Disclaimer: I do not Own anything!

Here is a mindless drabble to give you guys something to read while I'm working on other stories:

Prompt: Camera

(This was the prompt I had in my writing class today, not one from a web site)

"Usagi-san...what is that?"

"It's a video camera."

"Yes, I can see that. What is it for?"

"I've decided I can no longer make it through your school day without seeing you. This will, hopefully, tide me over."

"No, don't point it at me!"


"Get away!"

"I could just show up at University whenever I need a fix."

Misaki stopped dead at the thought. Finally, he said, "Fine, film what you want."

Usagi set the camcorder on a tripod, and dove at Misaki.

Oh yeah, 100 exactly...And I didn't even have to edit it.

Please R and R my first drabble.