Title: The Night Goes On
Type/Warning: Fluffish with humor/SPOILERS FOR THE MOVIE.
Show(s)/Movie(s): Star Trek, Doctor Who
Summary: It wasn't her first time meeting a Captain, especially one that hit on her with expertise.
Setting: Post: the movie, during season 2 of Doctor Who
Pairing: Hinted Jim/Rose, hinted Drose, mention of Uhura/Spock
Author's Note: A mix of the sci fi show I'm starting to really get into and the one that got me hooked into the genre.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything! But dialogue and plot. All characters and original story lines belong to their rightful owners.
Rose Tyler had been hit on by many a gentleman. And since taking up with the Doctor a year and half ago, it seemed that she could be hit on in completely alien languages by creatures whose mouths were part of their stomachs. That had been an odd experience.
She sighed into her wine glass. The Doctor had decided that after many a disaster (which he would always say that he had stopped just in time. Keyword was just, in that sentence) that the two, specifically Rose, could use a break.
Why he thought an alien bar on a future Earth, in Iowa (of all places it had to be Iowa), America would be the best place to relax, was a complete mystery to her. She took another sip from the glass. She'd probably be having a much better time if the Doctor hadn't got caught up in a conversation about Kling-something or another's with a guy with pointy ears.
He reminded her a bit of an elf…and an emotionless robot's love child.
That was rude of her to even think that.
"Hey there, pretty girl wanna take a walk on the wild side?" she looked up at the voice that had addressed her. When they walked in to the bar she had noticed that practically everyone in it were from some school. And that they all had lame pick up lines which weren't helping her have fun or relax at all.
"Just give up right now," she said, turning to look straight ahead of her. She could feel the man glaring at her.
"Sweet heart, I'm quite a catch, better than any offer you're going to get tonight" he said, the anger was pretty obvious in his voice. She rolled her eyes. It just wasn't her night. The man that usually blocked any annoying jerk's who were interested was off in a discussion of another species with an alien. She sighed.
"What are you a fish?" he still stood there. He was getting on her nerves. She turned to face him, "Can't you take a hint? Get lost, I'm not interested" okay so that was rude. But there were many a factor as to why she was annoyed. not just because of him and his lame pick up lines.
The man opened up his mouth once more, but a different (and much hotter sounding) voice replaced the voice of the man in front of her. "You heard the lady, get lost" the man in front of her froze and saluted the man behind her.
"Of course Captain" and with that he was gone. She turned to face the Captain that had saved her from the not so original suitor.
He flashed a smile at her. Holy God, he was gorgeous. "Hi, I'm Captain James T. Kirk" he said.
"Rose Tyler" she finally got out of her mouth. Maybe this evening was going to be that terrible. "Lady Rose Tyler of the Powell States" she corrected. If he was going to whip out Captain, she was going to whip out her own title.
"You here with anyone Lady Tyler?" he asked with a grin, before taking a drink from his own glass. She pointed over at a table that was near a corner of the room.
"The brunette" she answered, picking her wine glass up and taking a sip from it.
"He your boyfriend?"
She almost chocked on the liquid. "W-what?" she blushed embarrassed and cleared her throat. "No, he's not. He's just a friend, Captain," she said, taking a napkin and wiping some of wine off her face. "What about you?"
"No one, I'm all by my lonesome. Unless you count Spock and his girl," he replied. "Spock would be the guy your friend is talking to, and the girl at the table is his girlfriend though he doesn't call her that" he paused, laughing a little. "He's a very formal when he talks so he calls their relationship, mutual infatuation"
It was then Rose actually noticed the girl sitting opposite of the Doctor and next to the elf…Spock. "Well than Captain, I guess it's just you and me," she said, finishing off her drink.
"Sounds like a good plan Lady Tyler" he said, taking another drink from his glass and taking the seat next to her. She chuckled.
"Just call me Rose"
"Then, just call me Jim"
The two smiled at each other. The evening had passed by quickly for the most part. She chuckled lightly at something he said, something about wooing women was like an art, and he had mastered it. Or something like that.
"What's so funny?" he asked, putting down his second empty glass on the counter.
"You just remind me of this other Captain, I used to know," she answered, finishing off her third glass of wine. "He's also a huge flirt, but deep down a gentleman" she added.
"Then me and this Captain have a lot in common, what's his name?"
"Captain Jack Harkness" she answered "he hit on me too, though in a place more charming than this bar. I seem to attract Captains," she added as a joke.
"So I'm not your first?" he asked, faking a look of surprise and hurt.
"I knew it would come out eventually, I'm so sorry Jim," she answered, touching his arm. "Do you think you'll ever get over it?"
"Maybe, but Rose this changes our relationship forever"
"Oh Jim, say it isn't so!"
The two laughed. Maybe this evening hadn't been a total disaster. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the Doctor and his new friends stand up. "This had been fantastic, but it's time for me to go" she said, putting money down to pay for her drinks. She had a feeling she wasn't going to like it when she woke up tomorrow.
"Sadly, it seems it's my time as well. Spock's been making sure I don't get too drunk and terribly hung over, sometimes being captain of a ship just isn't that fun" he said not moving from his spot as the elf man, a girl and the Doctor wandered over to where they were. "Rose, this is Spock and Uhura"
She nodded at the two. The one with elf ears, Spock, tilted his head only a little where as Uhura smiled. "Doctor, this is Jim"
The Doctor didn't look to pleased to see Jim. "Right, Rose we got to be going," he said, gesturing towards the door.
"As do we Jim," stated Spock. Maybe she had been right about the emotionless robot thing.
James sighed and got up. "Well it was great meeting you Rose," he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Hopefully I'll see you again"
She smiled, "Like wise, Captain" she said before following after the Doctor.
It wasn't until after she was lying in her bed on the TARDIS did she remember that she wanted his phone number. "Damn" she always forgot the important things when she needed them.