A\N: Hey guys! I'm really new to this so bear with me. If you think my ideas are dumb let me know in reviews. Also if you have any suggestions let me know there too! Thanks!

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Stephenie


The Sense of Insecurity

Chapter 1: Insecurities

Rosalie's Point of View

Here I was, wasting my Friday night, sitting across the table from a very unattractive man from work. He's been hounding me for weeks about going out, and I have no clue why I decided to cave now. Shit. I'm an idiot.

For years since the incident I have been trying to find another man that would be the one for me, the one who I would want to have my children with. Once again I was reminded of my old friend Vera. In my books she had it all; she was quite pretty, and was one of the nicest people I knew, but most of all she had a husband who loved her and a beautiful baby boy to show for it.

We were 15 was when she met Jeremy, and she loved him from the moment she saw him. He was tall, maybe 6'2, had long curly brown hair and all together very normal looking. That was until he saw Vera. In the following weeks, months and years his eyes were brighter and showed more love in them than anyone I have seen in my life. He didn't care that she wasn't the skinniest girl ever, didn't care that she had scars from a car accident 6 years earlier and didn't get mad for the mistakes she made, but instead helped her through them. Naturally, since they loved each other so passionately, before you knew it 3 years later, they were married and had Henry. That's what I wanted! Someone to love me for who I was and someone to help me through every insecure thought I had about anything.

So when I came back to the present James was still rambling on about that stupid new Star Trek movie coming out. Personally I didn't care what captain happened to Spock, and the weird language that starts with a C. It was absolutely the most stupid thing I have ever heard of. But more importantly in that moment realized he didn't love me for me. He loved me for my looks. I knew I was beautiful, and I obviously knew everyone else thought I was beautiful. By the looks and whistles I got by just walking down the street alone, how could anyone not realize that? I had gorgeous long blonde hair, violet eyes, perfect, straight facial features and could be a model if I weren't so insecure about myself. But I just couldn't bring myself to stand there while men and woman took pictures of me. Even the thought of it made me shudder.

I felt a tear fall down my face as I thought of all these insecurities and wiped it away as I jumped up from my seat and bolted out the door calling an apology over my shoulder. I got into my red BMW convertible and then completely broke down.

I'm such an idiot! Why did I let myself think about all of this shit? Every time it leads to me having a breakdown and needing to go away for a few days with the girls. That's what my therapist recommended. I've been going to Ms. Stanley for almost 4 years now and she has helped me through almost everything. I only started when my friends forced me to go because apparently I was being "a constant downer" and "needed help". I hated to admit it but now that I had it I realized they were right.

Royce had fucked up my life forever. He was G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S and he was mine, but I hadn't noticed his addiction to alcohol. Not until the night when I was no longer myself, and would never be for as long as I lived.

I was walking home from Vera's house, visiting the new baby of course when I saw his car racing down the street and thought I could get a ride. He slowed down and opened the door and told me to get in, so I did. We drove down the street for a bit, listening to the latest Linkin Park CD until he stopped at one of the neighborhood parks and leaned over to kiss me. I didn't mind this part, but we had done this before, the next part I wasn't so sure about. He started to take things too far and I told him to stop but all that came from his mouth was,

"Come on baby, you know you want me too."

But I most certainly did not.

"Get off!" I yelled as I shoved him away. But he just came back, and he came onto me even harder.

He started by ripping my expensive blouse off, the buttons flying all over the car, then it was my pants and his clothes came off too. By this point I was bawling my eyes out because I knew what would follow. He would hurt me in the worst of ways, ways in which no one could recover from. I struggled against him as hard as I could and tried screaming for help, but that only resulted in multiple blows to my stomach and chest area, knocking the wind out of me.

"I am going to fuck you and you aren't going to do anything about it," he whispered in my ear and smacked my head off the door of the car, knocking me out momentarily. But not long enough. I felt it all.

I won't continue from there, it was too horrible. In the end I was left, half dead under a tree in the park, wishing for death to come. I wanted the pain to end. Not just the physical, which was excruciating on its own, but also the emotional pain. I couldn't believe that someone who I thought loved me and who I loved back could do such a thing! He ruined me! I was filthy and broken; no one would want me now- even if I were to live.

Impatient for death I heard someone yell for someone to call an ambulance from far away. When the voice came closer I got angry. He tried talking to me, telling me his name was Kyle, and when I didn't respond he tried to find the spot of my bleeding, which was my head. I started counting in my head, hoping that the thoughts would possibly help me drift to sleep, or better yet, death.

I wasn't even to 180 when I heard the blaring sirens coming down the street, coming to save my life. I didn't want them to, again I thought of how no one would want me now. I was going to die alone. Never have beautiful babies or a husband who loved me.

I was in shock now. I was barely aware of the arms pulling me onto a stretcher, or the voices of the men calling to the others to stay back. It was about then that I drifted off. I was in a coma for 3 days.

When I awoke I heard and felt many things at once. First I heard the annoying beeping sound beside me, signaling my steady heartbeat. 'Oh come on! So I was still alive?' was my first thought. Then I felt cold fingers pressing on my forehead. Opening my eyes I saw a very attractive blonde male in a doctor's jacket staring down, smiling at me. I cringed away automatically.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you," he pulled back a bit. "I'm Dr. Cullen. How are you feeling?"

I had to think about it for a minute. How was I feeling? In that moment nothing felt real. What had happened in the last few days?

"I have some news that you need to be aware of Miss. Hale," he swallowed hard and I had a feeling I wouldn't want to hear this 'news'.

"Your parents were killed in a car accident the night of the incident. Someone by the name of..." he looked at his notes then looked up again, "Royce King. Drunk driving," he sighed, "I always hate these sorts of cases."

It all came back to me in a rush and I started screaming. All I could think was 'I'm only dreaming,' 'it's just a dream'. But it wasn't. I heard the bustle of nurses and doctors rushing in to pin me down to the bed. In that moment I felt like a psycho person. You know the ones who are locked up in the white padded rooms wearing strait jackets, or who are strapped down to beds. Yeah, not the greatest feeling ever.

I was abruptly brought back to the present by a loud rapping on my window and looked up to see the tiny Alice, one of my best friends here in the gloomy state of Washington.

"Rose? Are you okay?" She asked as she peered through the window.

I rolled down the window and when she saw my tear stained face, gasped and pulled the door open to pull me into a hug.

"We'll go camping tomorrow okay honey? Everything will be okay," she chirped into my ear and I just nodded, thankful for her presence.

The next day Alice, Bella and I set off into the woods for our weekend camping trip. It was very interesting considering the fact that none of us were what you would exactly call "outdoorsy people". We would much rather go through a busy shopping mall all day than do this, but that wasn't getting away.

We hiked for about 2 hours up the hill when we finally decided we could go no farther we stopped to set up camp. About halfway through setting up the tent I heard yelling and growling coming from a little farther up the hill and immediately got worried.

Hurrying up the hill I heard moans of pain and whimpering but that same awful growling echoing through the trees. What I saw I was not prepared for. It was a man, maybe around the same age as me; he had brown curly hair and dimples even as he was grimacing in pain. He looked so innocent, just like Vera's Henry, and he was about to be finished off by this angry bear. I took out my whistle and began to blow it, trying to scare it off without bringing it towards myself. Only after about 10 seconds he went back down on all four paws and stalked off into the forest.

As soon as it was gone I rushed over to the man. His face was covered in scratches and he had a long deep gash going from his collar bone to halfway down his arm. I lifted his shirt to inspect the damage and was almost sick at the mess that the bear left behind. He had two claw marks that had left large flaps of skin hanging from the muscles on his chest and stomach. If I didn't get help soon, he was going to die.

As I pulled out my cell phone to call for help I saw him open his eyes and just by looking into his eyes I felt a strange wave of relief wash over my body. In that moment I felt like Vera and I knew what it was. Love at first sight.

Emmett's Point of View

Hiking used to be a release for me. I used to go out and just hike for hours then come back before my parents would get too worried. Yes I was 22 and still lived with my parents. I was waiting for 'the one' as many people would call it. I thought it was total bullshit.

Nobody just falls in love instantaneously. It's a gradual thing that just happens on its own I suppose. I mean if you saw my parents you would see where I'm coming from. They loved each other so much, but they died over a month ago in a fire while I was hiking… Of course, I would pick the one time they needed my help to go on another one of my hiking expeditions.

The wedding vow 'till death do us part' ran through my head. I don't even think they left each other in death, that's how much they loved each other. No love could beat that. I hoped that someday I could maybe experience that but it all depended on if I could find the right girl.

This was the first time I had gone hiking since the day of the fire. I didn't think it would help but maybe I could find that release again in the familiar woods. I was just past the big rock and almost in the clearing when I heard it. A long, deep growl, coming from inside the trees to my left. Automatically I stiffened.

Never before had I worried that I could be attacked by a bear out here. I felt safe in these woods, more than anywhere else in this world. Figures it would be today, my first time back. When I turned I started to throw rocks, the idiot that I am, to scare it off but it only made it angrier. Why hadn't I just played dead?

The bear walked towards me, its paws creating faint thuds on the soft grass below our feet. It was a grizzly bear, maybe around 2 years of age. Couldn't be that big, maybe 6 feet when standing up? When it got to about 2 meters away from me it stood on its hind legs and my eyes widened. Definitely bigger than 6 feet. It swatted across my chest and oh boy did I feel it and I screamed. Like a little girl. It pulled its huge paw back again and swatted from my collar bone to about my elbow this time and I could feel the blood trickling down my chest.

I had to fight back. I couldn't just go down without one could I? Impossible. So I tried to push it. If I lived through this I would never EVER do that again. The bear pushed me down to the ground and began tearing at me and just as it was about to finish me off I heard a whistle. The monster above me dropped down onto its front paws and went back into the trees away from me. What had just happened?

I felt someone working over me. Stroking down my neck and lifting my shirt up to see the worst of the damage. When I opened my eyes it was like I was staring at my guardian angel. I must be dead. But I thought death didn't hurt this much. So maybe I was hallucinating. Yeah that was it. I was about to laugh at myself for even thinking up something like that in a moment like this but then I passed out.

2 days and 3 operations later I awoke in Forks hospital. I knew it because I recognized the lumpy pillows and the hard hospital bed that I had been on so much the past 10 years of my life for school fights, to being sick and needing the medical attention.

I felt a warm hand touch my arm and opened my eyes expecting to see Dr. Cullen standing there or one of his hot nurses that oblige to his every will. But it wasn't. It was my guardian angel. I tried to smile cockily but instead a groan escaped through my lips and she apologized quickly.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" she squeaked and started to step back but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer.

"Why are you sorry? You saved my life," I said, unable to hide the gratitude from leaking into my voice.

"I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I'm Rosalie by the way, and your name must be Emmett."

I raised my eyebrow at her and then finally smirked, "Yes that's my name but you can call me whatever you want babe." I winked.

She just stared at me wide eyed. Dick move Emmett, dick move. I sighed. Ouch… That hurt my chest. No more of that. Maybe I needed more pain meds. As I was about to press the button to call the nurse Rosalie pressed her lips softly to mine and then I didn't need those pain killers anymore. I could just settle for this.


AN: Okay so REVIEW! The more you review the faster the next chapter goes up. So if you want to be notified add me to your updates list ;).