Hello and thank you for reading Tsuki no Ryuk! This takes place in the world of Fushigi Yuugi, and right now, it's just where they go back to Hong-Nan. I've finished the series, though that was about a year ago… but this story's been stuck in my head, and I know how horrible writer's block is, so I'll take my chance with this story.

As usual, to old time readers of my fics, the heroine is Kagome, but I'll have you guys guess exactly who her companion is based off on… Well, I'm taking everything in my own direction so please even though it's weird don't comment…though I should be committed… I really like how this has gone in my head (heh… old age I guess…) so wish me luck!

Disclaimer, I do not own the song Oba sung by Riya and used in the anime Clannad for an insert song in the episode 18.


"WHY DO THIS STUPID QUEST HAVE TO KEEP GETTING HARDER AND HARDER?!" a femine voice shouted out exasperated.

"M-Miaka… is you all right?" Noriko asked cowering from Miaka's wrath.

"ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT?! You call having to deal with this sort of junk alright?!" Miaka shrieked at Noriko.

Tamahome crept out from behind one of the stone pillars. "What happened to make you so…upset?"

"Err… well," Miaka mumbled knitting her fingers together. "We sorta need to find one more warrior… at least, that's what Tai Yi-Jun told me. She also said they'd be foreigners, and that one of them would betray us for the sake of someone dear to them" She finished off with a little frown. Hotohori nodded as well.

"That is confusing, "He blinked owlishly when the rest of them turned to stare at him. Clearing his throat, he put himself in 'emperor mode', "Never in any legends or stories, has the number of celestial warriors come past seven." He clarified.

"Well you nitwits just had to lose the Shentso- Pao to the Seiryu Celestial Warriors!" a wrinkled hag scolded none too lightly at them, but whose appearance unsettled the balance everyone had.

Tatsuki recovered first, "We didn't hand it over to them, and they woulda killed Chiriko if we didn't sacrifice it!" he shouted snarling.

Tai Yi-Jun gave him a cold glare, "And think of all the other lives that will be sacrificed now if we don't take them down."

"Well, we still have time to get it back-"Miaka was trying to argue when she was cut off abruptly by one of the soldiers from the outer walls of the palace.

"I apologize Your Highness, but there's a woman outside of the gates demanding entry, but she seems to not want you notified," the bulky soldier reported bowing to his knees.

Waving his hand in a clear dismissal, Hotohori thanked him. Turning over to the rest of the warriors, he spoke up out of their sudden chatter, "Come on, we should all go and see exactly who it is whom wants to get inside so badly." Marching at his heels, the rest of them followed behind him as he led his way to the entrance of the grand palace he called home.

The girl was bickering loudly with the two guards who seemed nervous at the odd behavior for a lady. Miaka snickered, "It looks like she's not one of the usual respectable ladies." One of the guards obviously told her that they were coming, because she turned around and seemed extremely relieved when she noticed them. Running up and jumping over the surprised bodies of the guards while managing to land back on her feet facing them. Sprinting over to them, she stopped just as if seemed she was going to crash into one of them.

It was very obvious she wasn't from the region guessing by her attire. She wore a thigh high white skirt with a small moon and star pattern on the edge. Her shirt consisted of a Black one that went to her elbows with the design of a white dragon on each end. Both sleeves had a golden string attached, and over that shirt she wore a blue top with t-shirt length sleeves. It was a royal blue lined with white and had wide sleeves unlike the black one witch clung to her arms. A light blue sash closed the waist with a large bow. She was obviously not very poor by the sight of her knee-length blue ribbon with a large silver amulet in the middle of the bow on the front. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, but the end of it touched right below her butt. She had blue eyes, an unusual trait for anyone.

Miaka found herself smiling at the girl. She was very pretty, and also seemed to like wearing short skirts. The girl seemed to be her age and looked very worried. "What brings you to Hong-Nan, or more specifically, the palace?" Hotohori politely asked her. The girl frowned even more and seemed unable to decide if they were reliable enough.

"Don't worry little missy," Tatsuki spoke up cheerily displaying his fangs, "We're Suzaku's Celestial Warriors!" Apparently that was the right thing to say, because the out of place distrusting look vanished. The girl bowed causing the rest of her hair that wasn't up to stream down over her shoulders.

"My err…friend… is very badly hurt. Normally I can heal him, but right now I'm too exhausted to do pretty much anything," Kagome explained, "I heard that one of the warriors has the power to heal, and so I came here!"

"Healer…? Oh, you mean Mitsukake!" Noriko spoke up in sudden realization. Mitsukake strode over to her and smiled, "Where is your 'friend'?"

The girl looked beyond relieved then worried. "We need to move fast, he's in really bad condition!" They nodded and ran after her, expecting that she wasn't very fast. After all, they were used to traveling through jungles and dirt instead of paved stones.

Boy were they wrong! Chiriko was gasping for breath, causing Tatsuki to have to carry him on his shoulder. "This girl's fast!" Tamahome gasped as they sped up behind her. She seemed to have heard his gasping words, because she let up a little bit, only a little bit.

"Hey girl, what's your name?" Noriko shouted up to the girl. She turned back to them and slowed down causing Miaka to gasp out a, "Thank god she's slowing down!"

Studying them, she spoke for the first time in a unworried manner. "My name is Kagome!" before suddenly speeding up and rushing off causing the rest of them to groan in pathetic exasperation.

They finally came upon a small camp in the edge of the woods. There was a small stream, Hotohori was surprised, and he never noticed that before. Near the stream was a small tent. "He's in there…" Kagome mumbled worried. Mitsukake smiled at her reassuringly before telling Noriko to bring him some water. When they had finally disappeared into the tent, leaving only Kagome and the other five warriors and the priestess, they sighed and sat down. Miaka noticed Kagome chewing on her bottom lip anxiously.

"Don't worry, Mitsukake knows what's he's doing and he's good at it," Miaka tried reassuring her.

Suddenly Kagome flushed and stood up and bent over with a stiff bow. "I'm so sorry, I think I've forgotten to introduce myself!" Pointing at herself and then the tent, she intro'd, "I'm Kagome Tsukiyo, and the one your companion's healing is Kai-Lung. I can't thank you enough for coming to help! Oh, and what are your names?"

"The blonde's Tatsuki, Princy over there is Hotohori, that's Chiriko, this squirrel kid's Chichiri, the healer is Mitsukake, Noriko was the one who went with him, this is Tamahome, and I'm Miaka!" Miaka introduced as each one raised a hand when their name was said, besides Noriko who gave an earsplitting scream.

They all immediately stood up to see what had happened when Noriko rushed out of the tent with her hand cradled to her chest. She or he, Miaka thought, was cooling her hand in the river as if something had burned her. "Kagome, I think you're needed in here," Mitsukake called out somewhat offbeat. Kagome cast a worried glance at Noriko before entering the tent.

Kagome gasped in surprise when she saw Kai up and glaring at Mitsukake. He was just about to bite when Kagome called out, "Kai, don't bite him! He's here to help!" Kai took a look at her and his posture visibly relaxed. He had obviously thought they had stolen or hurt her and came to take or finish him off. She took a step towards him and suddenly leaped foreword to kneel at his side. Holding him to her chest, she sobbed dryly in relief to see him well again.

Kai leaned into Kagome as she held him to her. "Ahem…AHEM!" Mitsukake was blushing madly causing Kagome to blush with him. Letting go of her over affectionate 'friend', she stood up and bowed to Mitsukake, earning a sound suspiciously close to a growl, "Thank you so much for helping out Kai-Lung."

"I would have done it for anyone," Mitsukake replied causing Kagome to smile at him.

"Now that I believe Mr. Kai-Lung won't bite anyone, I think we should move you to the palace," Tamahome stated opening the flap only to find a still red Kagome and Mitsukake sitting across from each other. Apparently they both were oh so 'gifted' with the ability to have everlasting blushes. Tamahome raised an eyebrow and grinned mischievously, he was about to say something undoubtedly taunting when Tatsuki called out, "Oi, get out of the way, how'll they exit the tent with you blocking it Ghost Boy?" Kagome could see his temple throbbing and he backed out before the sound of harsh pounding echoed from outside.

She flinched for poor Tatsuki but couldn't help but smile. Everyone seemed so… comfortable with each other. Brushing herself off, she stood up and exited the tent.

"I think I'll need help to carry Kai-Lung."


Kagome's brow furrowed in confusion as she walked through the endless maze which was the royal palace. There were so many rooms, and only one of her. Deciding that it was better to stay with Kai-Lung than end up hopelessly lost, she turned back the way she came. Only to find she was already lost. "Oh…great, just great!" she grumbled to herself. Blonde hair caught her attention, "Tatsuki!" Kagome called out in recognition only to have him turn and it make out to be…not Tatsuki. Upon realizing her mistake, Kagome blushed and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I'm sorry, I mistook you for an acquaintance of mine," She apologized to the boy.

He smiled charmingly, "Its okay, I understand. The Palace is very confusing and complex the first time, I got lost as well." Kagome brightened up at that, "Well, do you think you can tell me where I am, and where the North Wing is?"

The boy seemed amused. "The North Wing is on the other side of the Palace, this is the South wing of the Palace."

Kagome felt the world drop from beneath her she was so mortified. Laughing nervously, she walked towards the now known North Wing before turning to look at him. "My name's Kagome, what's yours?"

He suddenly smiled a very… creepyish smile, "My name is Suboshi."

"Well, see ya soon!"

Kagome had already sped off when he replied, "Yes, see you very soon Kagome…"


Kagome smiled as she found Kai-Lung's room. Opening the door she knew she should've been upset but couldn't bring herself to be so when she saw him still up and waiting for her. He smiled when he saw her, and half of the worry in his purple eyes faded away. Kagome stepped foreword and bent down to place her hair ornament down when she was suddenly pulled onto the bed.

Laughing, she scolded him, "C'mon Kai, let me up!" He shook his head but loosened his grip. In no time he was asleep, his arms wrapped loosely enough to allow her to escape. Kagome smiled down at his sleeping face. In his sleep there was none of his worry for her that touched her heart so deeply, he seemed peaceful and happy, a rarity for Kai-Lung. Crouching down so her chin rested on the edge of the bed, she reached out to brush away a stray clump of hair.

His twin fluffy violet ears popped up just begging to be coddled. Kagome's eyes softened, he had tried so hard. All day since they had come to the Palace, he had kept his Kitsune traits hidden, and in the injured state he was already in, it was very hard. Kissing his forehead, Kagome stood up to see Miaka and Tamahome. They had opened the door and were staring at her accusingly.

Kagome frowned as she tried to understand what was wrong. "Keep away from him!" Tamahome hissed confusing her even more.


"You heard him, don't hurt one of our Suzaku Warriors," Miaka answered as the rest of them piled in front of the doors.

"We were notified of two people from Qu-Dong were here, we just never expected it to be you and you had to speak to them too." Hotohori stated somewhat sadly.

Kagome's brow creased in frustration, "The only person I've spoken to besides Kai-Lung and you guys and Suboshi!"

"Aha, so you do know him!" Tatsuki crowed. A sudden loud crash and a yellow light ran into the room.

"Suboshi?" Kagome asked breathlessly unable to believe what had just happened in the last five minutes. He glanced at her and something struck her hip before he simply…vanished. Miaka stared at her in horror.

Kagome looked down at herself in confusion. There was a small hole in her skirt right at her hip where the character for moonlight rested. "A Seiryu Celestial Warrior…" Tamahome breathed out unable to quite comprehend it. Kagome was a nice girl and she seemed genuinely loving, though, maybe she was an amazing actor.

"Get her!" Hotohori ordered making Tatsuki and Noriko step foreword.

Kagome flinched as they got closer to her. She tried to run only to find she couldn't. "You can't move, I'm restraining the flow of your chi," Chichiri informed as sweat beaded on his forehead.

Her eyes widened, "Kai, Kai, Kai-Lung!" she called to him hoping he would wake up and save her, again, as he always did.

"He can't hear you, much more wake up," Hotohori informed her somewhat remorsefully. Kagome felt her stomach drop in realization. The food, they had deliberately put in some kind of poison! What if they tried to hurt him, in the state he was in, he wouldn't be able to fight back at all!

Expanding her aura to an explosive level, she finally heard Chichiri's hold on her body snap loudly. They paused as if waiting for her to attack now that she was free. Tatsuki had drawn his fan while Hotohori's sword was drawn. Looking back at Kai sleeping peacefully, she sighed to herself sadly. Mentally apologizing to him, she looked Hotohori in the eye, "I'll go peacefully to the dungeon or where ever you want to take me if you promise nothing, and absolutely nothing will happen to Kai-Lung."

He nodded and Kagome took one last look at Kai sleeping peacefully on the soft bed as she was led to wherever they were going to take her.


Miaka knew Tamahome and the others felt bad taking Kagome to the dungeon, but she was one of them. Kai-Lung was in danger in her presence, and she might be trying to exterminate him. A small part of her told her that Kagome was innocent and that the two's relationship was deeper than she could imagine, but rationale kept her from believing it. If not for murder, why would a Seiryu Warrior stay with a Suzaku Warrior?


Kai-Lung rolled over in his sleep when he felt nothing under his arm. He lazily opened his eyes when he realized she wasn't even in bed. Frowning, he sat up, where was she? Her pin was still on the table, so where in the world could she be? His ears twitched, searching for the sound of her white skirt swirling and swishing as she walked. No, nothing for his up, he narrowed his eyes as a wretched scent reached his nose. Looking down he spotted it, Kagome's blood.

The world went red…


So what do you think of it? Please review, and if you have any requests, go ahead and tell me, though I may not be the best author…. Well, I'll update soon when I feel like it!

~Tsuki no Tennyo