Title: "Stirrings"
Author: Luvvycat
Characters: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Angelica
Rating: PG13
Prompt: Love
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Summary: They'd always been Jack's weakness... but was it really love?

Jack never could resist them: young, spirited women with dark eyes and adventurous, restless souls— good girls, desperate for licence to be wicked.

Angelica. He'd plucked that lovely Spanish rose from a dreary convent (plucked her too, by and by). Such unbridled passion would've withered, died in the oppressive air of enforced celibacy.

Lizzie. He'd had her measure (and she, his) from the very first. Peas. Pod. He'd cut a proper lady's bonds, and unleashed a pirate.

Did he love them? Certainly he'd had… Stirrings (in his heart, not just his loins). But that hardly qualified as love...

Did it?