Hello. Due to the inconvenience of the internets plagiarism prevention, someone has stolen my idea for silver eyed cowboy, and the story they posted is still, after all these months, being processed to remove. There is no doubt that I made all the chapters first, because they only made it to chapter four. However, I am deeply wounded that someone would actually do such a mean and spiteful thing, and I have lost my inspiration to write. I'm sorry to those that I've promised a new chapter to, but I keep coming up blank. Every idea I have seems good at first, but is nowhere near good enough.

I have, however, taken some steps to destroying this evil, conniving fellow, and I have informed the manager of the opposing site. That was over two months ago. The story has gotten such good ratings, he refuses to remove it, and is currently being sued. Thank you, and remember, don't steal from me. I don't like it, and its also AGAINST THE LAW! Oh, and I told you people that Piper's mom was a lawyer, and she's only to happy to help out a friend.

I have found that I had written a new chapter for another story, the beginning of Bella's Heartbreak, and the possibilities… this was immediately after I read twilight for the first time, and had just finished new moon. This is the way I imagined my character, the girl I compare most story characters to, living through twilight, however, I just basically made it turn into Bella.

If you have any comments, concerns, or wishes, please leave them in reviews or messages. Also, this does not mean My Silver Eyed Cowboy will stop altogether. It just means that for now, my beloved story has been taken by the FBI into evidence, and can be removed when I have signed for them out. I cannot 'sign them out' until I get justice for this wrong. And yes, I know I'm being very strange and stiffly formal in this note, unlike most of my writing, but again, I'm pissed off, so please don't make this worse.

I do love you all, and thank you for supporting me. Again, please leave comments in reviews or in messages, thank you, and please, read my new story, just to see if I can make that go anywhere. It will be posted at ten o' clock on 11/6/09.

With sadness….. TheDevimangel