Whatever happened, Wasn't my fault

Percy POV:

I was just coming home from a late night at work when all Hades broke lose. When I entered the room, it was quiet. That was a shocker, because usually my cousins are having tons of parties in our shared apartment.

I looked for the light switch because they were all off. My hand hit it, so I flicked it on.

"SUPRISE!" I jumped. "Happy Birthday Percy!" Oh, yeah. I forgot my own birthday.

"Hey, Thalia, Nico," I half-smiled at them. They were my cousins. Our parents owned a huge franchise of companies, so we got thrown together a lot.

"'Oh thank you, Nico, your so kind and smart, I wish I was you.' I know Percy, but it takes a lot of man to be me." I snickered and threw a couch pillow at him for his bad impression of me.

"You know, if you keep smirking like that your face is gonna stick, smart-ass." I retorted.

"Come now and behave children."

"Yes mother, dear." Said Nico and I to Thalia.

"You guys are so immature."

"We're XY baby, what's not to love? Granted, Nico reeks of dead people all the time and I smell like fish, but hey, everyone's a critic," She snickered as we sat down for blue cake and ice cream. Yum.

"Oh yeah, because when you're in bed you would love to hear her say, "Why do I smell seaweed?"" Nico was laughing now, clutching his sides.

"Hmm, well I got a good one. What about when you wake up next to Luke and the first thing he says is, "Mmm, nothing like the smell of pine in the morning,"" Me and Nico were cracking up.

She glared at us, then threw a wrapped package at my head. I caught it, then took off the wave designed paper. Inside was a new sonar for my yaught. Now was some time for background talk.

I owned one of my dads' boating companies in New York. Thalia was the youngest female pilot out of the academy. She owned one of her dads' airlines in Manhattan. Nico was our child, basically. He didn't own a company yet, he was still in college, but he worked part time at my shop. He was a spunky kid. We'll keep him.

Back to the present. I was also a scuba diver, so this sonar would help me find wrecks underwater. Nice.

"Here is my present to you, master. I am not worthy." I chuckled and shook my head. What a smart-ass. I opened the box.

"Oh. My. God." He was kidding me. There was a gym membership, but that was okay. I worked out a lot. No, Next to the card was a jumbo-size box of condoms. "You are so freaking immature." Thalia was rolling on the floor, laughing her ass off.

"Admit it. Percy, you need to get laid. It's a fact." I stared at him, slack-jawed.

"How dare you!? My chastity till marriage is still a good idea. Anyway, I have to go to Vegas tommarrow for a vacation. Nico, You are turning 21. You're coming. Thalia, would you like to come?" I cocked my head to the side, waiting for an answer.

"Sure. We can use dad's private jet." I nodded, satisfied.

"Alright. Now, I just turned 26, let's get bar hopping!" There was a cheer around the table as we rose and grabbed our coats.

It was gonna be a good night.


"DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!" This was my fifth jello shot and I was getting hammered.

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled at my shot before downing a whiskey sour. I was gonna have a killer hangover on the plane.

I left the bar and walked around the club. Stumbling on to people, more than anything. I saw a beautiful blond haired girl with gray eyes. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"What's your name?" I had to yell over the music. Panic! At The Disco was playing Build God, Then We'll Talk.

"Annabeth!" I grinned at her.

"Wanna dance?" She nodded her head so I went up to her and grabbed her hand. "I may be drunk, but I sure as hell can dance."

She laughed. I pulled her on the dance floor. "You know how to swing dance for this song?" I yelled in her ear. She nodded again."Alright,"

We started dancing. She was really good. I pulled her back to my chest and twirled her again.

It's these Substandard motels, on the

corner of fourth and Freemont

appealing only cause they're just that,

unappealing, any practiced catholic would

cross themselves upon entering

the rooms have a hint of asbestos and maybe

just a dash of formaldahyde, and the habit

of decomposing, right before your very, eye,

At this, I was twirling her around and dipping her.

Along with the people inside, what a wonderful,

catiricature of intimacy..

insiiide; what a wonderful, catiricature, of


Tonights tenants range from a lawyer and a virgin

accesorizing with a rosary, tucked inside her lingerie

she's getting a job at the firm come monday,

the Mrs. will stay with the cheating attorney,

moonlighting aside she really needs this money,

I looked at her glee ridden face and smiled. "Percy! Come on me and Nico want to sleep on the plane so we can get to Vegas early!"

I smiled apolegetically at Annabeth."My cousins are very impatient. I'll be off then. Good day to you." I bowed and turned, stumbling to the door.

"Wait!" I turnrd around. Annabeth ran up and gave me a napkin with her name on it. "I'll be in Vegas too, so maybe we'll see eachother?" She bit her lip and I smiled.

"I sure hope so. I will see you in Vegas, Baby!" She laughed and we said our final goodbyes. I stepped out the door and into the cool night air. Thalia had haled a cab so we set off towards the airport. I looked out the back window and saw Annabeth standing on the curb, watching our taxi.

Okay, so I like this storyline so far. The m is for language, innuendos, drinking, and adult themes. Just to clear that up. REVIEW!