Author Note: Yet another installment courtesy of my over active, over thinking brain. I really hadn't planned on writing anymore but after this addition I have a feeling this is going to become a depository of my minds attempt to reconcile reality with the Naruto-Verse. Madness, I know.

The weights Maito Guy and Rock Lee employed in their training had a much more important function than building muscle.

Few ever really gave it much thought-most were more concerned with the duo's mental state- but powerful leg muscles alone wouldn't be enough to propel the two to the blinding fast speeds they were known for. Or else everyone would be wearing them.

What most failed to realize was that their weights had a secondary and much more important function: Chakra manipulation.

Everyone knew they could not mold Chakra and so assumed they could not use Chakra. They were wrong. Guy and Lee could use it, but only in incredibly short bursts. This is where the weights came in.

What the weights allowed them to do was stimulate their Chakra coils in such a way that they constricted very quickly and very powerfully, forcing their Chakra through the coils of their legs at incredible velocities.

This allowed them to accelerate to phenomenal speeds in the blink of an eye. Done correctly, it gave observers the allusion that they were traveling at a sustained rate of speed when in actuality they were only accelerating rapidly and repeatedly.

As such, their massively muscular legs were needed not to propel them at these speeds but to handle the strain of the rapid accelerations and decelerations.

And this technique would only work for them, ironically, because their Chakra coils were so underdeveloped. If someone with normal Chakra pathway's were to attempt the same, they would irreparably damage them. Or in the case of someone like Naruto, who had abnormally large Chakra coils, they would blow their own legs off.

End Note: I actually like Guy and Lee but their ability-without the use of Chakra-to move had such high rates of speed bugs me. So, I got to thinking that just because they couldn't mold Chakra didn't mean they couldn't access and use it. And then I thought of a blow gun and how that works and I had my answer. Anime rules aside; if my friend Chad from our College Track team-who had MASSIVE legs-could only run an 11 second 100 yard dash before he blew out his knee, I refuse to believe Guy and Lee do what they do without Chakra.