Just an odd little oneshot after seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Disclaimer: if I owned them, they would spend more time wearing less clothing.

The Professor's hands hovered on either side of Wolverine's bowed head. When his fingers brushed against the man's skin, vivid images slammed into Xavier's mind.

They had played these roles before. Jimmy, the insolent whelp with more brawn than brains lounged on the end of the heavy oak desk, and Victor, the exquisitely trained soldier stood erect on the opposite side. When the enemy entered the makeshift military headquarters, their attention would be on Victor, while the death-blow would come from Jimmy.

Xavier watched the unfolding scene from above as a mutant – a teleport perhaps – stepped into the room. He was greeted by the officer behind the desk, his eyes never leaving Victor's broad, deceptively still frame. Stryker's eyes darted to Victor, a motion that did not go unnoticed by the teleport who was now covered in a thin sheen of sweat. The powerful soldier's lip curled in a feral snarl. With Logan's senses, Xavier sensed the newcomer's increased heart rate and the scent of fear that leaked from his pores. The unnamed mutant did not even have time to turn before the flash of animalistic darkness drove bone-like claws into his throat without a sound. The stranger fell dead on the floor, twitching slightly as the blood leaked from his body.

"Good job, boys. One less in the world." Stryker nodded, and the two young men left.

The Professor felt Jimmy's revulsion over the kill through their telepathic connection. The young man wiped the claws clean on his jeans before retracting them. Victor growled low and threw his arm around the smaller man's shoulders.

"Good job, brother."

Xavier pulled free from the psychic bond with a gasp. Logan stood in front of him, confused and on edge.

"What did you see, Charles?"

"I'm not sure." And it was the truth.