Draco Malfoy was exiting class when he saw her out of his peripheral vision. Her large and in charge hair, those stupid knee high black socks that just skimmed the hem of her far too long school skirt. She was laughing and holding on to someone's arm. He turns his head instinctively expecting to find her playing with either Potter or the Weasel, but this boy was dark skinned and looked captivated by her every word.
"Pansy." Draco nudged the brunette at his side to get her attention. "Who's he?" his attention never leaving the pair as he asks; therefore he doesn't see Pansy's annoyed look.
"Dean Thomas. His dating Daphne you know?" Pansy answers.
"Then what is he doing chatting up Granger?" Draco asks.
Pansy shrugs, "Don't know, maybe they're friends." She guesses.
"Just because they are in the same house does not mean they are friends." He states like it is gospel.
"And just because they're chatting in the hall way doesn't mean they're flirting." Pansy reasons.
Draco frowns, his eyes narrowing in on the pair and then Granger walks over to the staircase and starts to climb, the boy follows in her wake, because that is how men react to her- like pups in heat.
"Why is he following her, going to peek up her skirt?" Draco asks crudely.
"Only first years and you do that." Blaise has made his appearance.
"Your next class is on the other side of the castle, Draco, let's go." Pansy comments with an eye roll.
"I think I'll follow them. Daphne's reputation could be on the line." The excuse was the lamest one he has ever come up with.
"Right and this has nothing to do with you stalking Granger. If she finds out you are trying to eavesdrop on her private conversations how do you think that will go for you?" Pansy always the voice of reason.
"Throw herself in my arms and declare her never ending love for me?" At least his answer was a question.
"No, women don't find stalking sexing." Blaise explained.
"Muggle girls do. They like it when boys sparkle too, but I haven't found a spell for that yet." Draco sounded a little too sure about that last part.
"What muggle movie does Jonas have you watching now?" Blaise asks.
"Something about the corresponding light aptitudes between the sun and moon, Jonas said it was very romantic and popular." Draco explains his head tilting every slightly as he watches Granger clime the winding stair case.
"Twilight?" Pansy asks with an irritated groan.
Draco's head snaps around as he looks at his friend and does the universal snap and point gesture of spot on.
"You're an idiot, Draco Malfoy." Pansy declares shaking her head and walking away.
"And you are a traitor Pans!" Draco shouts at her retreating back, Blaise smacks him in the back of the head.
"Don't take romantic advice from a first year Gryffindork." Blaise declares walking away to let the ungrateful bugger stew.
Draco decides not to follow Granger, instead he makes his way to his next class with a head ach.
I will not dress up as Voldemort for Halloween.
As the rest of the events of the week the Halloween dance was muggle inspired so was the costumes contest that would take place during the dance. The judge was the muggle professor and each student would be graded on their choice of muggled inspired wear. The week in muggle studies leading to the costume contest consisted of a variety of iconic muggle movies, some even Halloween inspired.
Several people decided to go in groups or as a couple theme.
Hermione and Ronald decided on a nautical inspired costumes. Hermione was a traditional mermaid with a daring midriff, sparkling pearls in her wild curls, and a teal tail accented with layers of ruffles as mermaid flukes. She coated all exposed skin in gold glitter to give her a mystical look. Her make-up was simple in regular lighting and extravagantly detailed under the black lights that would turn on once the opening ceremonies took place. Ron was a simple muggle pirate with an eye patch, fake beard and hooped earring and when he walked under the black lights he would be a cursed skeleton pirate inspired by his blossoming love for Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
When Hermione walked down from the Gryffindor girls dormitories where she got ready (mostly to avoid Malfoy) she could tell from Ron's gaping mouth he approved of her costume.
Then she along with the Weaslys watched as Harry walked in with his goofy diamond shaped white glow in-the dark mask with open holed mesh covered black eye, open black mouth and a pink tongue that was long and silly. The rest of the costume would be plain black robes, it had been a common costume in the muggle world many years ago when a mocking scary movie came out featuring the figure as the main antagonist. The mask would too glow under the black lights.
Hermione, however, knew that the wizard population would think Harry was mocking the now deceased Lord Voldemort whom he had defeated the previous summer. She did not think it would be well received and had told him as much but she had a feeling that her reasons might have actually encouraged him choice.
Ginny squealed in fright when she saw Harry, and Ron turned white. "Harry do you think that it's a good idea to dress like that, like a doped-up version of you know who?" Ron asked in a serious voice.
Hermione laughed, really it was actually kind of funny as a muggle born understanding the misunderstanding. Harry was laughing too, the Weasely were looking at their respective crushes upset over the apparent inside joke.
"Besides your costume is not muggle inspired." Ginny cut in. This only made the two laugh harder. Harry bounced over to Hermione offering his arm which she took allowing him to escort her out of the Gryffindor dorm Ron and Ginny following still not getting the private joke.
The Great Hall was beautiful. It was an elegant embodiment of Halloween with white table cloth and orange accents, show casing the most innocent of pumpkin carvings by the students. The banquet table was filled with pumpkin inspired treats and classic Halloween candies such as candy corn and waxed lips. There were a variety of games around the hall that students could participate in such as bob for apples, make a mummy and pass the pumpkin. Students could earn golden chocolate coins or glow in the dark jewelry. It was the environment of fun set up to entertain the younger classes up until it was their curfew at which time the lights would go out and a different side of muggle Halloween would appear.
It would be a polar opposite environment; turning into a classic theme over the top muggle cliché - spiders would appear in massive webs on the table clothes and the plain wooden chairs would appear to be made of bones. There would be rotating figures of classic realistic looking monsters in the windows and loud music to accompany the dance. And have older audience Halloween games and themes to make the night truly spectacular. The dance and the decor was solely, Hermione, the black lights was a special touch that Hermione only shared with other a few others knowing they would understand how to make the most of the illusion it could create. She even went as far in helping Ginny and Ron utilize the effect for there respective costumes.
Malfoy's eyes were on her the moment she walked in on Ron's arm, and he did not look happy. She smiled sweetly at him recognizing his costume immediately with the tight pants, leather boots, and black vest, his wand was in a holster at his hip and even if there wasn't a little furry creature standing next to him, clearly dressed as a wookie, she could guess that he was supposed to be Hansolo, bad boy hero of Star Wars. Somehow it seemed fitting. She waved friendly enough at her counterpart before wrapping her arm around Ron's and allowing him over to guide her over to their house table that had been pushed up against the wall. Dumbledore would make a welcoming speech and the underclass men festivities will commence. Hermione didn't dare to look over to where Malfoy sat with his friends, she knew he was staring her down, his anger burning a hole in the back of her head. She decided right then that she would try and avoid him, she really wanted to have a good night and after their understanding in Herbology she couldn't fathom why he could possibly be so angry with her.
Of course she knew Malfoy and so when he drug her out of the banquet line twenty minutes later and shoved her behind one of the decorations, she wasn't even mildly surprised.
"What the hell are you supposed to be?" He growled, his tall body blocking her from an audience as he trapped her between himself and the wall.
"A mermaid." She answered in that snooty you're obviously an idiot if you couldn't figure it out voice.
His lips just about vanished under his expression of frustration. "You look like a whore." He tells her point blank and the serious look of disgust was enough for her to laugh in his face.
"And you drug me into a secluded area to tell me this? Well I'm not your whore, so get out of my way so I can get back to the party." She demands shoving against him, he moves allowing her to pass. She walks by him like a queen, her head held high, his reaction to her costume did not surprise her at all, pure bloods and their conservative attitudes.
Ron was looking for her and when she walked out of the dark with Malfoy, Ron's face turned red. "Oi, what the hell was that all about?" He asked not too quietly. People looked over with questioning eyes at the sense that he was creating.
"Malfoy was just giving me fashion advice." Hermione told Ron taking his out stretched hand while he tried to stare down Malfoy, who simply looked at the pair with casual smirk.
"I demand a slot on your dance card, Granger, once the lights have gone down." His request is a command, and Hermione rolls her eyes, who the hell has a dance card?
"Bastard." Ron hisses in respond and Hermione is lost on juvenile antics of boys.
She dances with many people over the course of the night. It is the best school dance she has ever attended. Certainly higher rated then the Yule ball that ended in tears and the school dance she had attended with a muggle boy before returning to Hogwarts two summers ago. She certainly was not lacking in dance partners and when Ron requested a rest, Seamus gallantly stepped in. It was close to being awkward but Hermione was practical enough keep his wandering eyes from overly bothering her. She had known that her costume could be meant with such attentions, and while it was certainly not the kind of attention she wanted, she had wanted to wear it enough to be prepared to put up with stupid boy hormones at least up until the black lights, then everyone would see her true costume. She couldn't wait to see the look on Malfoy's
Malfoy came to collect her just as curfew for the younger student's approached. It was time for Professor McGonagall to announce the winners of the costume contest and Draco and she would have to make a speech before the older students were left to enjoy the remaining festivities.
She stood on the podium next to Malfoy as the winners for the costume contest was announced trying not to fidget. Many eyes were on her and she could feel the way Malfoy's hand hovered over the base of her back almost like he was trying to protect her. She stepped forward when it was her turn to place a glowing pumpkin in one of the winner's hand, a second year dressed like a papa smirf. He was cute and took his prize with a wide smile. Next Malfoy awarded a Third year Frankenstein, fourth year group of Ghostbusters whose presence had kept Peeves in check, then a fifth year couple dressed as Cinderella and her prince charming. Then the Headmaster stood up and gave a touching speech about inter house unity gesturing to Malfoy and herself. Hermione couldn't stop the blush that burned her cheeks, then Malfoy took her hand and lead them to the center of the stage, "Thank you all for your participation this week. I hope everyone enjoyed the festivities and used the time spent together to mend bridges and make new friends." He looked pointedly to her.
"This week was a success because the teachers and the students worked together to not only bring together such a wonderfully educational and fun event but to learn something about a culture most here have been taught to hate. I know I can speak for every muggle born by saying Thank you for bringing a bit more home to Hogwarts." Hermione made eye contact with Malfoy when she said this wanting him to know she truly appreciated all his efforts for the week.
"You're welcome, Hermione." Malfoy replies maintaining eye contact. The room is deathly quiet and he holds his hand out to her. She takes it knowing he is claiming his dance. The crowd parts for them and just as the music starts and he pulls her around setting his hand on the base of her spine the lights go out and black lights turn on. Hermione's attention in on Draco's reaction the whole time as her costume shifts from alluring muggle mermaid to ethereal deadly siren. To his credit he does not miss a beat, he keeps time leading her through the dance with grace that does not alone belong to her. His eyes seem glued to her as he looks his fill, from the curve of her cheek to the way her eyelashes glow he seems to be trying to memorize everything.
"You look amazing." He tells her finally still his eyes glued only to her. "Terrifying and beautiful."
Hermione smiles. "Thank you, an upgrade then from bushy-haired cow."
"Never." The denial is in this throat and she is not sure what is wrong with him. As his expression darkens and the music ends, suddenly there is a blur of black and glowing white that barges through Hermione and Draco's join hands, the familiar voice of one Harry Potter.
"You have to help me…" Harry demands through his glowing mask looking over his shoulder at a fuming Severus Snape chasing after him.
"I will have you expelled for this, Potter!" The potion's professor yells catching up, and Harry is again off, running out the Great Hall.
Draco looks at Hermione clearly impressed. "I have to give it to him, Potter has balls."
"Yes, but not much brains." She states causing Draco to chuckle, his arm snakes back around her as they dance the night away.
A.N. Another chapter...without commitment or rues of promises. Enjoy...