleep is better for a test than studying if you had to choose between the two you know." Damien said while gently lifting Jack up into the standing position.
"I can stand by myself you know." Jack said.
"I know, but I wanted to make sure you would go to bed and not pass out on the couch." Damien said, a laugh hidden in his voice.
"Damien, thank you for staying up late too, I know how hard you have been working, and I really appreciate it that you help me." Jack said softly.
"I love helping you, I love the way your face lights up when you figure something out that you did not get before. I love the way you yawn ever so cutely every once in a while." Damien said, slowly walking to jack's room, partially carrying the slight, blonde boy.
"Damien," Jack said, stopping just outside his door, whispering as to not wake anyone else up. Damien turned his head to look at Jack when his lips were captured by Jack's. Damien's eyes widened slightly, but then settled closed, enjoying the kiss. Jack's arms wrapped around his neck and played with the short hair. Damien sighed into the kiss, it was longer than the others, but he didn't mind. He put his hands on Jack's waist, enjoying the kiss that was steadily getting deeper. Then realization came to Damien that they were in a hallway where anyone could come walking out of any door. Damien tensed up then slowly pulled away. Jack put his head on Damien' s chest while hugging him.
"Jack?" Damien whispered roughly, "Good night, hon." Damien planted a kiss on Jack's crescent moon and hugged him tightly.
"Goodnight Damien," Jack whispered softly back, "See you in the morning." Then Jack turned around and went into his room, the door making a soft click as it closed. Damien sighed and turned to his room, smiling slightly at the memory of their first long kiss. He went to bed, the door making the same soft click behind him.