well hello! ^.^

Here's the new chapter in the story and I thank you all for reviews! I never dreamed of getting any past 5. And yet, so far, i've gotten 13! Thank you!!!!

Oh yeah, and just for the hell of it, I'm going to start doing a new thing. I'm going to give you guys a link to a song I liked and thought it would fit with that chapter. That way, you guys can also get a bit of an idea of what I'm like. sooooo. yeah.

Song of the chapter: .com/watch?v=1uqlyEGbia8&feature=channel_page

(at the beginning of the link, put youtube . For some odd reason, it won't let me post the code fully.)

The song is "Second Hand Faith" by my favorite singer Emilie Autumn.


"Yes Orochimaru-sama?"

"You know that soon the girl will be my new body. Why do you insist on helping her when my back is turned?"

Kabuto looked at his master in surprise. He knew that he had helped Riku often? He hung his head in shame.

He had always had a soft spot for the older girl. She was almost like the big sister he never had. So, he would often give the girl medicine when she needed it. He helped her train when she knew nothing about ninja. He also gave her money to keep going from place to place to avoid Orochimaru.

"Because I do not want to see her die."

He answered plainly.

Orochimaru's snake eyes flashed with amusement.

"You should know better than to have fallen in love with her......"

"I am not in love with her. She is my big sister."

The office was filled with the evil laughter that came from Orochimaru's mouth. Kabuto flinched slightly at the sound of it. His laugh only ment one thing and one thing only. He was up to something that would hurt someone badly.


Riku was dragging behind Hidan now. They had been walking for quite some time and they hadn't stopped at all. But she refused to complain. Even Hidan of all people wasn't complaining about him being tired so why should she?

Her thoughts drifted to the immortal priest and a light blush tainted her cheeks. No, she didn't like him. It was just the heat that was making her face turn red wasn't it?

"Kakuzu! I'm tired! Can we fucking rest for a little while?"

And cue the complaining.

Kakuzu sighed and continued walking. Trying to block out Hidan's annoying voice.

"Asswipe! Did you hear me?"

"He's probably ignoring you, you annoying bastard."

Hidan looked back and glared at the girl. Riku just crossed her arms and continued walking. The Akatsuki cloak, she had to admit, was extremely heavy and not the best thing to be wearing while trudging through 95 degree weather. Even though her cloak was open, it didn't do much help.

"Hey Kazu, can I take off the cloak?"

"No. Sorry Riku."

Riku pouted but kept on walking. Now realizing she hadn't done this much walking in a long time. 3 years ago was her last memory of walking such a long distance. With a sigh she set her focus on the setting sun.

"I didn't even noticed we've walked that long...."

She thought as she snapped back to reality. Kakuzu had stopped and was getting out sleeping backs whilst Hidan was making a small fire. With a smile, Riku sat down and took out a scroll. After a couple of hand seals, salted meat layed on the scroll. Kakuzu looked at raised his eyebrow.

"You learn a couple of things when you've travled as much as I have."

Riku said with a laugh and handed the miser a couple pieces. Hidan had set by her and was looking at the meat skeptically.

"Are you sure it's safe to eat? After all it had been in a scroll......"

Riku sighed and put a piece of the meat in Hidan's mouth when it was open.

"It's safe. Now shut up and eat. besides, I'm sure it's not the first time you've had meat in your mouth."

Hidan coughed out the meat and glared at the girl. Kakuzu had also coughed but was chuckling instead of glaring. Oh how he loved innuendo.

"What was that supposed to mean you fucking whore!?"

"Your gay. Are you not?"

"Of course I'm not gay!"

Riku was laughing extremely hard while Hidan started swinging his scythe at her. She was dodging easily though. After a swift kick, she knocked his scythe from his hands. But that wasn't going to stop the priest. When Riku thought it was over, she put her defences down. Then Hidan tackled her to the ground. Her hands were pinned and, since he learned from last time, he also had her legs pinned.


Riku spat out. Trying to ignore the position they were in.

Hidan's mouth turned upwards into the sadistic smile she'd seen when he finally got what he wanted.

"But Riku, I'm not going to let you go, UNLESS, you turn to Jashin~"

"Like hell!"

Kakuzu rolled his eyes and started to walk over to where the two "kids" were playing. He had heard this conversation play a thousand times over. Hidan always tried to get people to convert to Jashinism. He had tried it on the miser before.

"Hidan, quit molesting Riku and eat. Time is money and your wasting time."

Hidan rolled his eyes and got off the girl. Earning a swift kick in the groin when her legs were free.

"Thanks Kazu."

Riku muttered as she walked back to camp. Her face beat red.


After 4 more days of walking, they finally made it to the village their target was in. Riku let out a silent wow at the village's size. It was huge! And so pretty. But, greed could be sensed everywhere.

"What is this place Kazu?"

Riku asked as she shrugged off her Akatsuki cloak.

"In the Earth country. This is the second biggest village. The first, of course, being the Iwa. This, is the Yoku."

Kakuzu responded as he sat down on a fallen log.

"The leader of this village is a known pervert. You will infiltrate his room and do what you do best."

Riku smirked and went into the forest. When she came out, she was dressed in a red kimono that showed off her figure very well.

"I'll be back. You guys better cover me if things go wrong."

"wait! bitch, you forgot something!"

Riku turned around and looked at Hidan. In which, he gave her a small book.

"It's a book containing all the prayers of Jashin."

Riku rolled her eyes and put the book in the kimono by her heart. With that, she walked into the village.

"Why did you do that?"

Kakuzu asked while he leaned his back against a tree and shut his eyes.

"I have a bad feeling Kakuzu. A really bad feeling."