{AN: well, im sorry for the wait for this chapter. That cold cameback 150times worse, so I've been sleeping and resting it off, I haven't been on the computer much. Buuut, I finished this chapter today, on the 21 of March…. Happy late St. Patrick's Day!!!!! Lol. Oh, and… We are skipping the boring episode 33!!!! Why, you might ask? Because I am the author of this story! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! Hehe, anyways, episode 33 only really talks about the team they are fighting while this chapter takes palce. I was going to include it, but I kept on hitting a writers block, so I decided to just skip it and go on to where they get really close while she's healing!


Kagome crept through the trees, making sure to keep out of eye sight of Hiei. 'I wish he'd just let me heal his arm. His pride is seriously annoying.'

Kagome had followed Hiei and Kurama out of the hotel when they left early that morning. She had decided to follow Hiei instead of Kurama when they went separate ways. Hiei was the more injured of the two, so it made perfect sense to follow him and make sure he wasn't targeted by an enemy fighter.

Leaping from a branch Kagome quickly hid when he turned to look her way. She stiffened when he started toward her position, but relaxed as Kurama appeared. While they talked Kagome moved herself to a more secluded position. She knew was wasn't very strong, compared to them. But compared to the two demons heading their way, she would be enough to bring them down.

'They're the doctor's henchmen. That dirty old man!' Kagome thought, drawing her swords. 'They look like panthers. Odd.' 'They are genetically enhanced humans. Don't worry about them. They haven't gained any new powers, all they have is brute strength.' Kagome paused before attacking the two interlopers, surprised at that thought. 'Emerald has left, so why-' Before she could ponder that any more a sort of snarly yell drew her attention to below.

A leopard human thingy was charging towards Kurama and Hiei. Watching, Kagome noticed how Kurama already had his whip out, making her assume he had been practicing with it again, and making her regret choosing to follow Hiei.

(in the episode it does around 12 minutes of the fight. Well, I don't want to do a little switch scene, cause our two main focuses are Kagome and Kurama….and they are here. So, it jumps forwards in regards to the episode.)

Working together Kagome watched as Kurama and Hiei disassembled the leopard creature. She chuckled at their side conversation. 'If he is that wonderful with his left hand, why bother with healing the right?'

She decided to just sit back and relax. It was obvious that they had everything taken care of, so why bother getting involved. Reclining back, Kagome watched as Kurama and Hiei talked to the remaining panther man.

"What in the world is that!?" It was a large metal machine, standing at around 20 feet, Kagome guessed. It sent shivers down her spine. "Its going after them! I should help!" 'Wait for the perfect moment to strike. Do not hesitate.' Kagome nodded to herself, and waited as they battled. Hiei drew his sword and tried to hack off the metal extended arm, and Kagome's eyes widened as it didn't cut through. Hiei went after the living opponent, and Kagome smirked, only to gape as the machine got in the way and moved Hiei off course.

"Hiei!" Kagome yelled, jumping down when she noticed him land on his arm. Sprinting forward Kagome grabbed Hiei up just in time to prevent Hiei from being crushed against the tree. "What are you thinking!?" Kagome scolded as she jumped up into the trees.

"Hiei! Are you alright!?" Kurama's voice made Kagome look back, but the sound of cracking wood made her lunge forward again.

"Who isss thisss? A pretty young lady helping two insignificant worms?" The leopards voice made Kagome cringe, but she continued running from the machine.

"Put me down. Now." Kagome looked down at the voice, noticing that he was upside down, so he was looking up at her with a cross face. Nodding Kagome made her way towards Kurama, letting Hiei go by him.

"Nice of you to help, Kagome." Kurama greeted, nodding before leaping away. Kagome nodded back and watched Hiei closely as he leapt away from the machine arm as well.

Kagome missed the bending of the arms and didn't think that the arms would go after her, after all, they had been ordered to kill Hiei and Kurama, not her. As she was leaping towards Kurama a metal arm grabbed her and slammed her into a tree, making her black out for a minute.

"Kagome!" Kurama's voice sounded far away to her, and blinking Kagome looked around dazedly, noticing how they were both heading towards her, to rescue her.

Kurama was the one with the arm still following him, and when he jumped and flipped over the arm pinning her, that arm rammed right into the other one, knocking it off of her. Kagome wasn't coherent enough to catch herself, so when she started falling she closed her eyes. Feeling arms surround her Kagome opened her eyes and gazed into Hiei's red eyes.

"Hi." Kagome muttered before drooping her eyes. A large boom echoed through out the forest, and Kagome's eyes jerked open as Hiei yelled out Kurama's name. "No…"

"Excellent. Now kill the other one too." There was no sign of movement, and Kagome didn't hear anything, and the confusion was plain with the leopard mans next words. "What's wrong with you? I said Kill!"

"You were wrong on two counts." Kurama's voice made Kagome breathe a sigh of relief. 'He's safe.'

"I'm wrong? What do you mean? What just happened!?" Kagome could hear the fear in the mans voice, and Kagome smiled softly as Kurama did a run through on strengths and weaknesses. Hiei walked over to Kurama, and Kagome looked up at him through her lashes.

"Your robot is dead, and so, I'm afraid, are you." Kagome closed her eyes and opened them again as a small whoosh echoed by her ears, telling her Kurama had gone to bash some sense into the leopard man. After a few moments he returned with the leopard man. "Are you alright?"

Kagome looked up at Kurama's voice. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Why were you out here?" Hiei's stern voice made Kagome wince.

Kurama's voice was calm yet firm. "Hiei calm down. She was probably trying to do her job."

"And what job would that be?" The grip on her tightened and Kagome whimpered in slight pain.

"My job…." Kagome began, and paused to breathe, her stomach hurt something fierce. "My job is to heal all of you when you're hurt."

Hiei scoffed. "I don't need to be healed."

"Yes, you do." Kagome retorted, glaring up at him. "Your right arm is damaged, its burnt on the outside…" Kagome breathed in deeply again. "and the inside, I can feel the damaged since im so close to you, you've torn muscles, and the blood isn't circulating. If I…." she hissed and tried to get loose of his arms so she could heal his arm. "If I don't heal you, it might not work ever again!"

Kurama and Hiei were silent a few moments before they started walking, Kurama taking Kagome from Hiei's hands, and Hiei grabbing the collar of the man.

"He told me some very interesting information in return for his life, Hiei. Don't kill him." Kurama sounded amused, making Kagome want to see what Hiei was going to do.

"Tch. Fine."

"What did…He tell you?" Kagome whispered, her voice hoarse.

"Where the teacher of our three opponents is being held. It's a cave on this island, only a few miles away. Before we go, however…" Kurama lowered Kagome to the ground and hovered over her, Kagome would have blushed at the position if she wasn't in so much pain. "I think you might have a few broken ribs…"

"Kurama, I'll go and retrieve the doctor. You take care of her. I'll meet you back here." Hiei took off without waiting for Kurama to agree, making Kagome laugh before grabbing her stomach.

"I guess…. I shouldn't be mad at Hiei… for not allowing me to heal him…" Kagome whispered, making Kurama chuckle.

"He can be stubborn at times. But, why did you follow us out here?" Kurama raised her blue tea-shirt so he could get to her ribs.

"Ow Ow Ow! Be careful! That HURTS!" Kagome yelled, shoving his probing fingers away.

Kurama chuckled, a deep sexy chuckle that almost made Kagome blush. Almost. Right now it just made her angrier. "Sorry, but I must check your wounds."

"No you don't! I can tell you, I have a broken rib!" Kagome yelled, tears streaming down her face. "And it hurts!"

Kurama nodded and smiled. "You most likely have more than one broken rib. Probably two." Kurama leaned over and lifted her head off the ground. Kagome winced but refrained from yelling at him. "Hm, there's no bump, so you most likely don't have a concussion. Can you sit up?"

"If I could do you think I'd be lying here?" Kagome snapped, only to groan and grab her stomach.

"Now now, calm down Kagome." Kurama tisked, making Kagome even mader. He lifted her into his arms and moved her over to a tree, where he used some of his plant abilities to soften the trunk. "Relax."

Bending down he ripped off the bottom of her skirt, which had been knee length but was now thigh length. "Hey! Who said you could-!" Kagome was stopped short of her rant as Kurama placed a finger against her lips.

"It is necessary." Kurama responded quietly, wrapping the skirt around her middle.

"I can heal myself you know. It just takes up a lot of energy to do it…" Kagome trailed off unhappily.

"Then you should heal yourself slowly." Kurama responded, matter-of-factly.

Kagome was silent. 'Well, when he puts it like that…' she looked off to the side to show her acceptance of his actions, but she kept enough of her pride to not just agree with him. 'He didn't have to be all-knowing about it. He acts like he knows how my powers work!' Kagome pouted and winced as he tightened the strip of clothe around her ribs.

Kurama chuckled as Kagome winced. 'She looks so adorable.' 'Cute enough to kiss…' Kurama paused a moment as that thought drifted through his mind, surprised by it. It had been a long time since he had decided to communicate with himself. 'Why now?' Kurama thought briefly, but before he could get further into his thoughts, a large crash from the side took his attention.

"Ah, you've returned. Find the good doctor alright?" Kurama asked, looking over at Hiei before looking back to Kagome. His green eyes sparkled as she squirmed.

"Can I start healing myself now?" Kagome's sarcastic comment made Kurama look up and smile in amusement. 'She's a spit fire, this one.'

"Yes, you may start healing yourself, but keep it slow so you don't pass out." Kurama cautioned, standing with her in his arms. Kagome whimpered, and Kurama shifted her so that her spine was straight and her ribs wouldn't be puncturing anything vital.

Kagome was focused on her healing, so it was a shock when they arrived at the arena.

{AN: OK, so this is where I'm going to end this chapter. The next one will include the rest of this fight, obviously. Kurama and Kagome will get closer. I might even make this a Kurama/Kagome/Hiei, at this point. I'm not too sure though, considering its still so early in the relationships. But, im really considering it, since a few readers really think it would be a good idea…. Tell me if you do as well in a review, I really listen to them!

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!}