This story is my idea of what could/should have happened for Unending. The first bit is the same, but the rest is wildly different. Hope you like it...

The story starts a few weeks after that fateful night when Daniel and Vala got together (finally!!).


"Daniel?" Vala moaned as she arrived at his quarters. She didn't look as she normally did when she came to see him. There were no fancy hair clips or tight lingerie. Her hair was a mess and the thick bags under her eyes indicated that no sleep had begotten her the night before. She rubbed her eyes and collapsed on his bed as soon as she entered.

"Vala?" he asked. "What's wrong?"

She rolled over to look at him. She opened her mouth to answer, but before she could, she got a whiff of his new cologne. Within seconds she'd pulled herself off of the bed and run into the nearest washroom.

"Vala?" Daniel called again, following her as quickly as he could.

She'd locked the door, so he couldn't get in. He banged on it as loudly as he could. "Vala? Are you alright in there?"

She emerged a few minutes later looking even more miserable than she had before, if that was possible.

"You look terrible!" he exclaimed. "What's wrong?"

"Thanks, darling, you look wonderful too," she scoffed. She ignored his latter question and went back to her own bed, since his still smelled wretched, curling up and closing her eyes.

"You are not getting off the hook that easily," he told her in a firm voice. Softening, he ran his fingers through her long hair. "Vala, please tell me what's wrong."

She didn't look at him. She just pulled the blankets up higher and mumbled, "I'm pregnant."

Daniel's eyes went wide. He couldn't possibly have heard her correctly. "Wh-what?"

She closed her eyes without a word and fell asleep beside him.


"Whoa man," Cam exclaimed. "She's pregnant?"

"Who's pregnant?" Sam asked, wandering into the room. Then, upon the quick realization that there were only two girls on the ship and she was fairly confident they weren't talking about her, she exclaimed, "Vala's pregnant?!"

"Aw, jeez," Daniel groaned. "Don't tell her you know. She was really excited to tell you," he said to Sam. "Actually," he said, turning back to Cam, "same goes for you. I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to tell anyone. So both of you – be quiet!"

Sam made the motion of locking her mouth with a key and Cam smirked and nodded.

Cam opened his mouth to provide the group with a sarcastic comment, but Vala walked in at that moment. Her hair was pulled in a loose ponytail and her face was bare of make-up. She plopped down next to Daniel and rested her head in her arms, which were folded on top of the table. She took a deep sigh and closed her eyes.

"You okay, honey?" Daniel said, stroking her back. "Do you want something no eat?"

"No food," she moaned, not bothering to look up.

"Morning sickness?" Sam asked. She clamped her hand to her mouth, hoping Vala hadn't heard.

Vala's head shot up and she glared at Daniel with icy eyes. "You told them?" she hissed.

"I, uh," he started.

She didn't wait for him to finish. Instead she stormed out of the room, leaving him glaring at the traitor. He got up to follow her, but Sam grabbed his arm. "Just wait," she told him. "She'll cool down. She's just hormonal. She'll get over it soon enough, if you leave her alone."

There was silence for a few minutes until Teal'c walked into the room. "Congratulations, Daniel Jackson," he said with a nod of his head.

Daniel cocked his head slightly. "Uh..."

"Vala Mal Doran informed me that she is pregnant."

"Oh, yeah," Daniel replied. Vala must be off telling the General now, jumping the gun before he could get to them, he assumed. He smiled. "Thanks."


Vala walked through the halls of the Odyssey, her large pregnant belly protruding in front of her. This time was different than when she'd been carrying Adria. She couldn't explain why, but she suspected it was at least in part due to the fact that she knew this child was not the spawn of the Ori, and possibly even more because of how much she loved its father. She could feel it squirming around inside her. She was excited about the baby, and not just because it would give her something to focus on, besides that they were stuck in that awful ship.

She felt really sick that day, though. Her excitement was often crushed by a wave of nausea, but today it seemed even worse. Thankfully her team members had learned not to eat around her, as well as not to wear any perfume or cologne. She was headed toward the commissary, since she was always hungry. She'd told Sam to make sure to have cheetoes and strawberry ice cream ready for her and was delighted to see her friend had come through for her. She sat down to eat, shoving the sweet cheesy treat into her mouth. She could hear Cam make fake gagging noises in the back of her mind, even though for once he wasn't there to mock her eating habits.

She stopped abruptly, holding a ice cream-covered cheeto outside her mouth, which quickly began dripping onto her uniform.

"Ow," she squeaked. She dropped the food and looked over at her friend. "Sam?"

"Yeah?" Sam asked, turning from the window to Vala.

"I'm in labor," she replied, a little too matter-of-factly.

Sam's eyes went wide. She whipped out her radio and called Daniel to meet them in the infirmary. She put her arm around Vala for support and helped her friend as best she could.


Although she was told it was only a seven hours of labor, Vala was convinced it was more like seven days. Her whole body ached and she wished for the first time that Adria was around to heal her. She saw Daniel take hold of a tiny crying bundle and bring it toward her.

"This is our son," he said, handing the baby to its mother.

Vala smiled down at the baby. "Worth it," she mumbled. "So, Daniel, what are we going to name him?"


"Hey!" Daniel called, chasing the little boy down the halls. "Johnny, slow down!" He chuckled and groaned at the same time as the child picked up his pace.

They passed Vala in the halls and Daniel called out, "Hey, Mom, how about a little help here."

"I'm not feeling well, darling."

He paused for a moment to look up at her. She smiled. "I'm pregnant again."