A/N: This is a Genesis/Oc story. Thank you for reading! I'm sure you will be intrested! Anyway, each chapter is named after a type of poetry. Enjoy! There will be an author's note at the bottom as well!

Her hair was a bright shade of blonde, like her mother always imagined it to be.

Her favorite color was blue, because it reminded her of the sky and how it had no limits.

Her eyes were always filled with happiness—but she was the only one who couldn't feel it when she smiled.

Her heart was locked away within her body. She held on tightly to it so it would never crumble.

She made the world laugh, as only a "joker" would.

She was a performer of all sorts of things.

But she was best at one thing.


-: Prologue: The Burlesque :-

Crystal lakes and waterfalls,
Swimming under tiny stars.
The night, So calm...

Always mirthful, laughing strong
Nothing ever gets you down.
Please, smile, for me

"Summoner's Love" -- Unknown

Well. This was practically gold! I never, in a million years, would have thought I'd be here. But of course, I was no ordinary person, was I? I always got the cheep end of the stick, didn't I? They called me the performer. Yeah. A Performer! Psh-shaw, I took that test! You were expected to take the personality test to even be considered a Turk. So, I was the performer. And from that day on, people decided to pick on me and call me 'the performer'. As if. The test results said that I felt like, "All the world's a stage!" Whatever the heck that meant.

The test said that I was playful and fun loving, and I wished to help everyone around me lighten up. Okay, yes, I loved to play pranks on people. So what? Why live life like one giant business trip? Lighten up! The test also said that I radiate warmth and optimism! Truth was, I really didn't like to be left alone. Silence was frightening to me. I hated the stuff. It's just that—that sound. The sound of emptiness scared me more than anything on the planet. But I was always up for something new!

But then… the test got to something just a little sketchy. Romance.

And when I looked at that part of the test, I rolled my eyes sarcastically. As a romantic partner, I was supposedly fun and affectionate, leading an active life full of friends. Let me tell you something. I didn't believe in the word 'boyfriend'. You want to know why? Because, having a boyfriend automatically meant that you were weak. Feeble. Pathetic. Having a boyfriend meant that you needed someone to lean on. Someone to hold you up.

I wasn't going to become some girl that desperately needed attention. I made sure of that. Anyway, as I looked at my results, I couldn't help but snicker at the second nickname they gave me. But it was fitting! I was "the joker," of all things! Look, this test was really not needed. I knew who I was! I didn't need some stupid test telling me who I was on the inside! I was friendly, warm, active, and enthusiastic. Those were the four things I went by. Oh, and I really had a muse for writing.

But 'cha know? What the hell was I doing at a place like this? I was going to see LOVELESS, and there was something extremely wrong with that. I hated poetry. I hated poetry with a burning passion. Well, people walk up to me and say, "Mireya, you're a writer. How can you feel so bitter towards poetry?" Well, you honestly haven't crossed the very thin line between poetry and literature, my friend.

With writing, you don't have to worry about all that rhyming crap. Ok, maybe I was just bitter because I, myself, couldn't write poetry. I tried once. Yep, and I'll never try again. It was Mother's Day, and my mother usually goes all goggle-eyed for poetry. Yeah, when I showed her my poem, she squealed like a little pig, but I knew it sucked. And why was I watching a play? Gaia, I should have been getting more information on the Wutai situation. Man, if Shinra didn't take that thing seriously, we were going to have a war with these people!

Now… where were we? Oh yeah, LOVELESS. I know what you're thinking: If I hated the thing so much, why didn't I just not go at all? Because, I was sucked into seeing it. Yeah, I was in the Study Group.

I heard it would look good on your resume, okay?

Now, I didn't fanaticize about anything Genesis Rhapsodos did. Sure, he was a 1st class SOLDIER and all, but that was just a name. While other girls often cooed and made up stupid idealistic theories about what Genesis thought about the oh-so-loved missing act of LOVELESS, I sat and studied up on espionage, kidnappings, and assassinations.

Yep, that was what I wanted to be. I wanted to be a Turk. But that didn't get me anywhere, studying while other girls fantasized over LOVELESS. I didn't even become a full-fledged Turk. I'm just a junior member now. Well, anyway, back to the Study Group. Though I did study most of the time in the Study Group, the girls made sure they beat knowledge into my head about Genesis. Genesis this. Genesis that. Did you know Genesis is twenty-five-years-old? I'd love to at least hold his rapier! Oh Gaia, they wouldn't shut up! I hated LOVELESS, and I hated that 1st class SOLDIER almost as much as I hated Sephiroth. All SOLDIERS did was take Turks' paychecks.

So, I wore an exquisite-strapless lace dress that overlaid satin for an out-of-this-world effect. The dress was pink, but black lace sat on top of it. I could move around in that thing, because the dress barely made it over the top of my knees. There was a pink-satin belt tied on my waist, and it that was the part that overlaid the dress. I am a natural blond, 5'7", green eyes and peachy skin. So why did people see something unique in me? I wasn't any different from the norm. But I knew that had to be because of my "joker personality."

Wait. Why was I trying to look good for this crappy play anyway?

And you know what I didn't get? Who the hell was this Goddess? That play made no sense whatsoever. As a matter of fact, what was the "Gift of the Goddess," anyway? I heard it was about these three guys who looked for some toy, which was absolutely a horrible plot. I mean, I didn't even want to watch The Three Little Pigs, and now, these girls thought I wanted to watch some Wise Men crack? I guess I couldn't say anything. I couldn't object. If I wanted to make it big in the writing industry, I needed a group to belong to, didn't I?

And then there was a line for this freaking thing.

Which meant I stood out in the cold, wet, outside… place. In high heels. With twelve other obnoxious teenage girls, all screaming about how cool LOVELESS was going to be. Somebody walked past me, and asked me if I was those girls' proctor. Did I really look that old? I mean, I was twenty-three! Did I look forty or something? Normally, I would've just smiled and waved at such a remark, but I did the exact opposite! I fell into a spiraling fit of denial. Poor me.

What if some crazy Wutai guys found a way into the place and started attacking? I didn't have my bow anywhere on me. Okay, so I talk a good game, but deep inside, I'm a total loser. A crybaby, if you will. Of course, this was the premier of the play, so I would have been surprised not to have seen Genesis himself here. And I was surprised. It looked like Mr. 1st class didn't make it. Or, at least, I hadn't seen him standing in the line I was in. But that could have just meant that Mr. 1st class got a free ticket inside or something. I hated SOLDIERS. Always cheating.

I adjusted my glasses and began to read through this book called "Minerva's Tragedy," which was very interesting. She's an existence that transcends all matter. Now, I wouldn't mind reading a poem about Minerva. She seemed like a woman in charge of things. I wanted to be just like Minerva. She was beautiful, wise, and strong. I wanted to wear her shoes at the moment. Man, what I wouldn't give to be like her. And as the line got shorter and people began to fill the seats of the of the stadium, I couldn't help but feel my stomach drop.

I was going to sit for three hours.

I was going to sit for three hours through LOVELESS.

I was going to sit for three hours through LOVELSS, because of some bratty teenage girls.

I was going to sit for three hours through LOVELESS, because of some bratty teenage girls that I just couldn't say no to.

I was going to sit for three hours through LOVESLESS, because of some bratty teenage girls that I just couldn't say no to. I couldn't say no because I was Mireya, "the joker". The "performer".

Well. This was practically gold! I never, in a million years, would have thought I'd be here.

A/N: So, the reason I decided to write a Genesis/OC fic would be because I saw that the fandom was really void of the stuff. I mean, Genesis is awesome, wouldn't you agree? And I feel like Genesis should have at least had a girl friend or something in Crisis Core. Genesis sure could seduce me by reading a line from LOVELESS any day of the week. XD Seriously though, this story takes place before the Wutai war started, thus meaning that Genesis didn't betray Shinra yet. So technically, I'm not messing with the time-line here? And don't worry, Genesis isn't going to go ga-ga for Mireyra. Which is pronounced (Miree ah). It's Latin. I'm Latin. XD It's going to take Genesis a long time to fall in love with Mireya. So that means that this story is going to move slow. Also, it's going to get long. This is just the start. So, reviews? Chiharu loves them. XD