Author's Notes:
This is the right update this time, promise. Also, it's the end! I want to thank everyone who has supported and reviewed this story. also, thanks for the nomination! Wow, its actually finished! *claps* I hope everyone enjoyed the ending, and finds it satisfying. Beta'd by PB. Thanks again!
"Promise to keep in touch! I don't want you to disappear for another four years, alright?" Willow said, stomping her foot for dramatic effect.
Buffy giggled and pulled Willow into a bear hug. "I will, I promise. Sorry about not keeping touch before. Won't happen again."
Willow pulled back from Buffy and smiled, then cuddled into Oz' chest. They had become very close in the last two weeks. Turns out, the two of them would be going to the same college in the fall, so they were both happy about that. Also, Oz was in the on-campus band. Major coolness.
Suddenly, Buffy felt something tugging on the hem of her shorts, so she turned around to see who it was. "Brittany? What's wrong?" Buffy asked, concerned as to why the little girl wasn't on the bus to go home.
"Nothing is wrong. The bus driver gave me enough time to come say goodbye to you. I didn't get to this morning," the little girl frowned and nudged her sandal into the dirt. "Can I have a hug?"
Buffy knelt down and wrapped her arms around the now giggling girl. "Of course you can have a hug!" Buffy told her and kissed the top of her head. "I hope you had a good stay here at Caritas."
Brittany nodded her head vigorously, her blonde curls bouncing. "Oh, I really did. 'Specially my birthday. It was really fun."
Buffy smiled and put her hand on the girl's back. "I'm glad. But, it's time to go now. Do you want me to walk you to your bus?"
Brittany nodded again, then slid her hand into Buffy's. "I hope I can be just like you when I grow up. You're really pretty and fun and cool and I like you."
Buffy giggled and bent down to give the little girl another hug. "Thank you, Brittany. You're a great girl yourself. Have a good school year."
As they walked to the bus, Brittany skipped and swung their clasped hands back and forth, just like Buffy used to do with her mother. Buffy knew that she would miss little Brittany. She hoped they would see each other again.
When they made it to the bus, Buffy kneeled down to hug Brittany. The bubbly little girl smiled and kissed Buffy's cheek, then bounded up the steps to her bus, leaving behind a happy Buffy. No one had ever made her feel this good about herself... Well, except Spike.
As if on cue, Spike tapped her shoulder and Buffy spun around, throwing herself in his arms for a hug. "Missed you," she whispered, squeezing him a little tighter.
"Missed you too, kitten," he said, then gave her the extra red helmet he carried on the back of his motorcycle. "You ready to leave?"
"What about my bags and stuff?" Buffy asked, tucking the helmet under her arm. "I can't just leave them here."
"No worries, I have it all taken care of. Oz is going to drop them off at the hotel. He is going past it anyway." Spike smiled.
"Well, in that case," Buffy pulled the helmet on over her head, giggling as Spike started to do up the straps. "Let's get this show on the road!"
Buffy had never been on a motorcycle before, so to say that the ride was exhilarating was an understatement. Also, her arms were wrapped around Spike the whole way, so nothing could have wrecked that experience for her... Well, except if something bad had happened. But, they arrived safely, they were in a hotel, and they were free. Plus, nice paychecks to live off of for the next month if they wanted to. They were happy.
Buffy settled into the bed, running her hand over the soft blankets. Everything was amazing compared to the small cabin room she had to stay in for the last two weeks. She couldn't wait to try the food. She was dying for something other than cold salads, hamburgers, and macaroni with cheese. Not that Lorne's food wasn't yummy, but it would be nice to sample some different cuisine.
She was going to spend the next couple of days with Spike. She had so many things planned that she wanted to do, and she was excited to try every one of them. They still hadn't talked about Drusilla, so she knew that that had to happen, but she just couldn't bring herself to ruin the happy way the day had started. She knew that if they did talk about it, it wouldn't cause them to fight, but it would put a bit of a damper on the mood.
"Buffy?" Spike asked, a nervous look on his gorgeous face.
Buffy pushed herself up and supported herself on her elbows. "Yeah?"
"We, uhm..." he took a step towards her, twisting his hands nervously in front of him. He was about to bring up Drusilla, Buffy knew he was going to. "I think we should talk about-"
"Our plans? Yeah, I agree. What do you-"
"No, I was going to say we should talk about-"
"No, Buffy-"
Buffy groaned and collapsed onto the bed, pulling a pillow over her head. "I don't wanna talk about her," she mumbled into the fluffy material.
Spike walked the rest of the distance to her and pulled the pillow off her head. "Wha's that, luv? I didn't hear you."
Buffy immediately reached up to him and pulled him down onto the bed, then quickly straddled his waist. She leaned down to kiss his lips, "Don't..." kiss, "...want..." kiss, " talk..." kiss, "...about her..."
Spike chuckled and kissed her nose. "We have to sometime, Buffy."
"How about in... twenty years and two hundred and fifty-seven days... that work for you?"
"Fine. Let's ruin today with memories that I have already forgotten about, because it was all just a glitch. I'm fine. Everything that Drusilla said wasn't true, I believe you, I love you, can you kiss me now?" Buffy said and leaned in to kiss him.
"I love you, too. But, are you sure you don't want to talk about it? I will tell you anything that you want, explain everything. I don't want you to bottle it all up and-"
Buffy cut him off with another kiss, this time slipping her tongue between his lips to massage his.
She felt his cock start to stir in his pants, and she couldn't suppress the shiver that ran through her. She couldn't begin to imagine what else he could show her about sex. Everything that he had done with her already was mind blowing, and she was feeling like getting her mind blown again. Drusilla Shmoosilla.
Still with the kissing, she let her hands wander down his chest, then she pushed them up under his shirt. She broke away from the kiss, then started to lick and nibble her way down his neck. "Want you..."
Spike wanted to make sure she was alright about everything, but she seemed to be, so he let it slide. If she ever wanted to talk about it, he had no problems with it, but right now, he wanted to do other things.
He put his hands on her hips and pushed her down so he could grind his erection into the apex of her thighs, groaning as he felt her run her nails down his chest. She was so responsive to everything he did to her. It was intoxicating.
"Please, Spike... want you now..."
He grabbed the hem of her shirt, swiftly pulled it up over her head and threw it across the room. "Want you too, Buffy... God, you're so beautiful."
Buffy could feel the moisture flood her panties, she loved when he got like this. His voice all rumbly as he panted for breath. She knew that it was her that was affecting him this way, and she felt empowered by that. Reducing a man–her man–into a panting, horny mess was a sight she wouldn't grow tired of anytime soon... Scratch that, she would never grow tired of it.
Before she knew it, they were both naked, and she was pinned to the mattress with a growling Spike on_top of her. It hadn't taken much to get him this worked up. She giggled, then gasped as she felt him fill her up. It was the fourth time that they had had sex, but everytime was like the first. Minus the pain for Buffy, there was only immense pleasure.
As he started his rhythm, Buffy placed her hand on his cheek and smiled sweetly. "You're really staying with me, aren't you?" she asked, unable to keep the quiver out of her voice. Everything had turned out great this summer, and she couldn't help but feel extremely happy.
Spike slowed his thrusts down, then leaned in to kiss her softly. He rested his forehead on hers and looked directly in her beautiful green eyes. "I really am, Buffy. I think I would go insane without you. The first time was hard enough. I love you so bloody much, I don't know what I would have done if Dr-"
"No," she said sternly, then kissed him. "It's okay, we made it. We can be together now, no obstacles, no distance. Just me, and you, and hopefully an off campus apartment. Whatever college you go to, is the one I'm going to."
Spike smiled broadly, and sped up his pace. Everything was just perfect.
"I love you, Spike." She moaned.
"I love you, too, Buffy."
Epilogue — Three Years Later
They had both gone back to the camp to be counselors two more times, still running around the camp together whenever they could. They knew they couldn't just leave the place behind. It held so many cherished moments, it was their place.
They had a rocky path, the last three years. But they were still as much in love as ever. Nothing would break the bond they had with each other, and they both knew it. They were it for each other, there could never been someone else in their hearts.
Now, on their wedding day–also held at the Caritas Campground–they smiled and laughed as they intertwined their lives together forever.
"Spike?" Buffy said as they glided across the dance floor.
He captured her lips with his for a chaste kiss, then smiled. "Yes, my wife?"
"Is there anything that you regret?" she asked as she laid her head on his shoulder.
"Are you trying to tell me something, luv?" he inquired nervously.
"No, no! I'm extremely happy," she removed her hand from his shoulder and placed it on her stomach. "And this is just the beginning," she smiled when Spike placed his hand on top of hers and kissed her again. When they pulled away from the kiss, she placed her hand back on his shoulder. "But, is there anything from our past that you regret? Anything you wish you could turn back time and change?"
Spike thought for a second, tilting his head in thought. "Yeah, there's one regret."
"What was it?"
"Not telling you I loved you sooner."
Buffy smiled. "Me too."
Joyce and Ann both had kept in contact throughout the years, spending holidays together and talking for hours on the phone. They had formed a bond with each other and they were ecstatic to be in-laws now.
Joyce looked down at the napkin if front of her, laughing as she read the golden words.
William and Buffy Pratt
Summers that last forever
Joyce leaned over and took Ann's hand, both ignoring their husbands talking about the finer choices in scotch. "We did good, didn't we?" Joyce asked as she watched her glowing daughter dance with her new husband.
"We really did." Ann smiled, then leaned over to give her friend a hug. "They are perfect for each other."
"They really are."
The End
End Notes:
Reviews? Tell me what you think of the ending. PB and I feel it tied up any and all loose strings. Thanks sooooo much again for everything!