I don't own Twilight or any of the characters, I'm merely a fan of Stephanie Meyer and the world she's created :)

Colors swung in circles around the walls of a building I couldn't quite place. Tans, browns, blacks, and navy blues in every hue imaginable flung by me, as I stood in the hallway… at least I thought it was a hallway. Lights clouded my brain, making it impossible to understand what was going on. I could feel a slight pain in my stomach, as I talked to some unknown figure. Or at least I think I was… The colors kept swirling, and I couldn't focus on what was happening. My stomach churned more as the colors moved quicker, mixing in reds and green…

My eyes snapped open; all I could see was the darkness of the middle of the night bouncing off my walls. It took me a moment to realize what awoke me, and then the pain in my stomach registered. Curling into a ball, I rolled over, hugging my body. I suddenly realized I was alone. No Edward?

"Edward?" I whispered. There was no answer, yet I knew if he had been anywhere in the house, he could've heard me. My stomach throbbed again, taking my breath away. I clenched my body tighter, hoping to squeeze the pain away. It pulsed slightly.

"Edward?" I tried again, a bit louder. I peaked at the clock; it was three in the morning. Maybe he went home?

My stomach throbbed harder this time, and with much effort I uncurled my body and headed for the bathroom—just in case.

Hours later, it felt like, I was lying in almost the same position as before, my head resting against a folded up towel on the bathroom floor. My throat was raw from throwing up, and my skin felt tight thanks to the goose-bumps from the freezing tile floor. I had considered calling Edward more than once, but I was afraid to stand up and the phone was all the way downstairs.

My stomach churned uneasily and I pulled myself over the toilet. Charlie must've been wearing ear plugs to sleep; I was heaving so loudly I'm sure they could hear me next door.

I eased myself back onto the floor once I could breathe again. Exhaustion overcame my body and I shut my eyes.

Where was Edward? He spent every night with me… as far as I knew, though I was asleep most of the time. Figures, he'd be gone the one time when I really need him.

The colors were back, swirling lightly around me. I couldn't figure out if I was awake or not, but I was too exhausted to open my eyes and check. My stomach throbbed slightly, and I held myself tighter, watching the colors dance…

It's short, but the second part is already in the rough draft. Reviews, please?
