For a friend (they didn't ask, I'm doing this out of the goodness of my heart), I'm making this chapter a bit Wordy-centric, and it also fits since he has 3 girls and one on the way.
Kelly: Can I talk now?
Me: No, still comatose =3.
Kelly: -sigh- - . - . . - - . . . - . - . - . . - . - . . - . - - - - - . - . … . - . - . - - - - . . . . . - - . .
Me: Is that Morse code?
Drip. Drip. Drip.
The IV drip sounded loudly in the quiet room, Kelly lay in the ICU bed on ventilator. Her face was deceptively peaceful, not even showing the battle of life and death happening inside.
Wordy stood at the doorway to Kelly's room, she was finally out of surgery after 7 hours, the injuries were extensive the surgeon had said.
Though he knew better, he couldn't help but to think this was his fault, he was the one who had taught her self defense, if he hadn't, Kelly wouldn't have fought back against her father. Even though Wordy knew it was stupid to blame himself for something that would have happened regardless of his teaching, he was a father and he couldn't help but feel responsible for Kelly.
He sighed and turned away to face the empty hallway, it was late at night, way past normal visiting hours, but the doctors had allowed Team One to stay, not only because they were heavily armed, but they were also the closest family Kelly and Jules had.
A nurse walked down the hall and past the officer, she did a double take, but didn't say anything. Wordy didn't even notice the nurse, he had turned back to look at Kelly, she looked small underneath the numerous tubes and wires coming from her body, the only things keeping her alive. Wordy felt as if it was his daughter in that same position, and he had to look down for a moment to keep tears from flowing from his eyes.
He finally made his way into the room and sat down in one of the chairs, he stared at Kelly for a long time, staying there for hours on end at her bedside waiting for her to wake up. The light from the rising sun entered the room coloring the white bed sheets orange and yellow. The room brightened in visible increments, the chill of the hospital didn't go away though, even with the radiant heat of the sun entering the windows.
Wordy's head snapped up as he heard a knock at the door, Greg stood at the door way looking at the father.
"I was wondering where you went," Greg said.
"I can't leave her boss, and I can't help but think this was my fault," Wordy said, looking back at Kelly.
"It wasn't Wordy. Her father would have found any excuse to beat her,"
"I know boss, but I was the one who gave him that excuse, and gave her the excuse to fight back,"
Greg sighed angrily, "Look, Wordy, it isn't your fault, you have to convince your self that, because it's true, you didn't know what was going on, none of us knew." Greg said sternly, he then took a deep breath and said in a softer tone, "Maybe you should get some rest, go home and be with your wife and kids."
"I'm staying here," Wordy said. "Since Jules can't."
"Alright," Greg said, "I'll be downstairs with Jules, okay?"
"'Kay boss," Wordy replied.
Greg left and Wordy stayed seated, he resolved to wait there until Kelly woke up. He didn't have to wait long, because Kelly's eye lids fluttered, then slowly, opened and blinked against the brightness. She stared at Wordy for a bit, she couldn't talk because she was on a ventilator, but her gaze spoke volumes.
"Kelly, you're going to be alright," Wordy said
Me: Ugh this chapter sucked. AND was uber short!!!
Kelly: Actually, I thought it was quite good, the emotions in it almost made me cry. AND YAY I WOKE UP! SO THAT MEANS I DON'T HAVE TO USE MORSE CODE!!
Me: Really?! Wow, you support me on something for once! You see, dad started banging around dishes in the middle of it, and mixed with Evanescence's very loud and high pitched voice, I got annoyed. That was Morse Code?
Kelly: Well, better your dad bangs dishes around than your head! And yeah, that was Morse Code.
Me: Ouch :P.
Kelly: And in reference to the whole annoying thing, HA HA! SUCKS FOR YOU!!
Me: And sucks for u too, b/c if I got annoyed enough I'd kill you off.
Kelly: Eep!