It was seven thirty at night.

Which, usually, meant that Jackie Burkhart was getting ready to leave for her job at the bar.

True, it wasn't the best of ways to make a living, but when you're a desperate single mother living at your best friend's fiance's parent's house/ex boyfriend's old house, you have to make the best of it.

While it was difficult for four-year old Davey to sleep without his mommy there, Grandma Kitty and Uncle Eric always made him feel as comfortable and content as he could.

Luckily, Jackie had the night off to spend with Davey.

Davey was a cute little boy, with curly dark blonde hair and mismatched eyes. He was too young to even fathom he had a father, let alone know who he was. Davey was always happy, loved his mother dearly, and loved living with his family, too.

He and his mother slept in Laurie Forman's old bedroom, but when his mommy was at work at night and Davey got scared, he always went to his uncle's room.

But now, things were about to change.

Eric and Donna were getting married in a week and a half. Jackie wasn't sure where she stood in that subject. Whether or not Donna and Eric would buy their own house wasn't decided. The Forman household would be lonely without Eric living there, and without Donna stopping by everyday.

"Alright now, baby. Let's get you in bed," Jackie said to her little boy.

"Can't I stay up one night with you and Uncle Eric and Grandma Kitty and Uncle Red?" Davey pleaded.

"I'm sorry, babe, but you didn't take a nap today. You're tired, I can tell," she said as she pushed his hair out of his face.

"Nuh uh."

Jackie sighed as she picked her son up and put him on the big bed. Sometimes she could swear she heard "zen" in her little boy's voice.

"It's dark out," Jackie pointed out.

Davey nodded and turned back to face his mother. "Will you tell me a story?"

Jackie nodded. "Fine. What should it be about?"

After finally getting Davey to sleep after a long story about dinosaurs, Jackie got into her pajamas and went into the basement to watch TV.

She looked at her watch, seeing that it was almost nine o'clock now, and Eric should be walking through the door any moment.

Sure enough, he walked right in.

"Hey," he said.

"How's Donna?" Jackie asked.

"Good. We had fun. I made her see this new scary movie. She like, was hiding behind the seats and everything." Eric laughed, "Oh wait, that was me."

Jackie smiled and nodded. This was the way it was every night when she was home. She'd put Davey to bed, go downstairs, and watch TV with Eric, and sometimes Donna, too.

"So, Jackie," Eric turned to face her, "I know you really don't want to talk about this but... you know the wedding's coming up."

"I know... I can't look better than Donna. It's gonna be hard, Eric... but I'll try. For the sake of your marriage." She smiled jokingly, "What were you gonna say?"

Eric smiled weakly, knowing the girl would break once he said what he had to say.

"I have to invite him, Jackie."

Jackie's smiling face suddenly grew grim. "Who?"

"You know who. Hyde." Eric raised his eyebrows in anticipation for a reaction.

Jackie displayed no emotion, just a blank look.

"He's gonna be my best man, Jackie..."

"Eric... it's fine. Do whatever you want. But just know that I am NOT talking to him. Neither is Davey." Jackie shook her head vigorously.

"But... you're the maid of honor. You have to walk down the aisle with him."

"Ha!" Jackie gave a weak laugh, "Never thought I'd hear that one, huh?"

"Joking about it isn't gonna help. How would you stay away from him Jackie? And Davey, too?" Eric looked genuinely concerned.

"I... I don't know... God. I'm thinking about that ni-"

"Come on, Jackie. Don't bring yourself down, now."

"No, Eric. It's all my fault. All of this." Jackie felt a tear run down her face. "If I hadn't left, or if Michael hadn't been there... Davey would have a father. I wouldn't be living here, being a burden to you and your family."

"No, no, no, Jackie," Eric shook his head lightly, "you're not a burden to us. And it's not your fault things turned out the way they did. You didn't even find out that you were pregnant until a month later. And by then he was already..."

"Gone," Jackie finished slowly. "And God knows where he went. And he's never come back either... and after all the times you've talked to him on the phone... he hasn't mentioned where he is? Where he's been?"

"No," Eric shook his head again, "and we both agreed not to mention that you had his kid. He would freak out."

"I know," Jackie squeaked, on the verge of sobbing.

"Jackie, Jackie," Eric hugged her tightly, "it's okay. There's a way around this somehow."

"I just want to protect Davey," Jackie cried into his shoulder, "I don't want him to grow up knowing that his father is a love-fearing burnout."

"I know," Eric said, letting go of her.

"When does he come?" she said, her head face down.

"In three days. Jackie, I'm so sorry," He hung his head in shame. "You know I have to do this, though. He was my brother."

Jackie nodded and wiped her eyes, "Well, I'm going to bed. I'm tired and my eyes hurt."

"Okay. Goodnight, Jackie."

"'Night, Eric," She weakly smiled as she wiped her eyes and walked up the stairs.