I stared at the water around me. It was cold and I was freezing. But I was not about to give the self serving delinquent the satisfaction of seeing me twice in one night.
"Are you going to sit in the water all night or are you going to come and get this damn shirt?" He seemed to be getting aggravated. He wasn't holding his shirt out any more; it was kinda just dangling at his side.
"I told you I don't want your nasty shirt!" I could tell he was about to give me one hell of an argument but he froze. He looked down at his foot causing me to follow his stare. A chunk of the goop, what we later decided was Chef's mystery meat, was moving over his shoe. He looked at it for a moment then tired to shake it off. In almost an animal like desperation the goop held on to his shoe- even when he started kicking and jumping around trying to get it off. I couldn't help but grin. He let out a string of cuss words and called the little glob of goop all the names in the book plus about seven more he made up.
In a sudden frantic move the little gloop shot up Duncan's shorts leg. With a shriek similar to that of a little girl, he started hopping around even worse. That's when I saw my opening. He dropped the shirt. My shirt was we and Chef's slime was not coming off. I didn't have much of a choice. My grin got wider and I almost literally laughed out loud as he threw his fly down and started fishing through his shorts for the little glob. He was extremely distracted so I took that to my advantage and shot out of the water; naturally, clutching my chest in a poor attempt to cover myself. I snatched the shirt off of the ground as Duncan fell backwards.
"What the fuck is this!" He growled as he dug through his pants. I couldn't stand it any longer. The laughter started in my stomach and it hurt like hell as it rang up through my chest. He looked up at me with a glare as he continued fishing. "What the hell are you laughing at?"
"You look like you are playing with yourself."
"Well, would you like to help me?" It would have been a lot more insulting if it wasn't followed by a shriek. He jumped up off of the ground and started fighting with his shorts. He pulled them off and started sharking them like an idiot. With that thought in my head, the idiot part not him pantless, I pulled his shirt over my head. I glanced back at him as he cussed.
"Got ya you little son of a bitch." He laughed maniacally as he stomped the little green gloopy glop into the ground. He was facing the other direction (his back to me) and that gave me a view that I will never forget. Not his ass- though he really didn't have a bad one for a gorilla delinquent. No no no no. It was the tattoo that was on his thigh- thank god for boxer briefs- upper thigh. That caught my attention.
"How cute. Is that a little butterfly?" I almost couldn't contain myself. He shot straight up and covered his leg- clutching his pants in one hand.
"Quit checking out my ass."
"There's not really much to check out now is there?"
"So you were checking it out?" He said coyly as he started pulling his shorts on. He hopped about getting one leg in and then the other. I started to snap something back at him as he pulled his shorts up but I heard something. It was something I realized had been muffled and repeated several times- but only then was it clearly a voice.
"Booooobies." My eyes shot open and my hands instinctively went to cover my chest- even though it was covered in shirt. My head snapped around and my eyes narrowed in on a glint of red in the bushes. I let out a scream. Duncan was beside me and zipping his pants up in a heart beat.
"What?" He asked looking at the bushes. I pointed at them and moved so that I was behind Duncan- as if the little nerd could see through the shirt. (You never know what those geeky types will buy out of the back of comic books)
"Harold! You little fucker!" Duncan growled and ran at the bush. He grabbed the back of Harold's collar as the red head tried to make a break for it. "What the fuck were you thinking spying on us?"
"I didn't see anything. Gosh…..well I did see boobies and you with out your pants off. But I didn't' see what ya'll were doing. What were ya'll doing?"
"As if I would tell you even if it was any of your fucking business." Duncan growled lifting Harold off of the ground by his collar. "I should snap your little neck in half."
"Duncan!" I couldn't believe that was my voice- there was so much anxiety and something else there. He turned and looked at me with wide eyes- he obviously didn't believe that it was my voice either. I frowned and shook my head slowly. He turned back to look at Harold and put him down.
"Saved by the bitch. You better get the fuck out of my sight before I get my balls back." He hissed and gave Harold a kick in the seat of the pants as he scrambled away. Duncan snorted and dusted his hands off. He turned and looked at me his face was solemn.
"Saving Harold now? I can guess it was safe to assume that he wasn't the one that fucked with you." That smug bastard. I snorted and tightened my crossed arms over my chest. I felt unbelievably vulnerable.
"You seriously didn't say that. Are you kidding? Harold's a little shit. He couldn't have done anything. Besides- I'm pretty sure that I've heard Lashawna make him squeal." The look that crossed his face was priceless. First there was shock, then disbelief, then disgust and then serious curiosity. Fuck. I had, in my quickness to be a bitch, revealed a little bit more than I had wanted- and a lot more than what he needed to know.
"And what does that have to do with what happened to you?" He said with a cocked eyebrow. I just blinked at him and shrugged. Hopefully he would leave it alone. One thing I didn't want to tell Duncan was that that mother fucker wasn't even man enough to use himself. No he had to use a goddamn branch or tree limb or something.