Hey everyone this is my first fan fix so bare with me if I have errors. And review to let me know if I'm doing anything wrong or that you don't like

Disclaimer: I own nothing but Taylor everything else belongs to the almighty Joss

Summary: What if Buffy and Angel had more help than they thought? Jumps around seasons. Before Welcome to the Hellmouth all of Buffy all of Angel and after Not Fade Away. Warning almost like a songfic but not really.


Sunnydale After mayor's ascension

They were staring at each other through the fog. He walks away. She holds back tears trying her hardest to not cry.

"She really did it. She beat the mayor. Blew him to pieces." A young voice said

"Yes but she did it at a price. Her soul mate was lost to her. He's leaving for Los Angeles." A tall beautiful jet black haired woman said in a sing-song voice.

"And let me guess I have to go with him?"

"Of course you have failed both them and us. As their guardian it's your responsibility to keep them together. And seeing as you didn't and seeing as you're the only one that qualifies to see to them…" the woman's equally handsome male counterpart replied.

"And how do I qualify better than anyone else around here?" the girl looked to be about 14 with short brunette hair, and light green eyes.

"Because we have plans for you. Now go watch them try to get them back together while he is still in her town." The third figure a smaller blonde was now getting annoyed.

"You got it! One hook up between a slayer and vampire coming up!" she said as cheerfully as she could. Then to herself "Damn really sucks sometimes to be the powers that be's bitch."

TBC please review I need it.