A/n Last chapter ever for this story it was really fun but now I'm done because I always wanted to end it like this short and sweet.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.


I looked at Katie as she spun around in her new black dress which I'm probably going to burn after the ceremony is done.

"Do you like my dress mommy?" she asked full of energy.

"Yes but just not the color" I said honestly, as I looked at myself in my black dress in the mirror.

"Are you two ready?" Edward asked, knocking on the shut door.

"Yes, come on sweetie its time to go" I said, taking Katie's hand and leading her out of my room.

Edward was right outside my door waiting patiently like always and looking handsome on such a lousy day. We all walk out into the living room where Charlie and Renee are waiting for us so we can leave and take off for the funeral and they all know vey well to not talk to me about Bryce not because I don't want to talk to them about him but it is just too hard. Every time I hear his name his picture pops in my head the one where he is alive and the one where he is dead side by side and it kills me everyday that I see the image I don't want to see in my head the one where he is alone on the morgue table laying there dead but I just can't seem to shake it out of my head. We walk outside to the cars and Katie and I are riding in Edward's car while Charlie and Renee drive in Charlie's car; after I get Katie in her booster seat I shut her door and there is Edward blocking me from getting into the car with that are-you-sure-you're-okay look on his handsome face.

"Are you sure you will be ready for this?" Edward asked gently.

"Yes, we have to leave now or else we will be late" I said, knowing it is impossible to be late with Edward for anything.

He just gave me a strange look and walked over to his side of the car; I opened the door and buckled up and hoped I was right when I said I was ready. I know I have to strong for Katie and I didn't give her justice at the funeral home when they displayed Bryce so everyone could pay their respects and the funny thing is a lot of people showed up surprisingly.

"Bella be strong for Katie" Edward whispered softly, while I cried heavily.

It only took one glance for me to burst out into tears and I should have been stronger because now Katie is even more upset because I am sad and her daddy is gone for good. I felt someone tap my shoulder, I pull away from Edward's protective grasp and wipe my eyes then turn around to face the person.

"What are you doing here?" I asked harshly.

"Bryce was my son and I loved him so much and I can't believe he is gone" she said crying but I sure wasn't convinced by her act.

"Bullshit you treated him like a piece of shit no you probably would've treated a piece of shit better than him any day" I said cruelly.

"Bella you don't know how many times I asked myself why I did what I did but I was messed up even ask my doctors it is a disease" she said calmly.

"Greta, Bryce hated you and I don't know who brought you here but ask them to bring you back to the slammer because Bryce wouldn't have wanted you here" I said coldly.

"I brought her here Bella, I thought she could apologize to Bryce now because it is her last chance to say how sorry she is" Charlie said.

"I can't believe you and if she was truly sorry she would have said it when he was still alive but now that he is dead she can say it because he isn't her to tell her off, Greta you now what you are?" I asked, burnig up with anger.

"What?" she asked nervously.

"A coward" I stabbed at her, then I ran out of the funeral home.

Edward of course chased after me and I told him to take me home and that was the first time I didn't cry for telling someone off because it owed it to Bryce to say what he can't say anymore.

"Bella where here" Edward whispered in my ear, I looked up to see him holding my door open.

I must have dozed off or just daydreamed because I don't remember the trip up here, I turned around to see if Katie was in her booster seat and she wasn't. Instead she standing next to Edward wanting for her mom to come out of the car. I unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car and in one hand I held Katie's and in the other Edward's. We walked over to the casket and headstone and stood there well the service began.

"We are brought here today to honor Bryce Louis Davis-" the priest began to say.

"Bryce was a good boy turned into a man under harsh circumstances and today we are honoring his heroism to his love of his life Isabella Marie Swan and his daughter Katelyn Marie Davis" the priest said his speech and I looked down at his casket and remembered all of our good times.

"What's your name?" the young blond, blue eyed five year old boy asked me excitedly.

"Bella, who are you?" a beautiful brown curly hair, brown eyed five year old girl asked.

"Bryce" he said, smiling and Bella smiled too.

"So why are you here?" he asked curious.

"My parents give me up" she said in a sad voice.

"Like a puppy?" he asked serious.

"I guess" she said unsure.

"Well then you are my puppy and I am going to take care of you" he said, throwing his arm over her shoulder.

"What are you going to name me?" Bella asked giggling.

"Petty Bella" he said mispronouncing pretty.

"That's not a name" Bella said.

"It's is in my book" Bryce said smiling and leading her into the house.

"Bella would you like to say any words before we leave?" Renee asked and I quick realized I missed the service.

"Yes" I stated still in denial.

"Alright we'll leave you and Katie alone" Renee said, she walked back to the others.

Katie looked up at me with her I-don't-know-what-to-say look and I smiled at her.

"Bryce I will always be your puppy and you definitely took care of me and I just want to say thank you-" I began to say then Katie caught me off.

"Daddy told me about that story" Katie said happily.

"He did? Well Katie do you want to say anything to your daddy before they put him in the ground?" I asked, she reached for my hand for some support.

"Daddy I'll miss you and I love you so much" Katie said with tears in her eyes.

"Bryce Louis Davis was a kind boy, loving, protective, funny, happy, a true angel sent down from heaven and now he is finally free" I read of his headstone.

I touched his headstone before turning around and walking over to my family and my love. 'We are all finally free' I thought as I took Edward's hand and walked back over to his car.

The END!

Review please =).