


Mrs. Cullen26

2 way past cool





Zuka The Devil

Kisshu Chan






Sonamy Lover 13




Fireflies Glow




All The Things Touki Said




moonlight sun manga




Pai turned rapidly to the Mews and Tart. "This team is falling apart at the seams. But we have fight and we have to win." There was s brief silence. "I have a plan" he said quickly. "We must weaken Deep Blue. If that is done then his immune system shall go haywire and his cells will be frail. We attack then with the poison."

Ichigo stepped forward suddenly but said nothing at first. Her yes flooded with tears, she stared. Kish was already gone. All she had to do was look up at that building and there stood Deep Blue. It was certain he was gone. They had no choice but to shoot. It would kill Deep Blue. But…what about Kish. Could Kish make it? She had always had doubted it before. Maybe…maybe she was only putting down the plan. Maybe it would work. But ever since Masaya's death she hadn't had much trust in anything. How could she live if Kisshu dies though? She couldn't. But she had to try. Pai had done the same. He had put all his trust in Kish even though it might take his life. She had as well. She had to be strong and trust.

Crying, Ichigo nodded. "Let's do it…"

Pai nodded too. "Everyone, let's go…" At once, all but Lettuce drew their weapons. Clasping her small hands on Pai, Lettuce said. "Pai – someone ha to get that gun! I-I'll do it!"

Pai didn't hesitate to refuse her proposal. However, he did one thing before leading the charge. Pulling her in, Pai kissed her passionately on the lips. Lettuce whimpered as he pulled out and yelled at the others. "Everyone! Let's go save Kisshu!"

At once everyone took off for their duties.


Chapter 25

Bravely, Lettuce's smooth, fish-like body dived into the water. The water hit and winded her like a bullet so badly she thought she would faint. Leaking into clothes and freezing her chest, the icy waters made Lettuce queasy. Squinting and, after momentarily gaining conscience, she looked swiftly around her. It was next to impossible to see due to the darkness. But she had to find the gun. As she swam rapidly downward, her ears and head began to ach. How deep was she? Alertly, her half-open green eyes scanned the cold, wet darkness for the gun. She still didn't see it. She had to hurry for her air was running out.

Outstretching her arms, she was relieved when she felt a sandy ground. The bottom – she found the bottom. Feeling around, she felt her lungs go dry and call for oxygen. They were throbbing in her esophagus for it. Her heart began to take speed as she felt around more. Her hands dug into the sand only find shells. She was almost out of air. She had to go back to the surface.

At last. Lettuce's spirit leaped from within her when she felt it. Though she couldn't see it, Lettuce gripped it as tightly as she could and, springing with her feet, swam as fast as she could to surface. It was both tedious and terrifying. She could see air and get it by just keep swimming. But air was nearly gone. All her senses were telling her to breath. She knew she had to – she was trying to get up. She wasn't going t make it. Was she going to drown? No. Ichigo and Pai were counting on her. She couldn't let them down. Jerking and swimming with all her might, Lettuce's eyes teared under the deep blackness. Faster and faster she saw and swam and swam until-

Lettuce burst from the water, filling her lungs with icy air. She was coughing and her bare arms and face stung. After jumping into the water then resurfacing during the dead of winter was close to suicide. Shivering tremendously, Lettuce whimpered and cried as she stroked herself over to the meddle dock. She didn't even stop to look at the gun in her white hand. Climbing up in a soaked outfit, she rolled over on her back. Wheezing for air, she turned her wet head of green hair to glance at her object. There it was - the shiny metal gun wet cold. She had done it. She had gotten it. Lettuce felt extremely feverish.

Causing her to jump to be sitting up, she heard a thunderous explosion of a building. Fare in the distance, she saw the top half of it falling and burst into flames. Trying to avoid it, she saw her team that was tiny because of the gap between her and them. She heard screams and yells, attacks and colorful flashes. She didn't see Deep Blue though. All she saw was what looked like a human Sonic the Hedgehog. It was to fast to stop. He flew and attacked too quickly. Already, she felt overwhelmed from watching. How could they win?

Standing and still trembling, she looked ahead and pulled out her weapon. "I'm coming, Ichigo. I'm coming...Pai…"


Due to the poring rain and the fire department, the scorching flames were soon under control. As for the people, may were still unreachable. Though many had died, more victims seemed to be injured rather then dead.

Relentlessly, The Mews and two aliens watched. Through the entire thing, Keiichiro had watched on edge with the footage Masha had. As for Ryou, he was doing his service by helping people who were trapped or hurt.

The Mews were utterly exhausted and deeply wounded. Bruises were black and blood was ripely colored n all their bodies. Every mussel and every inch of skin seemed damaged. They were three fourths of the way frozen and stiff. As well, they all were close to passing out. Even the powerful Pai himself felt faintish. But none of them gave up. They would fight even if it meant their lives. Isn't that was Tokyo Mew Mew fought for? Isn't that what any team fought for? They wouldn't give in to agony. The girls screamed and used their roughest attacks. However, Deep Blue wasn't relenting in any way possible toward them. Though the rain would wash away the poring red on their skin, they blood would always seep out again. More and more blood was being lost. When ever a hand was free, pressure was pout on their personal wounds to hopefully contain the amounts of gushing blood. It did some good.

For hours they fought with their inhuman strengths against the walking, sapphire hell, Deep Blue. His lashes across their bodies were unbearable and cut the girls and aliens like butter. They were through with dodges. They couldn't surrender an attack to not get hit themselves. Better wounded themselves to assure he was wounded. Over and over the technique was preformed until they were in their gory state. Yet they kept on until he took breathers…until he took a five second retreats…until he slowed his pace…until he avoided more then attacked…until he was weakened.

The more changes Deep blue went through the more pain arose in them. They were attacking Kish all this time? Was he feeling the same pain Deep Blue was? Was he really the clay that reformed Deep Blue's body? They preyed he wasn't. And through it all, Ichigo pushed back her tears and aching heart. She fought just as determinedly as Pai did. But for her it wasn't a brother she was killing…but her love. Ichigo's one and true love in the entire world…Kisshu. It had to be close to the time of the firing bullet. Would Ichigo be warned… or would Pai just shoot? Could Kish fight it? She would be responsible for agreeing with them to shoot Kish. It would be her fault if Kish…if he…he…

Ichigo's pain shoved the though away. It was maddening how her legs hurt. She dare not look down at them to see the bruises and blood. Sometimes she thought she was just going to go insane and start rolling and screaming. Hanison had disappeared soon after all of them started attacking Deep Blue. Had she died…or did she just run out of fear? Did that mean they were really pushing through this? Were they…winning…?

Mint let out a scream as her navy slight ripped like a pinned butterfly's. Unable to fly at the second, she cried as she began to fall. Surprising her, a swift moving purple light caught her. Mint gasped to see Zakuro, no, her older sister. She smiled and Zakuro nodded. "You alright…?" Mint nodded and couldn't help bur smile. "…Then let's tell Ichigo you and I are ready for it…"

Mint nodded and, wincing, made herself fly. "Ichigo!' her voice called, exasperated. "You ready for it?"

She nodded back and began to glow. As the area around Ichigo turned black, she began to absorb the small colorful orbs that hit her like waves of heat. Looking down to her Strawberry Bell Bell, it began to glow as well. As the other Mews took deep breaths, their bodies lit with colorful flames and they began to float. All light seem to transfer into Ichigo's body and before them all she glistened like the midnight light of Tokyo city. Shadows caressed the girls and aliens as Ichigo lit into Pink flames. A of shimmering pink radiance lit in her gloved hands as she outstretched her arms upward. Standing on her tiptoes, she posed as a ballerina and swayed back and fourth in a sort of dance as the shine increased and stole the darkness. There before everyone's eyes the beam in her hands burst pick streaks that towered into sky.


Before the Mews and two aliens, crowds that watched in amazement went wild. From past battles, they knew how incredibly rare and immensely strong this attack was. Cheering, the hundreds of screamed. "TOKYO MEW MEW! TOKYO MEW MEW! TOKYO MEW!" The roars increase so loudly that you could barley understand what they cheered. It sounded more like thunder then voices.

Facing Deep Blue, Ichigo took a deep breath and screamed. "Pai - be ready!" Everyone applauded and cried out as Ichigo made the final attack. "RIBBON!! STRAWBERRY CHECK SURPRISE!!" Yellow and pink lights exploded before all of Tokyo with an echo like thunder. Ichigo, the Mews and the two aliens landed on the ground safely while shielding their eyes. All they saw was the shadow of Deep Blue into the destructing light.

As the light died away, they saw he was gone…

All of them, especially Ichigo, began to panic. Where was he? How could they shoot him if was gone. Surly, he couldn't be dead. Tears rolled down Ichigo's flushed cheeks as she screamed so loud it injured her lungs. "KISH! WHERE ARE YOU! I SAID WHER ARE YOU!" He voice was sickly screeching like a dying shrew. Her eyes wide, she kept crying out in a horrified voice. "KISH!! WHERE ARE YOU! COME BACK! KISH! KISH! KIIISSSHHH!"

Suddenly, though he looked extremely frail, the towering blue cloaked alien appeared directly in front of Ichigo. Before she could fully realize it, his rough fist knocked her in the face and sent her to the ground. Ichigo winced and cried as she held her red cheek.

Deep Blue didn't let a moment go to waste as he raised his raised his nine feet blade and sent it down to slay Ichigo. Ichigo's eyes shut tightly as she turned her face away and screamed. "KKKKIIISSSSHHH!!" Ichigo heard a sound but presently didn't understand it.

Her death did not follow her cry. Ichigo heard the metal clang of the cloaked alien dropping his sword. Slowly, she opened her eyes to see his own wide and white. However, they didn't meet with hers, but rather straight ahead into nothingness. As well, she saw how much he was trembling. As he started to uncontrollably float up, the person behind him became visible as if Deep Blue were a rising person.

Pai – it was Pai. Only instead of the usual Pai there she took notice of the horrifying difference. He had a used gun point. He had shot Deep Blue in the back.

Ichigo couldn't move and couldn't hear. Her hear beats were clogging up her cat ears. Deep like a radio bass, Ichigo whimpered and watched with wide spilling teared eyes. Turning her eyes back to Deep Blue, everyone saw as his body started pulsing. Belting around his body in a circle, electricity struck into his fingers and mouth. Once it had entered inside him, the voltage shifted all through out his body as Deep Blue screamed the one he had when he first come. His flesh and skin changed rapidly from white to red and his eyes began to water. He closed them tightly only to feel an even worse pain. He jerked and squirmed as if he were attempting to get out of something imaginary. Drooling, blood poured from his eyes as he screamed even louder.

Ichigo seem to feel the exact pain herself. But it was working - they were killing Deep Blue for real this time.

Ichigo gasped when a black spray of dust engulfed Deep Blue and there was a vast yellow flare. As it slowly began to dissolve away, Ichigo's eyes widened at what she saw. Kish. There was Kish floating in Deep Blue's place. At that moment all of them knew…

…Deep Blue was dead…

Kish wasn't moving. He just floated in the air, still with closed eyes. However, you could see his chest moving…he was breathing. He was alive. Was that it? Was he okay? Was he-

There was the horror filled cry of Hanison. "NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Before any of them could act, they saw Hanison's body set into burgundy flames and she raised her knife and came crashing through air, ready to plunge it into Kish's head. Ichigo screamed Kish's name but before she knew how to move, Pi had already acted with desire to end her life. Appearing behind her, Pai grabbed her, seized the dagger and plunged it into Hanison's breast. Lettuce, guessing what was to happen, had shut her eyes and looked away. There as a long silence. In his arms, dead, Pai closed his own eyes, solemnly. Slowly, he withdrew the knife covered in the richest and tissue-filled blood. He didn't wish to see it. Dropping the knife, Pai carried her over to the top of a building and put her down. Laying her down, he sighed. She was dead…and never again would they have to deal with her.

Surprising him, he felt a small hand on his shoulder. As he turned, he saw Lettuce looking up at him. Behind her, were Tart and the girls. Except Ichigo, that is. All she did was gaze at the still Kish in the air. He seemed so peaceful there. Was he…alright?

Ichigo put a clenched fist to her chest. Her heart was still pounding. Something wasn't right. Something just couldn't be-

In the blink of an eye, the exact same thing that happened to Deep Blue was occurring to Kish - the skin changing color, the bloody tears, the pulsing body and so on. However, he was jerking even more. His eyes still closed, Ichigo's face overflowed with horror as Kish started to scream and look as if he was fighting air.

She had to get help. What could she do? The poison – it was the poison. She knew it. He couldn't fight it. Was this it? Was this really happening? Kish...was he…was he…

Ichigo screamed as Kish's floating ended. Down he fell to the ground. Ichigo had to catch him. The fall could make his state so much worse. But she couldn't move. She couldn't speak. She couldn't' even scream for help. How could this be happening?

"TIME!" she thought to herself. "Please rewind! Please undo yourself! Time, please, I'm begging! God, stop this!"

Ichigo's hands flew to her mouth when Kish hit the ground. There is no other sound in the world as disturbing as a person's body slamming against the ground. It wasn't like in comical cartoons where they just get up. It was as if it was 9/11 where people literally jumped out of windows and crashed into the ground. A noise like that can't really be explained that well. Only those who heard the sound you understand it. It was firm and rough.

However, Kish was still moving. He was pulsing and screaming from electricity within his body. The poison was literally frying his heart, mind and internals.

Her hands still over her mouth, Ichigo whimpered hen her no longer numb fingers felt her soft lips. Suddenly, she remembered she had a mouth to speak words. Finally, she screamed out in a voice of what sounded like it hadn't been used. "K-KISH! HELP!"

Ichigo found she could walk, as well. She could run. Faster then she had ever done in her life, Ichigo simply ran for Kish. Her vision shook as her wobbly, running steps were uneasy. She ran. That's all she could do. The closer she came, the sicker she felt. Kish was rolling like a dying rodent. He screamed and clutched the ground as hard as he could but the pain wouldn't stop.

Sliding onto her knees and scrapping them all up, Ichigo knelt over Kish with a freaked face. Screaming his name, her hands trembled more then she ever remembered. As for heart, it was skipping beats constantly. Her entire breast ached that she had to grunt in-between her cries.

"KISH!" She wasn't crying as in just tears rolling down. It was more like a two year-old where she sobbed and actually cried. "KISSHU!! S-stay with me! F-fight i-it! You can do it! I-I'm here for you!"

Kish's bleeding eyes opened slightly as he jerked and vibrated. His golden orbs were stained with red tears and he cried. Coughing blood, he rasped in-between grunts. "I-I-chigo… I…I'm g-going to d-die…" The blood tears spilled down his cheeks as he squinted them. Opening them only made the pain worsen. Closing them, he still pulsed and screamed.

"N-no! Open your eyes, K-K-Kish! Y-you're not going to d-die!"

The Mews and two aliens chorused, terrifyingly. "ICHIGO!" Rushing over, they gathered around. Pai got o the other side of Kish and acted without hesitation. "Kish, try to stay still! Don't jerk!"

"I-i-it's hurts…hurts…!! EEErrraaahhh!!" He cried in agony.

Pressing his hands on Kish's chest, he tried to keep him still. The more he moved the more the poison would spread. "I know it does – I know it hurts!" Pai rasped, acting calm. "But you have to stay calm! You have to stop moving! Understand? KISH! Kish! KEEP BREATHING! NO, Kish! WAKE UP!"

"KKKIIISSSHHHUUU!!!" Ichigo screamed louder and more disturbing then she ever heard. Tart flinched out of his frozenness at it. It sounded like how a mother would take out her anger if she had never talked about how her innocent baby died.

Pai kept screaming. "KISH! STSY WITH US! ICHIGO'S HERE! WAKE UP! WE'RE ALL HER! I-I'M HERE! FIGHT IT, KISSHU!" Kish was still pulsing only it was lessoning. He wasn't jerking as much either. "No, Kisshu! Fight it! NO! NO! KISH! NO!!"

With one last rough breath, Kish's chest raised high and, in an instant, fell.

Ichigo screamed in horror. "PAI – WHAT'S HAPPANING?! KISH? KISH! KISH!!" Roughly, Zakuro snatched Ichigo's arms and pulled her away from Kish's lifeless body. With all her might, she tried to constrain her. "N-NO! L-LET ME GO! KISSHU!! KKKIIISSSHHH!!" Breaking free, she collapsed on top of Kish's cold body. Feeling his temperature, she flinched and broke into choking sibs. "KISH! KISH! DON'T LEAVE ME DON'T!! KISH!"

All around Kish, the girls stood freaked. Into Lettuce, Tart cried and she did too. Pudding whimpered, in shock. Too stunned, Mint gazed at Ichigo. Again, Zakuro tried to grab Ichigo. However, Ichigo wouldn't be hold back.

Teary eyed, Lettuce's emerald eyes glanced at Pai. Giving up on the pressure on Kish, he leaned back a bit. Never in her life had she seen that expression. Pai hadn't any thoughts. He saw himself as nothing but a failure to Kish's life.

"LEAVE ME!" Ichigo screamed. "LEAVE ME!!"

Zakuro cast Pai a glance, staying they needed to get out of here. It wasn't goo for Tart and Pudding. Catching it, Pai looked again at Kish's closed eyes and his pale body. "Kisshu…" he thought with a throbbing heart.

As Lettuce took Pudding by the hand, she followed behind Zakuro slowly. After taking a moment, Pai stood and swiftly moved toward Tart. Kniowing tart would start screaming now, he roughly grabbed him and against his will, dragged him away.

"No! Wait! Kish! Kish!" Tart shouted.

In contrast, Mint stayed and gawked at Ichigo. Simply standing there, she listened to the sobbing girl. Her closest friend was in the deepest pain. Never again would anything be the same for her. Not only that but for all of them. Ichigo was a different girl now.

Reaching, Mint gently touched Ichigo's shoulder. With a grunt, Ichigo swung her hand around to slap Mint away, hardly. "Leave me! Go away! GO!!"

Mint stared at her emotionally. Ichigo hadn't ever turned her away – she always welcomed and encouraged her. Sighing, Mint turned away. "…Alright…Ichigo…" Slowly, she joined the group and they were all soon out of sight.

The rain continued to pour down. More and more, Ichigo cried into Kish's cold chest. How? Was this…really real? Was Kish really dead? He couldn't be – it didn't make sense in her head. Kish was always so…alive…energetic and loving. Drenched in passion, he was always talking and smirking. And the golden eyes that glistened like two suns… How could he be…dead? Kish was dead. And why…?

Because of her agreement to shoot him. She let Pai do it. Kish had been in such agony. What was she supposed to do? Just move on? No - that wasn't possible. How you could she get over the deaths of two major influences in her life, all happening in a mere few months? She couldn't. She wanted Kish…she ached for Kish. He wasn't…really dead…was he…?

Ichigo broke into deeper sobs. Yes - he was. Kish…her Kish…was dead. Dead. Dead. DEAD. And he wouldn't ever come back to her – ever.

Though at first she was to numb and upset to notice, she eventually did. The rain…above her had stopped. It was on her. Sniffing, Ichigo's blurry eyes looked up for a moment to see it was still raining heavily. Was she going mad and just couldn't feel it? But she heard it. For some peculiar reason it simply wasn't raining on her. Why? Did it matter? Bursting into tears again, Ichigo gripped tightly to Kish's shirt and screamed while looking up. "Why? WHY!"

Seeing what she did, Ichigo gasped in a mousey sort of way. What was it? Whatever it was is what was keeping her dry. It was so bright and familiar. Insider, it made her feel incredibly protected – as if Kish was alive and right next to her. Wait…Kish was right next to her…and alive. At hat instant, Ichigo knew what it was.

"…The Wish…" she said in an upset whisper.

The shimmering, sweet glow of it made her sow arm. She could feel again as well be dry. Her pink eyes glistened as she gazed up at it in wonder. Shakily, she slowly stood up. It was so much bigger then when she first saw it. It had grown so greatly. Trembling, Ichigo's hands reached out for it. For Kish. Like a puppy, she thought it would run but, amazingly, she felt it within her grasp. Cautiously, she brought it down, remembering to remain calm and focused.

Just as she reached a suitable level, the rain began to soak her again. Bit it didn't matter. Was this real? She had the Wish. Alarming her, there was a warm, white flash and Ichigo covered her eyes. Maybe it was all a dream – maybe she would wake up now.

"Ichigo Momontoya…" The voice was unlike anything Ichigo had ever heard. It was female only slightly deep. Beautifully, it also appeared extremely kind. Somewhat afraid, Ichigo removed her hands and her pink eyes opened.

There was a girl who could not be aged. She appeared so young but her feature sand voice sound inhumanly wise. Clothes in white and yellow, her pale blue eyes glistened as she looked at Ichigo.

"I am a Wish…merely the fifth of my kind. Not only was I blessedly lucky to be born…but was I to live. Few have." Openeing her arms, she smiled and her blond hair that reached her ankles became more noticeable. "I am here to grant your one Wish in or not of th world. What might that be…?"

Ichigo's eye widened and merely stood with a tear stained face. Lightly, she breathed. "…Are you real…?"

She smiled. "…Yes, Ichigo. Yes, I am real. As real as you…and Kish was…" Ichigo gasped back tears that came at the mention of his name.

"He's dead!" she wept. "He's dead and he'll never come back!"

Coming over, the girl placed a hand on Ichigo's shoulder. "…Not by the wish of a star…not by a prayer. Oh, but, Ichigo…do you not see…?" Growing her hand, a small light formed. As she took both of Ichigo's trembling hands, they suddenly warmed and dried. Amazingly, Ichigo's entire outfit and body was mended and made new. Surrendering the light into Ichigo's hands, she helped her support it. "…You hold fate in your hands…"

Mystified, Ichigo took a step backward and gasped faintly. "…What is this…?" she asked while wiping her eyes.

Again, she smiled at Ichigo. "The fate of person you choose is resting in your hands. You make the Wish and it will be granted. You are blessed, you see? You must choose wisely. Now what is your Wish?..."

Ichigo's eyes strayed to her hands. Shimmering, she couldn't help but smile at its warmth and beauty. There it centered in her silky, red Mew gloves. Kish's fate over everyone else's in her heart was what really mattered. There was nothing to consider. How could she be so blessed? Did she really deserve this? What had she done that was so great? In her head, Ichigo suddenly heard the voices of all her friends.

Lettuce: "You fight for what you believe in."

Zakuro: "You reached out to me when I didn't even know I wanted others..."

Pudding: "You're making my life a better experience! I want to be like you!"

Ryou: "You're a good person, Ichigo."

Keiichiro: "Everyone loves you."

Pai: "You know what is right."

Tart: "For an old hag you sure have a lot of guts."

Mint: "You challenge me."

Kish: "Kitten…you're simply a hassle…and I adore you for it…"

Ichigo's eyes shot up to meet with the girl. She knew her Wish. There really was nothing to consider. Maybe many fates were in her hands…but inside and out only one mattered. Kish's fate. Ichigo's face broke and she smiled, joyfully as a tear streamed down her cored cheek. "Kish's fate…is in my hands. The one I love with all my heart, soul and mind!" As she seemed to brighten as much as the girl, she went on. "I know my Wish! I know was it is I most desire! Kish! It's Kisshu!"

The girl beamed and turned to go. "My dear Ichigo…then you have but to wish it…" The voice echoed in Ichigo's jet cat eras as she vanished into the heavenly lights around them.

Slowly, Ichigo gazed passionately down at Kish's fate. How soothing it was. She had nothing to fear…for Kish was with her. As her pink eyes sparkled and her cheeks flushed rosily, she smiled her brightest smile. "Kish…I Wish for Kish to return to me!"

In her face, the light glimmered and blew up. A wonde4rful sensation filled he heart and body as waves of warmth brushed against her bare body. Closing her eyes, she felt herself being carried off. Stretching, she tiredly swam through the safe, secure clouds of light. She could hear Kish's voice…everything he had ever said to her going through her head. Kish. Kish was coming back. As Ichigo floated, she heard the soothing voice of the Wish girl one last time.

"Ichigo…you wish for Kish's resurrection... and so it shall be."


Ichigo herd seagulls. Moaning, she began to stir from her smiling sleep. Why did she fell so…warm…? Opening her eyes, Ichigo was nearly blinded by the bright, perfectly warm sun. As she sat up quickly, Ichigo saw she was on a beach. Not any beach though, the most beautiful one in the world. The waters were crystal blue and the sand a rich yellow. She noticed she was lying on a big, soft, fleece blanket. It was her favorite fabric.

She was dressed her school uniform. Looking beside her, Ichigo found a black bikini with an adorable little water skirt. Turning to check behind her, she saw no one was in sight and there was a dressing-house. Quickly, she got up. She was just so tired of winter that she had to go swimming.

Snatching her suit, Ichigo rushed over to the dressing room. A moment later, Ichigo existed to find her entire body warming up. How good the sun felt. Barefoot, Ichigo giggled as she rushed over to the blanket and rolled onto like she was a cat. It tickled the spots of her bare body and made her blush. With a sigh, she wondered where she was and how she had gotten here.

Then Ichigo started to remember. Kish…she wished for him to come back…so…where was he? Did it…not work…? Was he still…still-

"You aren't by any chance having second thoughts, are you?" Ichigo heard the honey-sounding, hot voice of him and then a smirk.

Due to Ichigo's heart skipping seven beats, she couldn't even speak at first. Turning over, getting on her hands and knees, Ichigo looked up. Leaned against a palm tree, Ichigo saw him. Her face naturally burned and her heart leaped with a joy she couldn't explain. As her eyes watered she opened her mouth to only whimper. She couldn't get up until she saw Kish move. She had to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Flashing her his warm grin, he got up and took a few steps. Reaching out a hand, he said. "…You're not dreaming. Come here, kitty."

Ichigo's face and body was over whelmed with emotion as she stumbled to her feet and ran fro him. However, before Ichigo could reach him, he vortexed in front of her so she collided into him. In the process, Kish connected their lips with a pleasure filled, perfectly happy moan. Ichigo squeaked as her bikinied body was pressed into Kish's body. He was just as warm as the sand. Deeper and deeper Kish kissed her, using his tongue to romanticize her further. As his arms slithered around her bare waist, he tilted her backwards a bit. Wrapping her own arms around Kish's neck, his hair tickled her smooth, baby-skinned arms.

Breaking the kiss, Kish smiled brightly. "Man, after I got you that bikini and everything. What do I have to do to make you kiss me for once?"

Giggling, Ichigo swooped back in and stole a firm, deep kiss. Shocking Kish, she used she tongue and, even in his wildest imaginations, surprised Kish by it tasting and feeling better then anything ever known to alien or humankind. Still hanging on his neck, Ichigo pulled Kish deeper into the kiss. Unfortunately, Kish's smirk broke it.

Giggling, Ichigo blushed. "You don't need to ever buy me anything ever again, Kish!"

Grinning, he asked, temptingly. "Then what do you want?"

Lightly, Ichigo bonked Kish on the head. "Explanations, silly! Where am? What happened? Are the others okay?" Smirking, Kish picked Ichigo up bridal style. "Guess we'll have to wait before swimming, then." Carrying her over to the blanket, He set her down and got next to her.

"Alrighty then, kitty-cat. I'll update you." She blushed. "You're on a beach in Hawaii to start with…a private one of a wealthy family that just moved. No one has bought it yet so I thought it would be perfect for…heh, to two of us." Ichigo's eyes widened. Hawaii? "As for what happened: Tokyo is already building itself back after the attacks and they are completely worshiping you and your team. Hey, you won't believe it. They are making a statue of Tokyo Mew Mew for all tourists to see."

Ichigo gasped with excitement. "Really? Oh my god, that's incredible!"

Kish smirked. "Imagine that, my kitten is an even bigger celebrity. Now where was I? Oh yeah. Hanison was taken care of according to Pai and Deep Blue is permanently dead."

Squealing, Ichigo hyperactively leaped onto Kish and embraced him. "Oh, Kish! I'm so happy! I'm so glad you're free and alright!" Cuddling into him, she moaned, contently.

Kish let her stay against him but went on. "As for the rest of the gang…Mint wanted me to tell you that she'd taking modeling lessons from Zakuro and will be more famous then you." He smirked. "I doubt that. My kitty is the leader of Tokyo Mew Mew, isn't she?" She giggled. "Pai and Lettuce went on their first date to a restaurant with plastic cups so she couldn't' break them. Ryou and Keiichiro are presently taking a vacation from the café but plan on opening in the spring. Who else? Oh yeah, my midget friend, tart. Pudding kissed him and I got to see it. I have teasing rights for a whole year now so he's going to be pretty mad at me." Again, Ichigo giggled.

"When did all this happen?" she asked.

Kish rubbed her head of soft scarlet hair. "With all the stress of this you slept for two days. I just brought you here this morning, ya know? I thought you would never wake up."

Ichigo raised an eyebrow. "Wow…none I feel like I had such a great catnap…"

"Catnap?" Kish scoffed, loudly. "You slept enough to be called a mummy!" Ichigo blushed and cuddled closer.

"I could do it again right now…" She moaned with an adorable smile as her dark, thick eyelashes fluttered. Then she gazed up at Kish, lovingly. Kish smirked down at her. "Now what…?" she asked softly.

Kish scooped up a handful of sand and, unseen to her moved it close. Moving in her face, Kish whispered romantically. "Now we kiss more…" Ichigo blushed as he moved in to do so. As her eyes shut, Kish smirked. Quickly, he dumped the sand down her bikini top.

Ichigo screamed and pulled away, startled and embarrassed. "KISH! AH! That is so mean!" Rolling on his back, Kish laughed hysterically.

"But it was funny!"

Glaring, she laughed evilly. "That's it! You're going to pay, Kisshu!" Quickly, Kish got up and ran as Ichigo chased him. "Come back, you coward!" Ichigo laughed as she went after him. "Kish! I'm going to get you, I sea I am!"

"No you won't!" Kish laughed. Appearing behind her, Kish grabbed her, spun her around and leaned in her face. "Looks like I got you, honey." Ichigo blushed and giggled. "Ready to go home?"

Ichigo shook her head, playfully. "Not even close." Leaning in hi face, she smiled. "I love you, Kish."

He smirked at her and pulled her closer. "I love you too, kitty-cat. Fine then" he laughed while leading her down the beach with his arm around her. "We'll stay. It's not like I have anything else better to do. I have all day, Ichigo." He smirked as his voice faded the further they got away. "In fact, I have all my life to devote you, koneko-chan. All my life."


YAY!!! I finished! How was it? TA-DA! Twenty five chapters and over a hundred reviews thanks to all you fabulous people! Man, you make me so happy! (Sniff, sniff.) I want to THANK EVERYONE for reading this fan fiction! EVERYONE! You've been so much fun and I'm gad you enjoyed it so much. See, the cliffhanger didn't kill any of you. Maybe you cam close but I did warn from the start! So is everyone happy? Did it have a good enough ending, ya think? Hope so.

Jokes and random stuff:

…the only thing Ichigo ever did was cry in this story. It's like…tears rolling down…tears flooded…watered eyes… crying immensely….uncontrollable tears… Hah! It's so funny ho much she cries. Well, it was all pretty emotional.

-of-All is right! Hanison's a chicken from missing chances to kill the other Mews so much!

3. My favorite chapter: # 21. I wrote it a LONG time ago and am glad I finally got to use it!

4. About the fleece fabric…it's my cat's favorite so I thought I'd put it in, in honor of him.

5. I know there wasn't a lot but originally I never even planned on doing LxP TxP romances. Guess I turned out okay though.


P.S. Now I can start on the Our Six Day Deal sequel like I promised.