Welcome To Angel Island High
Chapter 10
Christmas Special!
"Hey Everyone! Spike and Daylight here!" Spike shouted. "Hey All!" Daylight Yelled. "Anyways We finally made it to the 10th Chapter With ALL Of Your Help!" Daylight said. "Hey that was my line." Spike said. "Sorry Shnookums." Daylight said. "Uhh…. Ok then Let's Get To Back To The Story. Shall We?" Spike said as Daylight put on lip stick. "COME HERE SPIKE!" Daylight Shouted as she tackled Spike. "BYE!" Spike said as he turned off the Camera Recording the message. I Did that For Fun, heh heh I just might do that on every Chapter with Different Characters. Now back to the story.
"Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome to my House!" Spike said as everyone walked in. "Hey Spike, does anyone else live in this house?" Craig asked. "Well My Parents Passed away when I was 3, so they don't live here anymore, but my Little Sister Lives here." Spike said.
"You're parents died when you were 3? That's So sad!" Daylight Said. "I'm actually ok with having no parents." Spike said. "How?" Karen asked. "Well for example, you can never get in trouble with anybody at home." Spike said.
"Well that is true." Karen said. "Anyways what do you guys want to do first?" Spike asked them. "Well We should do homework first to get it over with." Rebecca suggested. "Good idea!" Spike said.
"Follow me everyone." Spike said as they followed him into a room filled with beanbag chairs, and a Plasma Screen TV. "Well Guys Take a Beanbag, and let's start." Spike said. "And So They All Got Their Beanbag Chairs. "Anyone know what homework assignments we have?" Rouge asked. "Only one, we only have to do our projects." Amy Replied.
"Man!" Kitty Said as she put her hand on her chin. "What's Wrong Kitty?" Cream asked her. "It's just that I have no idea what to do on the Pppproject thing, because the teacher didn't tell me the instructions when I got into the classroom. "Yea I know how you feel. Teachers always forget important stuff." Knux said. "They only forget about the important when it comes to you Knux." Sonic said. "Shut up." Knux growled.
"Don't worry Kitty We'll Help you." Spike said. "Thank you all." Kitty thanked them. Here Were the People who are partners.
Karen Craig
Sonic Amy
Rebecca, Manic (Manic is making an Appearance later in this chapter)
Spike Daylight
Knux Rouge
Tails Cosmo.
Cream Sarah
Kitty, Loki
Fun Fact: I set up most of the Couples as Partners. All the people that were partners sat next to Each Other. 2 hours, and 30 minutes later Everyone Finished Reading The Book. "So… Boring…." Loki said as his Eye Twitched. "Ugh. Did everyone finish the book?" Spike asked them.
"Yea." Everyone groaned. "That was the most boring book I ever read in my whole entire life." Knux said. "But Knuckles that's The first book you have ever read in your life." Sonic said.
"Sonic, you need to shut the hell up." Knux said while trying to stay calm. "Wow… I officially hate books now." Kitty said. "At Least it's all over now." Rebecca said.
"I Guess We Should do The Report now." Karen said. 2 Minutes later everyone got a piece of paper "Spike put the tip of his pen on the paper and stopped.
"Spike what's wrong?" Daylight asked him. "I'm one of those guys who reads a Book then forgets everything right after he finishes it." Spike said as laughed. "Heh I guess you should go into your smart form or something." "Good Idea." Spike said as his eyes turned purple.
"Ok Let's do this!" Spike shouted. Two Minutes they both Wrote 4 Pages. "Done!" Daylight and Spike said simultaneously.
Meanwhile with Knux, and Rouge. Rouge Wrote 3 Pages and a half while Knux wrote only 1 Word. Rouge then finished. "Knucklehead how much did you do?" Rouge asked. "1 Word." Knux Replied. "Cmon man Think!" Rouge said as she slapped him in the back of the head.
When Rouge slapped him Knux thought of something, and wrote it down on the paper. "Quick Slap Me Again!" Knux said as she slapped him. He then wrote down more. 4 minutes of painful slapping later Knux finished.
Now With Tails, And Cosmo. Surprisingly Tails wasn't nervous at all. "Cosmo, have you finished you're report?" Tails asked. "Yes I have." Cosmo said. "So have I!" Tails said. And Later Everyone Finished their Reports. "Man I Hate Books as twice much as I normally do now." Rebecca said.
"Same here." Craig said. "But at Least We're All Done." Spike said. "Now who wants to play video games, and watch TV?!" Spike said. "ME!" Everyone yelled. They all watched TV for 6 hours strait.
"So Tired…. must sleep." Spike said as he fell Asleep on his Beanbag chair. Then everyone else fell asleep.
~The Next Day~
Kitty Woke up first. "I gotta use the bathroom." Kitty said as she walked to the lower floor to find the bathroom. As she walked she realized it was snowing. "Its Snowing!" Kitty shouted as she put her fingers on the glass window, while looking outside. 1 Hour Later Everyone Else Woke Up Except Knux.
While Knux was sleeping he was blowing a booger bubble. "Gross…" Rouge said as she popped it with a needle. Knux then woke up. "Yo Batgirl! Don't wake me up when I'm sleeping!" Knux yelled.
"I Woke You up For a Reason Knucklehead, it's snowing outside." Rough said as she walked. "Hey Guys! Since it's snowing today School is closed." Tails said. "Yay!" They all cheered. "Guys Christmas is tomorrow, we should make our Christmas wishes now." Spike said.
"You're Right." Amy said. (I Don't Know Exactly What All the OCs Wants For Christmas, so I'm going to put some random things sorry...) "I Wish For A Kiss From Spike." Daylight said in her head.
"I Wish For an Ipod." Kitty said. "I Wish For An Extended School Vacation." Loki said. "I Wish To See Manic Again." Rebecca said. "I Wish For Sonic to love me." Amy said. "I Wish For Amy to love me." Sonic said. "I wish for ideas for an invention. "Tails said.
"I Wish For A peaceful quiet day." Craig said. "I wish for FOOD!" Knux screamed in his head. "I wish for all of my friends to be happy." Spike said. "I wish to see Cheese again." Cream said. "I wish for jewelry." Rouge said. "I wish for Shayden to come to school by the end of vacation." Karen said.
"I wish for Violence to stop." Sarah said. "I wish to have a Wonderful life." Cosmo said. "Everyone made their wishes?" Spike asked. "Yup." Everyone Replied. "Ok so what should we do now?" Spike asked. "We can play around for a while and wait until night so that way Christmas will come faster!" Cosmo Suggested. "Ok Let's do it!" Spike said.
And all of them played for about nine hours. "Man that was fun." Sonic said. "Yea, Should we go to bed now?" Craig asked. "We Can, but I was gonna Stare at the Christmas tree, and wait for Santa to come." Spike said.
"We should do that!" Knux exclaimed. "Ok then." Spike said. They stared at the Christmas tree, and waited for Santa to Appear. Then Out Of Nowhere Bokkun flew through the window. Spike created a Magic barrier, and protected everyone from the glass. "Hahahaha." Bokkun laughed.
"Ugh what do you want Bokkun?" Sonic said. "I have a message for you from Dr. Eggman." Bokkun said as he put Mini TV In Front of them all. He then pressed play.
"Hello Sonic, I have come up with a plan to ruin Christmas, and I've already unleashed it into Mobius if you would like to see it, look outside." Eggman said. "Whoa! What did you do?" Sonic asked. "I Have created a magic barrier around Mobius so Santa, will not be able to enter." Eggman Replied. "No…. He couldn't have.." Sarah said in her head.
"Guys I've got to go." Sarah said as she Ran Outside. "I Can't believe my dad is making more plans, when I told him to stop." Sarah said as she Ran towards Eggman's Secret hideout. "Why are you doing this dad?" Sarah asked him.
"Doing what?" Eggman said as he turned around and looked at her. "Why are you trying to ruin Christmas?" Sarah said. "Oh… Well it's because every year I never get any presents." Eggman said.
"Dad I now understand why you are doing this but it doesn't mean you have to ruin it for all of the other people of Mobius." Sarah said. "I guess you are right but, since I already unleashed it, it cannot be stopped." Eggman said.
"Dad! I have an idea, and you're going to help." Sarah said. "I'll be right back." Sarah said as she ran back to Spike's house. "Guys! I Have an idea on how we can save Christmas! Follow me." Sarah said as they followed her to Eggman's Hideout.
"Man I wonder why it didn't explode in their faces." Bokkun said as he knocked on the Mini TV. The TV then began to glow. "Uh oh!" Bokkun said as the TV Blew up in his face. "Dang it!" Bokkun said as he coughed out soot.
~Meanwhile at Eggman's Base~
"Ok Everyone To save Christmas First we Are going to need a Sleigh. "I'm on it!" Spike said as he created one with his powers. "Ok now we're going to need something to help it fly through the sky. "Rebecca! Tails! You guys can fly right?" "Yes." They both said. "If you want to you guys can guide the Sleigh." Sarah said.
"I'll do it!" They both said. "Now we need a list of what the people of Mobius want." Sarah said. "Hmmm…… Sounds complicated to make but I'll do it!" Spike said as he created a list with his powers. "Uhh I think I'm done." Spike said as he gave Sarah the list. "Ok then." Sarah Said as she jumped onto the Sleigh. "Guys hop on." Sarah said.
Then they got on. "You too Dad." Sarah smile said with a smile. Then Eggman walked onto the sleigh. "Ok now how do we get out?" Craig asked. "I got it!" Knux said as he punched an enormous hole in the wall. "I have to pay for that…" Eggman said
"Sorry." Knux said as he scratched the back of his head, and jumped back on the sleigh. Then Tails, and Rebecca tied a Rope around their necks, and tied it to the sleigh. They pulled until they fell through the wall, then they began to fly.
"Time to save Christmas." Sarah said. "Yea!" Everyone Yelled. "I Feel like A Reindeer." Tails said. And So Sarah and the Gang Made the presents and delivered them to the people of Mobius. "We've gone through the Whole city!" Karen said.
"How do you know?" Craig asked. "I was counting." Karen Replied. "Well we should get back home now my wings hurt..." Rebecca said. "Sorry.." Sarah said. And so they all landed the Sleigh at Spike's house. "Man that was Tiring." Rebecca said.
"Well everyone we didn't manage to get our own Christmas gifts but, we managed to save Christmas for everyone else in Mobius." Sarah said. "I feel proud of myself!" Knux said. "You should be, we saved Christmas Knucklehead." Rouge said.
"Well let's get in the house. It's like zero Degrees out here." Spike said. "Can I come in too Spike?" Eggman asked. "Since you helped us, sure!" Spike said as he let Eggman in. As they walked to the Christmas tree. They found Many Presents under the Tree. "W-Wait... But how?!" Spike said.
They all then looked out the window. "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!" Santa said as his Reindeer flew him to a different location. "Thanks Santa." They all said. "Now let's open our presents!" Kitty said.
So the gang opened all of their presents. "Uhh Dad, Merry Christmas." Sarah said as she handed him a present. "M-My first gift..." Eggman said as he took the present. He opened it, and it was a Picture Of Sonic, Tails, Knux, Kitty, Spike, Rouge, Amy, Sarah, Rebecca, Cosmo, Karen, Craig, Daylight, Loki, and Eggman in a friendly picture.
"I made this for you yesterday." Sarah said. Tears began to come out of Eggman's eyes. "Thank you Sarah." Eggman said as he hugged her. "From now on I promise not to ever make an evil plan ever again." Eggman said.
"I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be right back." Spike said. Then he found Daylight sitting on the floor by a wall by herself. "What's wrong Daylight?" Spike asked. "My Christmas wish didn't come true. "Oh….. By any chance was it this?" Spike said as he bent over, and kissed her.
"Heh Heh yea.. it was." Daylight said. "Merry Christmas Daylight." Spike said as he hugged Daylight. "Well gotta go to the Men's room now." Spike said as he Dashed away. "I love my life." Daylight said as she got up and went to everyone else.
Then the doorbell rang. I'll get it!" Spike said as he got out of the bathroom. "Hello Sir By any chance is there a Sonic the hedgehog there?" A Boy named Manic asked.
"Why yes there is. Come on in." Spike said as he brought Manic in. (Just in case you didn't know Manic is Sonics' Brother) Spike Brought Manic into the living room where everyone else was. "MANIC!?" Sonic and Rebecca exclaimed. "Wait!? You know him?" Sonic and Rebecca asked each other at the same time.
"Yes." They both Replied. "Manny!" Rebecca said as she flew, and tackled him. "Hey Rebecca" Manic said. "Yo Bro How's life going?" Sonic asked. "It's Great. Anyways I was looking for you to tell you, and your friends Merry Christmas." Manic said.
"Well what do we do now?" Spike asked. "Well Uhh New Years Coming up Soon. Wanna wait for that to come by?" Rouge asked. "Sure! You guys in?" Spike asked. "Yes!" They all said "I would, but sadly, I must go back to Eggman HQ." Eggman said.
"Awww.. We'll see you later then." Karen said. "Do guys really think he's not going to make any more evil plans?" Manic asked. "Let's just hope so." Sarah said.
~End Of Chapter~
"Well that was a nice chapter." Spike said. "Yea I guess so, especially since you kissed me." Daylight said. "Yea yea yea…. Anyways hello everyone that was the Christmas Special hope you liked it." Spike said. "And by the way the Reason why The Author of this Story didn't update on Christmas was because he was waiting for New years because in some Christmas songs they say "We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year." Daylight explained. "Basically he wanted to Make a Christmas Special with a little New year Stuff in it." Spike said. "Well The Author of this Story will be updating this story soon, AND MAKE SURE IF U FIND ANY MISTAKES YOU PM HIM ABOUT THEM SO HE CAN FIX THEM!" Daylight yelled. "Daylight calm down…" Spike said. "Sorry." Daylight said. "Well bye everyone" Spike, and Daylight said. "I still can't believe you kissed me." Daylight said. "Yea.. Please be quiet about that." Spike said. "By the way when you kissed me I took a Picture of it without you knowing." Daylight said as she giggled. "DAYLIGHT! MAKE SURE YOU DON'T POST THAT ON THE INTERNET!" Spike screamed. "Damn it I forgot to stop recording.." Spike said as he turned off the camera recording the message.