Okay... so this fanfic idea hit me like a ton of bricks after watching a few episodes of New Vestroia. Being the DanxRuno GEEK that I am, I started thinking how Runo must be feeling after being left behind. Especially after the cellphone scene in the second episode. Plus I love writing in Runo's perspective. She's so sarcastic and amazing. But... this has a little Runo angst in here. Everyone has their moments.

So, here it is. Enjoy!

After her shift was over, the last thing Runo wanted to do was talk to Julie. Granted that since Julie had started dating Billy she had obviously backed off from Dan, she was a lot more tolerable. That being said, it didn't mean that Runo wanted to converse with her. She was in a foul enough mood as it was and when Runo was upset body parts flew. Metaphorically, of course... most of the time.

She sighed dejectedly and slipped her apron off of her. She could hear Julie talking to her parents about something as she hung it on the hook and took a sharp left towards the counter, picking up her cellphone. Her fingers brushed against the antenna briefly as she flipped it open with on hand, the other on the bar as she hopped and seated herself on it. The screen flickered on, reading 'no new messages.' She sighed once more and closed her phone dissmissively.

Damn it, Dan... where are you? I hate it when you forget about me... She stared at the white tiled floor absently. It wasn't cute the first time, and now it's just annoying... don't you understand what you do to me?


She jolted and looked up to see Julie waving her arms and calling her name. She cracked a fake half-smile bitterly. "What?"

"I'm going shopping, and I'm taking you with me!" Julie emitted her bubbly, up-beat smile.

Runo, however, didn't look too thrilled. "There is no way that I am-"

"Runo." Julie said seriously. Runo jumped again and stopped. Julie didn't raise her voice often, but when she did it usually meant that she had something worth saying. "How long are you gonna moop around here and wait for Dan to call? It's not like you." She strutted over and stole Runo's phone from her. "You're stronger then that."

"I'm not waiting for him." Runo spat. "I don't care what he does. So what, he ran off with Drago and Marucho and left me behind. I don't care. I don't care about him. I don't care about anybody." She rambled fiercely, pulling her eyes away from Julie's and onto the floor. "I couldn't care less if he was sucking face with some girl right now."

Julie put her hands on her hips and cleared her throat for Runo to look at her. She didn't respond, so Julie continued anyways. "Then why do you keep checking?"

Runo didn't have a comeback to that. She just kept her eyes glued to the ground.

"I knew it!" Julie gushed and grabbed Runo's wrist. "I knew you weren't that cold! You really do love him, don't you Runo-chan?"

At that, she hued. "Who said anything about love?" She gasped as she once again looked away from the white haired girl. She was lying bluntly, and if Runo knew anything about lying it was that you weren't supposed to look them in the eye. Step one, done.

Too bad Julie was like a love guru.

"Oh, you do!" She squealed and glomped Runo. Runo looked awkward and uncomfortable. "C'mon, I have a plan. I know exactly how to reel him back in!" She said as she dragged Runo up to her room. She practically threw Runo onto her bed and lunged at her, pulling at her pigtails as if it were something she did everyday.

Runo, however, was wide eyed. "What the hell, Julie! Get off of me! I don't swing this way!" She gasped and struggled a bit, more than a little freaked out by Julie's sudden actions.

Julie kneed her in the side as she threw the scrunchies that were previously holding Runo's hair up in it's common style at the wall. Her light blue-green hair was frayed along her pillow. Julie sat up and admired her work. "I don't see why you don't just wear it down, Runo. It's so pretty."

"Because I don't like Dan!" She spat once again. "Jeebus, Julie! And I'm not pretty."

"You only say that because nobody has ever called you beautiful, Runo." Julie lectured. "But once that special someone does, you'll believe it. Because the way he'll say it... oh, I can't explain it." Julie gushed once more and looked at Runo with starry eyes. "It's just so romantic."

"Julie." Runo said seriously. "When has Dan ever been romantic?"

Julie grew a determined look on her face as a confident, cocky smile found it's way to her lips. The corners of her mouth curled arrogantly. "Once I'm done with you he won't be able to keep his hands off of you."

Runo started to get nervous. Just what was Julie going to do to her? She feared the worst and started to thrash around. "NO! Lemme out!"


Runo's mom, who happened to be passing by at the moment, looked in the doorway and stared. Julie had Runo pinned to her bed and both girls were screaming and squealing, struggling with one another. She opened her mouth but no words came out. What was there to say at a sight like that?

Runo and Julie simultaneously looked to their left, meeting eyes with Runo's mother. Once they realized the position they were in was very, ahem, compromising, they both squirmed away from one another. "It's not what it looks like!" They chorused.

Runo's mom simply shook her head- still in shock- and started to walk away. "Well... if-if it makes you happy, Runo-chan.." She trailed off, awkwardly.

Runo sent Julie a nasty look. "Good job! Now my mom thinks I'm a lesbian!"

"There's nothing wrong with liking girls, Runo." Julie answered. "Don't be discriminative."

It was a good thing that Julie got up when she did, or else Runo might have thrown her out the window. Julie began rummaging through Runo's closet. "Gosh, don't you have anything that's not yellow? You should wear blue or green, it'd go good with your eyes. Maybe pink, actually. It'd look really cute on you."

"Oh no. I am absolutely not letting you dress me." Runo snapped as she raised to her feet, palms planted to her hips in that bossy way that she did so well. "I don't want to walk around in booty shorts like you do."

"Oh, don't worry." Julie giggled mischievously as she thrusted her bottom out. "I won't dream of it, you wouldn't be able to fill them out!"

Before the tanned girl knew it a pen soared through the air and lodged itself into the wall, right beside Julie's head. She turned slowly to see Runo, red faced and furious, with a desk lamp in her hand. She paled. "I...Runo...you don't want to do this."

"Oh, trust me Julie." Runo breathed darkly, tapping the lamp into one hand while holding it with another. "I really do."

"I'm only being honest!" Julie gasped as Runo pulled one arm back, lamp in hand. Julie screamed and ducked as Runo chucked the lamp at her. It impacted with the wall and shattered, shards of porcelain everywhere. Julie looked, nervously, at Runo, who's shoulders were rising in falling with the heave in her chest with every angry pant she emitted. Her eyes flamed dangerously. "Jeez, Runo, can't you take a joke? Here, I'll apologize so you don't break anything else; I'm sorry. You do have a butt and boobs and whatever else I've teased you about."

Runo blushed rashly and folded her arms and twitched her lip moodily. "Yeah, I thought so."

"Okay, now call him." Julie coached. "You're confident, you're beautiful, and you put him in his place."

Runo raised and eyebrow and looked at her outfit: a pink summer dress with white and pink flip flops, her hair down and trimmed, and makeup, a la Julie. "Is this really necessary, Julie?"

"Yes." Julie nodded stubbornly and continued her feeble attempts at coaching Runo. "Don't forget to hook up Marucho's phone thingy so you can track where he is." She winked. "That way you can pay him a nice visit."

Runo rolled her eyes and did so. She breathed heavily and dialed his cell. It rung 3 times monotonously before he finally picked up. "Hello?"

Her nose twitched instinctively at she blushed at the mere sound of his voice. Julie grinned mischievously at her as Runo swerved in her chair, facing away from the bubbly girl in front of her. "Dan?"


"Where the hell are you? Who do you think you are, ditching me while on our date? What's the big idea? You didn't even tell me you were going. You just took off with Marucho and Drago and left me and Julie stranded there." She vented, although it was more like screeching into the phone. Dan was probably holding it away from his ear at this point but she didn't care. She just kept going. "I didn't know if you were dead on the side on the road or not!"

"I'm alright, aren't I?" He shouted back.

"I wouldn't of known!" She practically screamed. It was silent for a moment on both ends. Finally, she sighed and started speaking again, but this time much less loud and intimidating. "You could have called, Dan. I was really worried."

"I'm sorry... okay?" He offered vaguely. She felt her heart plunge into her stomach.

There was a long pause before Dan spoke again. "I gotta go, alright? Mira needs me."

"Who's Mira?" She asked, almost instinctively. Her heart was instantly inflamed with jealousy. She gritted her teeth together in order to evade blowing up at him again. "Huh?"

"She's nobody, Runo! I have no go!" He rushed.

"Don't you dare hang up that phone, Daniel Kus-"

Dial tone.

Alrighty! I'll probably have the next chapter up soon. I'm really into this story so far. Review please and you'll get an honerable mention next chapter! Woot!