Disclaimer: I do not own Total Drama Island, nor Harold.
Author's Notes: I've seen POV fics of both Duncan and Cody, and they're both very well written. So, I decided to raise the total of well-written TDI POV fanfics to three. Naturally I'd have to use Harold, as he's my favorite character.
Even though TDI is a PG series, this fic will be rated T because it reveals Harold's thoughts. These thoughts may be filled with swears, pervertedness, or anything else higher-than-PG rated.
This fic is mostly an experiment to see if I can write a POV fic. Let me know if you think it's good and you want to see more.
Island of Idiots
Chapter 1: Kicking Your Bass
This was the most exciting day of my life, indeed. When I mailed that video to the TDI execs, I honestly thought I didn't have a chance of getting in. I mean, I sounded like such a dork in that video! All I did was brag about my Possum Scout badges, like anyone is interested in those, and epically failed at playing my synthesizer. I should've shown my figure skating, or my beatboxing, or some other cool stuff I can do! I'm such an idiot!
But somehow, I still made it on. I guess they wanted a total loser on the show and thought I fit the bill. I feel like a total loser right now…But I'll show them! Harold Norbert Cheever Doris McGrady V has some wicked skills worthy of game...show…winning. That came out wrong…but still, I'll beat 'em all!
Once again, I had to make sure this was really happening. I looked out the window and watched the waves whiz by. I checked in front of me to make sure I haven't forgotten any of my suitcases or heaven forbid, my synthesizer, and they were all there.
"Harold, you're on!" the guy at the front of the boat called out.
I tucked my synthesizer under my arm and carried my two suitcases. It struck me then that I was really nervous. I had no idea what challenges awaited outside the boat. For all I could know, ten feet in front of me could be a cyborg dragon that shoots electricity out its nostrils, or worse…bullies. I can't stand bullies. They just pick on people like me because they're insecure, but it's a stupid way to eliminate insecurity. Bullies are idiots!
I walked out the boat onto an old dock, where I saw Chris MaClean waiting and…a summer camp? Uh…did I just win the lottery or something? I'm a Possum Scout! Summer camp's my kit and caboodle!
"And here's our next contestant; Harold!" Chris announced to the campers that were already there. He seemed kind of freaked out by me…but I was breathing rather creepily. I've got asthma problems, so I breathe funny when I'm nervous and excited.
I looked around the campgrounds one more time, then asked him, "So are you saying that this show is at a crappy summer camp and not on some big stage or something?"
Chris smiled at me, though I'm sure it wasn't a kind smile. More of an evil grin. "You got it!"
"Yes!" I pumped my fist in excitement. "That is so much more favorable to my skills!" Now that I knew what I was doing, I decided to check out my opposition. Let's see…there was a huge black dude, a goth girl, a…cowboy wearing pink? A nerdy girl, nice…Wow, that blonde chick is really hot. She has big boobies. Uh, there's also another hot chick with black hair and sunglasses, and a weirdo hiding in the pile of suitcases. But none of those got my attention as much as the last guy.
A punk. No seriously, they actually got one of the most idiotic-looking punks I've ever seen! He had a stupid green mohawk, way too many piercings, a frickin' SKULL on his shirt, and he had this look on his face that quite clearly said, "I'm trying to look as tough as possible but failing miserably". Gosh, I HATE guys like that! Posers who do nothing but break rules for the hell of it and torture anyone they can. They make me sick.
"Contestant number nine is Trent!" Chris announced as a giant-headed guy showed up. Wow, is that host stupid. He's contestant number ten, you idiot!
"Hey, good to meet you man," Trent greeted. "I saw you on that figure-skating show. Nice work." Wow, he watches Skating with the Stars too? I love that show!"
"Thanks, man!" Chris replied. "I knew I rocked that show!"
"I saw that!" The nerdy girl ran up to the two and I followed, wanting to meet these fellow Skating with the Stars fans. "One of the guys dropped his partner on her head, so they got immunity that week." I remember that; I busted a gut.
"Lucky! I hope I get dropped on my head."
"Me too!" said a saccharine-loaded voice behind me. I turned around and saw it was the hot girl with the big boobies. Yeah, I like big boobies a little too much. Sorry.
Next up was another blonde girl, named Bridgette. She was wearing a blue hoodie, sandals, and was carrying a surfboard around. The pink cowboy guy seemed to be fascinated in her for some reason. SWISH! I ducked as Bridgette swung her surfboard right at my HEAD. Gosh, couldn't she pay attention to where her surfboard's going?
"Dang! Watch where you're swinging that thing!" I said, but soon enough, SWISH! Again, I had to duck! Idiot!
"Is this where we're staying?" asked a monotonous voice. A short Indian boy named Noah walked to us, looking as if he couldn't care less about us, this game, or really anything. Weird.
That idiot punk I mentioned earlier smirked and cracked his knuckles. "No, this is your mother's house and we're throwing a party." Great comeback. Which one of the six-year-old kids you beat up taught you that one?
Noah, to my immense surprise, walked right in front of the punk without changing his expression in the slightest. Dang, that kid's got balls. "Nice piercings, Mr. Original. Do them yourself?" Double dang, little Noah just COUNTERSTRUCK a PUNK. I like him already.
The punk took Noah by the lip and held an earring over the exposed flesh. "Sure, ya want one?"
"Uh, no thankff. Can I haff my lip back pleaff?" My mouth was agape. Even the punk seemed surprised, and he let go of Noah's lip. "Thanks."
That…was…AWESOME. I couldn't help but ask this Noah guy some questions. Or least I would've, had it not been for the next contestant of the show.
She was big. She was black. She was pretty. She strutted down the dock like she knew exactly what she was doing. I thought girls like that only existed on TV.
"Whassup y'all? LeShawna's in da house!"
I gasped.
"Y'all might as well save yourselves the trouble, 'cause I came to win!"
Wow. She was so confident. So tough. So bootylicious. I couldn't help but say something to her…anything! I wasn't really thinking at this point, so I said the first thing that popped into my head.
"I've never met a girl like you in real life before."
She looked at me like I was crazy, or some cyberkinetic ten-headed xenomorph with plasma for tongues. "Excuse me?"
"You're real big…and loud." I am such an IDIOT. Why the hell did I call her big and loud?! Who likes being called big and loud?! I know my sister doesn't.
"Oh no you didn't!" LeShawna was about to attack me! Talk about a bad first impression. Anyway, my self-defense training kicked in at that point. I went into some martial arts poses, waiting to counterstrike when she hit me. It never happened. I sighed in relief as three of the contestants held her back, though seeing her face filled with rage didn't make me feel any better.
As we went back to our spots on the dock, LeShawna angrily glared at me one more time. I couldn't bear her having such a negative opinion on me. So I smiled. Smiles are worth a thousand words, and mine said quite clearly, "I don't hate you, and I didn't try to insult you." I hoped she caught the message.
After that was cacophony. There were these two girls that dressed alike and squealed a LOT. I couldn't even figure out which one was Katie and which one was Sadie. I just hoped that they wouldn't be on my team.
"Ezekiel, what's up, man?"
The next guy to show up…wore a really awesome hat. Man, I seriously wanted one myself. Other than that, he seemed really shy. "I think I see a bird."
…Was this guy for real?
"Okay, look, man, I know you don't get out much. Been home schooled your whole life, been raised by freaky prairie people, just be careful and try not to be the first one kicked off, 'kay?"
"Yes sir." Wow, a homeschooled kid. Poor guy probably never met another teenager in his entire life. No wonder he's so nervous.
After flunking with LeShawna, I decided that I should be in good terms with somebody. Looks like Ezekiel's going to be that somebody.
"Hi," I greeted, holding out a hand. "I'm Harold."
Ezekiel looked surprised, which I expected. I'm probably the first person who's ever done this to him. "Uh…hi, Harold. I'm Ezekiel, eh." He nervously took my hand and shook it. He was a limp fish, and a rather sweaty one, too.
"Nervous?" I asked.
The way he nodded his head looked more like a shiver. It was funny how the bobble on his hat went crazy when he did. What's that kind of hat called again? Looks like a winter hat, without the ear flap thingies. "Uh, are you?"
"Am I nervous?" I repeated. "No way! This is an adventure, and I never refuse the call to adventure!"
Ezekiel chuckled. "You seem excited aboot this, Harold. I'm so nervous…I wonder what the furst threshold will be, eh?"
…He knows the Hero's Journey? I guess that's the stuff you learn at homeschool. Maybe he knows some martial arts, too. I was about to continue when I saw a kid who looked even scrawnier than me named Cody approach LeShawna.
Poor boy didn't stand a chance. The bootylicious babe pressed a finger to his lips before he could talk and said, "Save it, short stuff." Jeez, that was smooth…
I turned back to Ezekiel, but he seemed petrified out of fear for some reason. And that reason was a pretty damn good one, too.
A…female bodybuilder? A transsexual? I really don't know. Whoever she was (she has big boobs, so I assume it's a she) dropped her bag on Cody's foot. It made a painful clanging sound. Both Ezekiel and I winced as the scrawny boy hopped around, grabbing his foot in pain.
"Ow! What's in there, dumbbells?!"
"Yes." So she was a bodybuilder, apparently.
That idiot punk then added, "She's all yours, man," to the big black guy. Really? I would've expected you to say that you're tough enough to handle her, Mr. Big Shot.
"CHRIS MACLEAN!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!" The fattest kid I've ever seen in my life bounded onto the dock and grabbed Chris in a big bear hug. It looked completely ridiculous, and I'm not ashamed to say I laughed.
"What's so funny, eh?" Ezekiel asked. He seemed to still be petrified by Eva.
I pointed over to the new camper. "Ezekiel, look at that! Chris is getting pwned by a fat kid hugging him!"
"…The fat kid owns Chris? I thought slavery was illegal, eh." Of course, he doesn't know internet speak. I really should've thought that through…but I was too busy laughing!
Next up was a tan girl with a nice, tight butt named Courtney. I was staring at first, but that didn't last long. "Hi, you must all be the other contestants. It's really nice to meet you all." Yeah, where do I begin? First of all, her voice LITERALLY sounds like nails on a chalkboard. I'm not even kidding. I know my voice is all annoying and wheezy, but seriously…Then she says that she's happy to meet us, but she says it in a way that I can tell she doesn't mean it. Plus, the way she just referred to us as "all the other contestants"…It's like she thinks we're a different SPECIES or something. I'm really getting a bad vibe from this girl.
Then my thoughts were interrupted when this music just came out of nowhere. It makes no sense, but I swear, there was no speaker or boombox on or anything. It was like the sound was coming from this really handsome-looking guy on a boat headed our way. Then all the girls swooned. Yes, all of them, even LeShawna and Courtney. Even the fat BOY, Owen, was swooning. Ugh, I hate it when people only care about others' looks. …Okay, that made me sound like a hypocrite, but seriously I care about stuff other than looks. I wouldn't marry a girl with a terrible personality, no matter how hot she was (coughCourtneycough). I'd just stare at her, that's all.
Okay, now I think I'm going to vomit. Owen's flirting with the guy, who's apparently named Justin. It's not because I'm a homophobe or anything, it just that…ugh, it looks so unnatural. A fat guy hitting on a handsome guy? I think I'll watch Zombie Brain Munchers instead.
"I wonder what those girls see in 'im, eh." Ezekiel whispered to me.
"My parents warned me aboot guys like him," he continued. "They toold me that the better the looks and the neater the hair, the smaller the brain within, eh. They also toold me that girls tend to like guys for what's inside, unless they're really stupid. Are all the girls here stupid?"
Uh oh. That's NOT a good thing to say to anyone else in camp. "No, I don't think so," I answered quickly. "Maybe that Justin has both looks and brains. It's possible, right?"
Ezekiel shrugged. "Dunno. I haven't met anyone like him before. I haven't met anyone like anyone before." He chuckled, and I joined him.
BONK! A…female leprechaun just crashed on the Dock of Shame? Okay…
"You guys, she could be seriously hurt!" Courtney headed to the end of the dock and helped the new girl, Izzy, onto it. She then shook of the water like a dog…okay, what?
"That felt so…good! Especially the part where I hit my chin!" She's a masochist? "Is this summer camp? Do you have papier mache here? Are we eating lunch soon?" Gosh, I'm not sure if I could talk that fast if I tried.
"That is a GOOD CALL!" Owen added, because he's fat. Stereotypes bug me.
Okay, she's the last one. Good. My legs were getting sore from standing on that hard dock for so long. Now all we have to do is take a picture.
"Taller kids on the back!" Chris announced. "Shorter kids in front. You know how it goes!" Turns out I was tall enough to end up on the back row. I was standing next to the pink cowboy and…the suitcase kid. What the hell is he doing? He's standing on one of the posts and leaning on Owen's shoulder. Nice way to fall in the water, idiot. Oh, and look, the punk's doing it too. They're both idiots.
Chris put his eye in the camera, cuing us to pose. "Okay, on the count of three. One, two…"
I tried to smile, but gosh were my lips dry! It looked and felt awful to smile, so I put on a neutral expression.
"Whoops! Forgot the lens cap!" Idiot. He removed the lens cap, then… "Oh wait, cart's full!"
"C'mon, man," LeShawna growled through a frozen smile, "my face is startin' to freeze!" Yeah, LeShawna's right. Get on with the stupid picture already. Gosh!
"On the count of three, say Wawanakwa! One, two, three!"
"Wawanakwa!" FINALLY. CRASH! Augh! The dock collapsed! I was underwater, and that stupid Owen stepped on my face to stay afloat! I hate being stepped on!
We got some towels from the interns, then we headed to this place where we sat on tree stumps. Wait, no, scratch that. There were only enough stumps for half of us, so naturally I was standing. I saw that punk noogieing a deer…doesn't he have anything better to do? I tried to talk to Ezekiel, but Chris started discussing the rules of the game so I had to listen.
Blah blah, two teams, challenges, voting out someone on your team, blah blah blah. What is this, Survivor for kids? Then he said that the grand prize was 100K. That seems kinda low. I mean, I don't think I've seen a reality show like this fork out anything under 250. This show must have a crappy budget. That explains the run-down summer camp.
Then Chris started choosing the teams. I perked up my ears, waiting for him to pick me. Ten names passed, and finally, he said…
"And Noah!"
Looks like that's one team. They're the Screaming Gophers, and they have the fat kid Owen, Noah as I just said, LeShawna, the hot girl, and the nerd girl. Great. I looked around, and once again saw the punk noogieing a deer. This was going to be a loooooong 8 weeks. Well, at least Ezekiel's on my team. It can't be THAT bad, can it?
Well, there's another sign that the show hates me. My name was called LAST. LAST! What, did they have to rub it in my face that no one wants me on their football or dodgeball team?
I hurried over to the rest of my new team and Chris passed me a banner. "You shall be known as…" The banner unfurled, and I…wow.
I will not lie. That banner KICKED ASS. It was red, my favorite color, and it had this frigging awesome fish on it. It looked like it was about to tear that green gopher on the other team's banner to smithereens. I smiled as I saw that upside-down fish glare at me. It looked kinda like the bass I caught in the Possum Scouts.
"…The Killer Bass!" More like the Kickass Bass in my opinion.
"That's awesome," I wheezed. "It's like, amazing!"
Then Chris talked about some more rules, then he had us line up to what had to be the stinkiest, dirtiest, most unkempt outhouse in existence. If Lord Tpdwmalk of the Sludgians took a dump in there, it would've been an improvement. He said that this was the Confession Can, and we could share all our secrets to the audience in there. He did one himself, then urged us to do one each. I'm not really much of a secret-keeping guy, but if everyone else is doing it…
Hmmm…it's actually not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Sure, there were flies up the wazoo, but the smell was actually tolerable. It was like…uh…limburger cheese if it actually smelled good. That made no sense, did it? Let's just say it's one of those things you have to see (or smell) for yourself in order to get.
"Hey Canada!" I greeted, trying as hard as I could to not sound like the loser of the eon. "I'm Harold, and I think I've got what it takes to win this! You see this body?" I flexed my stick-like arms and puffed out my bony chest. "This body lies. I've got a plethora of wicked skills just waiting to be unleashed, and unleashed they shall be! No one will see it coming when I win challenges left and right! They'll all put their guard down, think 'Oh look, it's a loser nerd who can't do anything', well I'll show them. I'll show them all, by winning Total Drama Island!"
I walked out of the outhouse with pride and gave a wink to the next camper in line; the goth girl, Gwen. She scowled at me. Figures.
Chris said that not all the confessions would actually be aired due to time constraints. I was certain mine wouldn't be shown. Figures.
The punk was named Duncan, and he seemed just as slimy as I imagined him. When I walked past him in line, he smirked at me the most venomous smirk you could imagine and cracked his knuckles. I bet he thinks I'm his personal punching bag mail ordered for the next 8 weeks. I'll show him. I'll show everyone.
Ah, home sweet home for the next 8 weeks. And it sucks. It had bunk beds…BUNK BEDS. Oh well, at least a bottom bunk was open. I claimed one of them and started unpacking. I made sure my red ant farm made the journey safely, God bless them, then placed them on the counter beside the bed.
"Hey Harold." Ezekiel leapt up to the top bunk. He jumped higher than I thought he could. "Do ya mind if I sleep in the top bunk aboove ya, eh?"
"Why would you want a top bunk?" I asked.
His awesome hat (c'mon, the name of that hat is on the tip of my tongue…) peeked from above me. "Because I've never been in a top bunk befoor. It might be fun, eh."
"Only child?"
"Ayup." He reached down and placed a few pictures around my red ant farm. They seemed to all be of him surrounded by his two parents in front of a small farm, with a tiny cottage, a single barn, a silo, and a little windmill. They were all like "American Gothic" with a small boy wearing an awesome hat added in.
"Lucky! I wish I was an only child."
"I wish I had a brother, eh."
I chuckled. "Wanna borrow mine? He likes giving swirlies to anyone smaller than him and can't spell 'pterodactyl'."
"What's a swirly, eh?"
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" WHOA! I never heard a scream that loud in my entire life! Before I knew it, I rushed over to the Screaming Gopher cabin to see what was going on.
It was the big boobies chick, Lindsay. She was on a stool, shaking like a leaf and shielding herself from…something invisible?
"Kill it! Kill it!" She pointed to the floor, and I finally found what was scaring her; a cockroach. It was kind of cute, actually.
"EEEEAH!" The big black guy DJ screamed like a girl (WTF?) and jumped into the nearest bed, splintering it clean in half.
Goth girl Gwen sighed. "That…was my bed."
After that was pandemonium. Some campers tried to squish the poor thing, while I got a closer look. It looked scared. In fact, I could've sworn it said "Help me!" in a high-pitched voice once. Then that punk Duncan came in and…chopped it in half with an axe. Okay, he gets points for style.
"Ew!" Lindsay shouted. "It was sooo gross!"
"Awesome," I added.
"If you ever see one of those again, just let me know, okay?" That was the suitcase guy, Tyler. "'Cause, ya know…I can do that too." Lindsay gave him googly eyes, which he returned. Jock and cheerleader love. Starts immediately, ends immediately after.
"They always go for the jocks," Duncan muttered.
"Dinner is served!" Chris whipped away the tablecloth revealing a banquet of awesomeness. There were burgers, shrimp, salads, Italian, Mexican, sushi, and a whole bunch of other stuff I didn't bother looking at. I took the nearest burger and started slathering it in ketchup.
"Now campers, the game starts tomorrow," the host warned. "This is a one-night only gig. Tomorrow onward you'll be having crappy camp food! Enjoy!" Wow, he really knows how to ruin a moment. Still, the burger was tasty.
The pink cowboy, Geoff, sat at the head of the Bass table. So, I guess he thinks he's the leader now? "So dudes, who else is as excited as me 'bout this?!" Okay, maybe not.
The fat girl that was either named Katie or Sadie responded with a sob. "I miss Katie!" She's Sadie, apparently.
"C'mon, cheer up dudette!" Geoff told her. "At least ya got us!" This didn't seem to make her feel any better.
Duncan took a big bite in his pizza slice, then responded with his mouth full. "This place is fine by me, as long as I'm away from juvie." Juvie, yeah right. Keep dreaming you poser.
But apparently Geoff believed him. "Dude…what's juvie like, anyway?"
Duncan scoffed. "Like jail, except half the kids' balls haven't dropped yet." Sexual references make you cool! It's been scientifically proven by this idiot.
"Duncan!" annoying girl Courtney shouted, sounding very much like my mom. "We're eating here!"
"Who said you had to listen, Little Miss Uptight?" Duncan asked. "I was having a 'private' conversation." Okay, that was actually pretty good. Good enough for Duncan and Geoff to fist bump each other. Courtney seemed annoyed and went back to her salad.
After a few minutes of silence, the surfer girl Bridgette spoke up. "Uh, Killer Bass? Since we're a team now, maybe we should learn a little more about each other. Like, our strengths and weaknesses." Good idea!
"I'm Geoff, dudes!" Geoff shouted, taking the opportunity a little too well. "I like to partay and I've got some sweet skateboarding skills!"
"Can you run fast?" Courtney asked. "Are you strong? Are you strategic? Skateboarding is pointless in a game like this!" Haha, after seeing episode 5 this statement becomes five times funnier.
Geoff took off his cowboy hat and scratched his head. "Gee…now that I think about it, I'm really not sure."
"I can play chess pretty well, eh," Ezekiel piped in. "Isn't that strategic?"
Courtney shrugged. "I guess. We'll keep you in mind if we come across a chess challenge. What about you, Bridgette?"
"Well…" She nervously rubbed the back of her head. "Lets just say that the more challenges involving water, the better."
"I can bench 300 pounds," Eva bragged. Gosh, that seems so unnatural. "I'm undoubtedly the strongest one on the island, so just gimme a holler when you need to kick some ass."
"Are ya sure DJ's not stronger?" Geoff asked, holding up the big black kid's arm. "I mean look at these things, man! They look like they could tear trees in half!"
"Uh, sure?" DJ was surprisingly shy for such a muscular dude. He blushed as all the attention was directed at him, and he quietly wriggled his arm free of Geoff's grip.
"You kidding?" Eva growled. "I'm much stronger than that wimp!"
"How about ya prove it?" Geoff asked. "DJ here's gonna challenge ya to an arm-wrestling match!"
DJ looked surprised. "I am?"
"Yup! You'll beat her easy, trust me!"
The arm-wrestling match was actually kind of interesting. At first DJ wasn't really trying and Eva seemed to be giving it her all to make him move, but he suddenly went mad on us and put on the pressure, which Eva somehow matched. It must've been a stalemate like that for three minutes. Then Izzy randomly jumped on their arms and did the can-can, and they stopped in their surprise.
"Hey guys! I know OVER NINE-THOUSAAAAAAND ancient tribal dances, such as the can-can!" She's the last person I would've expected to hear an internet meme from.
"The can-can isn't a tribal dance," I pointed out. "Gosh!"
"Yeah it is!" she retorted. "You just aren't believing hard enough!" Uh…what?
Then the sharing continued. Sadie blubbered about how Katie wasn't on the team because she can sew really nice clothes. Courtney bragged about her leadership skills (she mentioned that she was a counselor in training THREE TIMES). All Duncan would say is that he could carve pictures of skulls in trees. Tyler bragged that he was a master of every sport, but DJ, Geoff, and Duncan laughed at that. Finally, I mentioned that I had wicked skills, but no one seemed to believe me except Ezekiel (figures).
"Alright, I think I've got it." Courtney finished writing down some notes. Wait, she was writing NOTES on us? Who the heck does THAT? "It looks like Duncan, Geoff, Eva, and DJ will supply the muscle for our team, while Ezekiel, Bridgette, and I will be the strategists. Sadie can use her feminine charm to help with aesthetic challenges. Izzy could probably make the other team quit by being crazy. Harold and Tyler will be the scapegoats."
"Hey!" I really couldn't believe it. It was one thing to not believe that I had wicked skills, but Courtney thought I was WORTHLESS? Now that's just plain prejudiced!
I was back in the outhouse. I didn't think I needed it so soon, but really!
"I hate Courtney," I revealed to the globe. "She thinks I'm worthless just because I'm thin, scrawny, and have a raspy voice. Then she goes on and on about her leadership skills! If she were a true leader, she'd trust the judgment of all the people she leads, including me! What a hypocrite! GOSH!"
The sun set, the plates were licked clean, and everyone headed back to the cabins to retire. Well actually, Duncan and Izzy were still hanging outside, but I didn't really care what they were doing. It was a big day for me, and I was ready to hit the hay. I brushed my teeth, flossed, cleaned my glasses, changed into my favorite Cowboys and Indians pajamas, checked my ant farm, and snuggled into the covers. They weren't bad for a run down camp, actually. They were a little scratchy, but very warm and cozy. They felt like the coarse, battle-scarred hands of a warrior father who loved you, despite how many people he murdered.
"Alright people!" Courtney announced, her hand next to the light switch. "I think we're all ready for bed. When I turn off this light, I expect everyone to stay quiet so we can sleep. Tomorrow's the first challenge and I don't want to lose just because we stayed up all night. Got it, Killer Bass?"
Assorted muttering consented with her opinion.
"Good night, everyone." Click.
"Pssst. Harold?" Dang, Ezekiel could whisper quietly.
"Yeah?" I asked as softly as I could.
"I've never had a friend befoor, eh. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
"SHUSH!" Courtney hissed.
And that was the end of my first day on Total Drama Island.
Author's Notes: I bet anything that some of the quotes are wrong, but cut me some slack. I don't have a photographic memory!