Note: Short little prologue/teaser. Just wondering by me when i was bored and all i had to entertain me was a pad of paper and pen. Fun stuff. Anyway, i have actually planned out this entire story, gonna be 5 chapters plus epilogue and prologue. Don't worry. I don't kill of Tony. Not in this chapter who's excited for the season finale? I am! :D ...even though i'm like 80% sure that they leave Ziva in tel aviv. Anway. Read and review peeps. and i'm on twitter. remember that.
Rivkin exhaled sharply as he drew the shard of glass from his side. His eyes moved from his own glistening blood to the NCIS agent scrambling across the floor. With his hand clenched painfully around the handle of his improvised dagger he slowly took a step towards the downed agent. Their eyes met as Rivkin rushed forward for his final charge.
In the Israeli's eyes, Tony saw the same fierce determination he had seen emanating from Ziva hundreds of times. Any hopes he had of taking the man alive evaporated.
With a final and desperate surge of effort he reached for the Sig which he had dropped earlier in the fight. As his fingers wrapped around the grip, he swung his arm forward to face his attacker.
Three rounds. A cluster to the heart.
The life immediately left Rivkin's body and he crashed to the floor.
At that moment, the door flew open to reveal a frenzied Ziva. Her eyes flew between Tony and her lover.
"What have you done?" She hissed, eyes narrowed.
Tony lowered the weapon his reflexes had trained in his partner. His gaze moved to his chest; his eyes focused on the glass shard protruding from it.
He attempted to speak, to vocalize those last witty lines that heroes always seemed to utter before they fell.
Instead, the strength rushed from his body, and the world went black.