My first House fic. It's HUDDY of course. Most likely dedicated to all my HuddyBuddies out there. Let's see... all my other fic readers will be angry that I haven't updated the other stories, but with House making me CRY MY EYES OUT.... I felt it was necessary. So, this takes place after the Season 5 season finale. Short 1st chapter, the rest will be much longer.
Please R&R

Spoilers: Everything up to the end of the Season 5 finale.

Five Months and Three Days


Five months and three days. She sat in her big official swivel chair in front of the desk he had placed there. Her medium length dark chocolate like curls were being curled around her index finger one by one. It was seven in the evening, and she knew that she had to be getting home soon. Her baby sitter was off the clock at seven thirty, and she didn't want her to have to stay later with Rachel again. It was early October, and it was already nearing complete darkness outside. Even though she knew her baby sitter would like to get back to her own home, Lisa Cuddy couldn't bring herself to get up. Something was bothering. He was bothering her. It was the same thought that had bothered her for the past five months, the five months he was gone at that facility near Philadelphia.

What exactly had he imagined?

As weird as it was, she hadn't asked Wilson. She would've but.... part of her didn't want to know. She didn't want the possibility of it being something that could hurt her... once again.

'I told you I need you, and you helped me...' His words echoed, flowed even, through her memory like soft waves above sand, but for some reason ended up crashing violently into rocks.

She was going to ask.

Cuddy pulled her long black wool pea coat over her and pulled her hair out, letting it spill onto her shoulders. She grabbed the two files she needed, stuffed them into her briefcase, clicked off her desk light, and made her way out of her office.

The hallways were busy, a world away from her peaceful office, but the hurriedness could not even compare to her clutter brain at the moment. Her black high heels she wore to compliment her simple dark grey pencil skirt clicked against the hard ground as she made her way to the hospitals finest oncologist's office, Dr. James Wilson.

She had only to knock on the door once before he replied.

"Come in," He said, and she did.

When he saw her he sighed, and leaned back into his leather chair as if he was expecting her. Was he expecting her question too?

"I think you know why I am here." She said with a sigh of her own and sat at one of the two chairs that were before his desk.

"You want to know what House had hallucinated." She didn't speak; she only stared at him, her eyes wavering, waiting for him to continue. Only, he was waiting for her reply.

"I... I thought I was doing a good job with forcing him from my mind." She scoffed, turning the other cheek. She looked at him again more firmly. "But that same thought keeps coming up in my mind.... along with... how he's doing." He was expecting all of this. Sometimes, she thought Wilson would make and excellent couples counselor.

"He's doing well. I just got off the phone with him about an hour ago." She cocked an eyebrow, trying to call his bluff.

"They allow phone calls there?"

"Only after four months, and it's been five. But, I'm sure you already knew of that."


"He didn't want me to tell you."

"I need to know," She said shaking her head.

"I've seen you, walking past his office, glimpsing in... lingering for a while before walking past it yet again. You can't tell me you don't love him." She swallowed, and looked down at her hands in her lap. "He hallucinated that... that you helped him detox off of vicodin... that you audited his endocrinology class—"

"He what? –How, how.... how did he know I audited that?"

"I don't think he did. He said you told him. He imagined that you helped him and that after... you both admitted your feeling and you both slept together. He said he found your lipstick on his bathroom sink –and that's why he carried it around with him everywhere. Only, it was his pills." Her eyes were verging on tears, but she wasn't about to let that happen.

"What else?"

"He told me... He told me that he was serious about having a relationship with you –that he honestly really wanted it and didn't want to screw it up. That's the real reason he was trying to piss you off. And I... I said it was a good idea. I told him that either you saw the night before as a mistake or you were scared."

All the thoughts of Wilson becoming a couple's counselor just flew out the window with those last two lines.

"You did what?!"

"I thought you slept with him!"

She sucked in her lower lip and nodded slowly as she spoke her next words. "So, you're the reason all of my staff thinks I slept with House." But she wasn't angry. Her mind was fixated on the fact that House had told Wilson he really wanted a relationship.

"I'm sorry."

"You know that a relationship would be impossible, right?" Wilson remained silent. "It's seven twelve. My sitter is off the clock at seven thirty. I'll see you tomorrow." She stood up and spun around on her heel, ready to walk out the door. Just as she had it open, Wilson's voice stopped her.

"He's allowed visitors now... since he's almost done. My friend from undergrad that is one of the doctor's... he said it'll actually be good for him. I didn't go up yet..." Cuddy nodded and tried to leave again before Wilson stopped her yet again. "You know," She popped her head back in and he lowered his voice to his normal tone. "He was really in love with you. It was a silent drive to the facility but –I think he was hurt that it was all in his mind."

"He did it to himself." And with those last words she walked out.

'He was really in love with you.' She heard his words over and over again in her mind as she made her way out of the hospital. 'He was hurt that it was all in his mind.' She was going to see him. Tomorrow.

More soon. Please review if you want more. Sorry for the possible suckage, first House fic.
I NEEEEED Season 6.
