Chapter One

Since I was eleven I have known that I was adopted, but not who my biological parents were. I was told by Sue and Tom, the couple I have known as my parents all my life that when I turned 18, I would find out about my real parents. The problem is that I will be turning 18 tomorrow on the 21st August and I am really excited but also nervous to find out. I have told none of my friends that I am actually adopted; it has never bothered me so I don't see any point in discussing it. I wonder what my parents look like and if they have any other children.

I couldn't stop all the thoughts running through my mind, all I could think about was how exactly I would find out about my real parents, I fell asleep wondering if I would ever meet them, and what they would be like.

I awoke to the sound of people singing 'Happy Birthday' a bit too loudly for my liking, upon opening my eyes I saw my parents Sue and Tom, standing at the bottom of my bed with their arms full of presents.

"Morning," I said quietly, a smile crossing my face. "Good morning honey, happy birthday," my dad said, walking over and kissing my cheek. "Happy Birthday Mione, come on open some presents," mum told me and giving me a big hug, and placing a plate of toast on my lap.

"Thanks, lots of presents I don't know where to start," I told them and they laughed and my dad handed me a small rectangle present in green paper, which I opened up quickly to see the most beautiful platinum necklace with an emerald pendant. Also enclosed was a cream envelope.

"Wow it's beautiful," I said and then glanced at the tag; I was puzzled when I read 'Happy Birthday honey, this necklace belonged to my mother and I wanted you to have it, please read the letter also attached and it will explain everything to you.

"Mum, dad, did you get me this?" I asked.

"No honey we didn't," my mother replied, and so I just nodded and opened the envelope.

Dear Aurora,

This may come as a shock to you, my darling daughter, but I am writing this letter to you as i am sure that I will no longer be around by the time you reach the age of 18. I hope that you will one day be able to understand why we left you in the care of muggles, trust us it was for the best. You see, we were both in the Dark Lords inner circle, and once he found out that we were having a baby, he asked us to hand you over to him so that he could use you in a strengthening sacrifice, as he was sure you may have certain powers, once you were of age, so if you have noticed anything strange, that is what it may be. We couldn't let any harm come to you so as soon as you were born, your father, Jacob, cast a glamour charm upon you and took you too a muggle orphanage. The Dark Lord was not happy with this outcome, and when your father refused to tell him where you were, he was killed.

I have done many things over the years that I am certainly not proud of, but please believe me that I love you will all my heart, and would do anything if it meant you were kept safe. I hope you like the necklace I enclosed for you, I have charmed it so that once you wear it, the glamour charm will stop working and your true appearance will show. Also once you are aware of your true identity, that will be the name that the Ministry will refer to you as. When you were born you were named Aurora Liana LeStrange, Aurora after my mother and Liana after your fathers' mother. I have told my sister Narcissa and her husband Lucius all about you and they will explain to you the terms of our will, and the details of your betrothement.

Please take care, my darling daughter, and I hope that you will make the effort to get to know your true family.

I love you so much,

Bellatrix Arianne LeStrange xxxx

I couldn't believe it, Bellatrix and Jacob LeStrange, my parents, no it must be a mistake. I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom where I proceeded to empty my stomach of its contents.

"Hermione, what's wrong, is everything okay?" my mother asked worriedly from the bathroom doorway. I couldn't answer, I was still processing the information, and it couldn't be true. I couldn't help but burst into tears, my mum seemed shocked at seeing me cry, so she ran over and pulled me into a tight embrace, and I continued to cry. My mum stroked my hair and when I had eventually calmed down, she led me back to my room and to my bed where she tucked me in before I drifted off to sleep.