A New Mission

Fiona walked back into the apartment after spending a long time helping to clean up. She walked over to Van's room to ask him if he wanted some dinner, but when she reached his room he was nowhere to be found. She quietly searched the apartment thinking that he was just sleeping somewhere other than his bed, but when she didn't find him anywhere in the apartment she began to worry. It was then that she noticed the open doors that lead out to the balcony of the apartment that she had forgotten about.

Fiona walked out onto the balcony to notice Van there watching the sunset. He was shaking slightly because he was still not up to full strength. Fiona walked over to his left side and put her left hand on his while putting her right arm around him to steady him. With the extra support Van stopped shaking and he turned to see Fiona looking at him with a concerned expression on her face. He smiled at her showing her that he was fine and then continued to look out at the sunset. Fiona looked out at the sun as well and after a few minutes of silence she chose to break the peaceful spell.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She asked referring to the sunset. Van looked at her and smiled but she didn't notice.

"Yes it is." He said not referring completely to the sunset.

"Van?" Fiona said turning to him.

"Yes what is it Fiona?" He asked.

"I wanted to thank you for saving my life."

"Fiona you don't have to."

"No, Van I do. You have saved me countless times now and I have never really thanked you." She said in a sweet voice.

"Fiona, you.." He began but was cut off.

"Van, you almost got yourself killed by saving me. I do have to thank you." He was surprised at the stern tone she had used but noticed there was still a slightly caring tone to it.

"Ok..." He said not knowing what exactly she meant by thank him.

"Here." She said handing him a small wrapped box. "This is what I went looking for this morning. I really wanted to get you something special." Van took off the wrapping and opened the box. His eyes got very wide when he saw the gold watch that was in the box.

"Fiona...." Van said. "This was way too much to spend, you didn't have to have to do this."

"But Van you don't seem to understand, I did this because I wanted to." Fiona said. "Besides that's only part one."

"Part one?" Van asked as Fiona slowly moved her head up and placed a kiss on his cheek. Van's eyes widened in surprise, both at the kiss and how good her lips felt against his cheek. Fiona backed away and hugged him.

"Van, don't you dare scare me like that again." She said

"I wouldn't dream of it Fiona."

"Now you had better get back to bed, I don't want you collapsing because you are too weak to stand. I'll make us some dinner."

"Ok Fiona."


"Ah." The sixteen year old boy with short brown hair grunted as his genosaurer was hit by the cannon shots of the yellow genosaurer to his right. He quickly jerked the controls to avoid the shots of a green genosaurer to his left. The two enemy genosaurers circled his orange one.

"SETH!." The green genosaurer's pilot shouted at him. "STOP FIGHTING! I DON"T WANT TO HAVE TO KILL YOU!"

"WHY WOULD YOU HAVE TO KILL ME?" The brown haired orange genosaurer pilot yelled.

"BECAUSE THE EMPORER MADE IT CLEAR, IF YOU WOULDN'T DO HIS BIDDING THEN WE HAD TO KILL YOU." The yellow genosaurer pilot yelled. "So please stop fighting and running and just join back up with us. The Emperor said if you joined us again we wouldn't have to kill you."

"I'm sorry." Seth said. "But I can't fight for a cause I don't believe in."

"Then I have no choice. I HAVE TO KILL YOU!!" The green genosaurer pilot yelled.

The two enemy genosaurers stopped quite a distance from the orange both at about the same angle from him. The leg locks on their genosaurers came down and the charged particle cannon started to charge. Seth quickly flew for the space in between the two as they fired at the same time. The beams chased on his tail until he passed both of the enemies. The two beams met in the middle and became harmless. Seth turned his genosaurer around quicker than anyone the two enemies had ever seen, he was by far the better pilot. He dropped the leg locks on his genosaurer and used the charged particle cannon to cut the tails and legs off both enemies. They both dropped to the ground and yelled at him as he headed for Republican territory.


Van woke to some one knocking on the apartment door. He rubbed his groggy eyes and started to get out of bed. He was sitting up and almost out of bed when he hear Fiona's voice.

"I'll get it." She said in a very upbeat voice.

"Hello Fiona, I was told to give you and Van this." A familiar voice said.

"Thank you Thomas." Fiona Said. "When did you and Irvine get back?"

"A day after the attack." Thomas said. "Fiona I wanted to ask you something Fiona."

"Go ahead Thomas." Fiona said sweetly.

"You know that the Guardian Force annual ball and banquet is coming up right?"

"Yes.." Fiona said slightly disappointed because she knew what he was going to ask her and she didn't want to turn him down.

"Would you go with me?" He asked,

"Well uh, the thing is I have already been asked by someone and I was going to go with him."

"O I, see." he said.

"I'm sorry Thomas."

"It's ok Fiona. Well I have to go check and make sure the D-bison is running right."

"Bye Thomas." Fiona said while shutting the door.

"Van we have our first mission."

"Alright I'll be out in a second." Van said while slowly walking out of the room.

Fiona and Van read the instructions inside the envelope explaining their first mission. The background information for the mission contained a report about a spotted battle between three different genosaurers where multiple charged particle cannon shots were fired. All three were Empire zoids but one seemed to be attacking the other two.

"So we have to investigate and do surveillance on this area?" Van said.

"I guess but why send us? Shouldn't they send a lower team for surveillance?"

"I think they are worried about the three genosaurers, and I am too. Where did the Empire get the resources to make three new genosaurers?"