This was slightly inspired by "Middle Names" written by DazedandConfusedforHM. (: Go check it out!

This was an idea that popped into my head when I heard that lame joke. xD ~ May

I Lava You





"What the hell are you wearing?"

"Ahaha, uh, hello? It's called a cookie! Yeah, we're doing the "Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar" sketch."

"Yeah, uh, don't care."

"That's because you're a very boring person."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"I am a very interesting person."

"Ha, right."

"I am!"

"No you aren't."

"Yes I am."









"Ha, gotcha!"

"Hey that's not fair!"

"Works everytime, Chad. Works everytime."

"Wait! Where are you going?"

"Um... out to dinner?"

"You can't leave until you tell me why you think I'm boring."

"What? That's stupid. I'm leaving, Chad."


"Let go of my arm, Chad."

"Ha, you don't have any reasons. That's why you want to leave so bad."

"No, uh, because I'm going to be late for my date with Charley?"


"If I explain to you why you're boring, will you let me go?"


"Because -- you're all drama this, drama that, and you aren't funny or interesting."

"What are you talking about? I can be funny!"

"Uh huh."

"What? I can!"

"Charley's going to be mad at me!"

"What do you see in that guy anyway?"

"Uh, he's hilarious and a pretty cool person. Unlike you."

"Hey, I'm hilarious and a cool person!"

"Uh, no you aren't."

"Yeah, I am!"

"Whatever, Chad I'm -- LET GO OF MY ARM!"

"If I were funny, would you like me better?"

"You know what I don't ca--"

"Answer the question!"

"Probably! God!"


"Because... Because... I just like funny guys! Geez!"


"It's just my taste in guys! NOW LET ME GO!"




"Hey Sonny. Why's your voice all raspy?"

"Well, I don't know... maybe because I was sleeping?!"

"God, you don't have to get all grumpy on me."

"Okay then, let me ask this calmly and slowly."

"Okay, ask away."


"Hey, that's not calmly or slowly!"


"Well, I finally thought of a joke."


"Yeah, you said you liked funny guys, right?"

"Yes I believe I did, can I go back to sleep now?"


"You know what I'm just going to sl--"

"Don't hang up yet, please!"

"Okay fine, get on with it."

"Okay, so what did the male volcano say to the female volcano?"


"It's the joke!"


"What did the male volcano say to the female volcano?"

"Um, I don't know?"

"I lava you!"

"Oh, how funny."

"What? I think it's funny!"

"Uh huh..."


"So what was the point of this again?"

"Um. You said that you liked funny guys -- and they were your type."

"And this is your funny way of saying I lava you?"


"Okay, I lava you too, whatever, I'm going back to sleep."

"You're being serious right?"


"Yeah, you're being serious."

Hehe, what'd you think? Review? (:


May Lily