Prompt: How she (almost) made you fall in love with her.
A/N: Inspired by my totally-depressed mood lately. Sigh. Life sucks, doesn't it? By the way, this is a bench scene drabble which you probably are all tired of already. But anyways, this is my version. Inspired by 'Yubiwa'. I tried my best to make it into my own style--I hope it worked.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Sorry to disappoint you all.




She is an idiot, you think, as you place her on the stone bench.

…And she's annoying.

And she's stupid. And she's hopeless. And she's a weakling. And she's beautiful. And she's smart. And she's innocent. And she is a million other things in your mind that you just can't express into words because you're Sasuke and because you just can't.

Your knew that your heart had already been frozen since long ago, and you knew that it had icy sharp edges, cut into shapes of cold, prideful daggers that were capable of hurting anybody that came too close.

She was a fool for trying.

She had gotten cut by your sharp words that you were only capable of producing. But she tried anyways. Again and again. The worst part was that her pointless, futile attempts were actually working.

She was slowly thawing your frozen heart.

…And you couldn't have that happening.

You can't have your frozen heart melting because of some girl, because soon, you wouldn't have any hate left.

Your revenge would not have been completed. And you need it, you need to complete your revenge because the only reason that you are supposed to live for is to kill that man who froze your heart, not to protect a stupid, stupid girl.

She might be completely broken because of this, you think, as you stare at her


watching the crystal tears shed for you (and for only you) trail down her cheek.

You don't need her touch.

(But your eyes don't move away.)

You need to see your brother six feet under the ground, cold and dead and fallen--

…And you wonder why you needed that drilled into you so many times.

But you touch her. Barely.

Your lips were only a centimeter away from hers.

Only a whisper away.

So close, without you even realizing that you've been leaning down into her this whole entire time, tempted by her softness, her kindness, her innocence that just draws you to her when you're supposed to be trying to—get the hell away from her.

Your hands clench,

Your eyes tighten,

And slowly…

…you move back.


You relax, wearing that emotionless mask of yours, the painful expression vanishing. Your eyes are pieces of ice once more.

Move away.

It's simple.

(All you need to do is leave.)

Leave and don't go back, don't go back on that ugly, dark path that you've already been cursed with, that you've already decided, long ago, to take.


And then you do walk away, leaving behind everything.

Team Seven. Konoha. Every single thing that had been precious to you. Everyone that had accepted you with open arms, despite how much times that you have tried to resist.

Your everything.

The too-loud blond with dreams and goals that reached higher than anyone.

Your best friend.

The silver-haired perverted man that taught you everything.

Your teacher.

The annoying pink-haired girl with a too-bright smile who followed too much.

The girl that you—





"Sono toki zutto, watashi wa kia kaketa hikoukigumo wo mite-ita..."