(Friday: 2:00 p.m. From the Mind of: Bella Swan a.k.a. Bitch in Heels)

I walked on Main Street screaming into my Blackberry, at my latest imbecile of an assistant. I couldn't remember her name,—Jennifer, Journey, Jessie, George?—but her retarded self forgot to mail out the information for the cases that I would be working on in the next few months, so I was royally pissed.

"Janet, you REALLY need to get your freaking act straight BEFORE I fire you." I said in a dangerously low tone. "These people rely on me and count on the fact that once I fire you, your chances of getting a job are ZERO to NONE, so you'd better getting on your horses and ride BEFORE you're on the unemployment line, understand?" I'd ended off in a sickly sweet voice.

She'd started off sounding so frail I had almost smashed my cell phone down, wishing that was her head. "Ma'am," she started off sounding off like a mouse. "My name is Jessica…" Oh so that was it. Still I didn't give a rat's ass, she was crapping up my name in this industry and she would pay big time. "And your point is…" She'd started to speak and I had quickly cut her off not caring for whatever would come out of her mouth. "Listen here, lowly assistant, I don't pay you so that I can know your name, I honestly don't care about your name, I pay you to do the lesser work that I give you and to complete it. Trust and believe that job applications will away at 200 miles per hour if you don't do these straight to perfection and nail them."

And this little dumb ass started to reply, the nerve of some people! "I—" She was cut off by the end button that I clicked, that was enough crap for one day, and other than that I really didn't care enough to listen.

When I had finally reached my work building I somewhat relaxed the tense set of my shoulders, but everyone else started working double-time. Around here I was known as the Bitch in Heels, and everyone knew that Swan didn't play, at all.

"Hello Ms. Swan," an intern said to me. Bad move, naïve one. I'd turned around given him my worse sneer, then turned back around and kept walking. By the time I was turned around, I could have sworn I had heard him whimper, and his back hit the wall. All of my interns knew never to look me in the eye unless requested, never to speak unless spoken to and so on and so forth…I really was a bitch. The only people who didn't take that kind of attitude from me where Alice and Rose, my best friends who were like sisters to me, and Kevin my advice-giver guy, type person who told me that I was most likely a bitch from hell.

I walked into my office and let a tiny smile grace my features, smiling was a rarity that I allowed myself once in a while when I was in public, and you really even couldn't tell that it was, in fact, a smile. (Some people thought it was gas, and voiced their thought, and were fired.)

I had sat down in my desk, started typing out my thesis and belief for the next case at hand, and I had gotten so carried away that I hadn't realized that it was almost 7:00 p.m.

Just when I was walking home I had gotten a call from Alice that literally threw my world upside down.

A/N: I was thinking of ending it here but then I was like noooooo, that would piss off the readers, so people REVIEW please to thank me for my act of kindness…

"Bella, you need to come home, like RIGHT NOW." Alice had sounded like she was crying, and Alice NEVER cries, so that was what had tipped me off that something was very, very wrong.

"Alice," I started professional worry coloring my voice, "what's wrong?"

"I'll explain it all when you come back, for now just hurry!"

I'd jumped into my black Mercedes and floored the engine, whatever had Alice crying must have been earth shattering.

I had ran straight through the whole penthouse building into the elevators, cursing whichever ghetto company must have made them run so slow. When I had finally gotten to our room I'd burst the door open, asking again and again what was wrong?

Rosalie had looked at me with apologetic eyes, with Alice right next to her, her eyes puffy and red.

"Alice," I'd asked in a low and cautious voice, "what the hell is going on?"

She took a deep breath and tears had started forming in her eyes. "Umm…..Jasper," she sniffled, and I'd instantly froze, whatever this was, it was worse than I'd thought, "and Ed—Edward are in town….and the—they're working with us...in both our jobs." By this point I was beyond reasoning and the pure, unadulterated anger I'd felt had caused my vision to just fade and I was close to seeing black. But I'd managed a bit of sanity to ask one more question.

"But…but, how is that possible??? Jasper and Edward in law and fashion design?"

"No," she'd said her voice weak and cracked "Edward is working with your company, but I'm not sure in what, and Jasper is the same thing with me, and I'm not sure what he's doing."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" I was so angry I didn't even care that I'd sounded like a monster. "This can't be happening, NO!" I threw my blackberry against the wall and it broke. "Why, the hell…after all these years…why can't he just LEAVE ME ALONE?!" My muscles locked down, as if they were being braced for impact. "So he thinks he can just freaking come into my life, sit down on it, and then CRAP ON IT, AGAIN???" "Who the BLOODY HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS, the freaking QUEEN of ENGLAND, with her royal $5,000 dress, coming and going as he pleases???"

By this point I was a tornado, literally destroying everything in my path. I threw down our lamp, thrown my Gucci bag to the other side of the room, pushed the glass bowl off of our table, and when I'd gotten to my room, I'd went into my closet and thrown everything around, my neat and organized room now a complete and total mess. It had looked like sex and a tornado had happened over and over again.

A few more comments and torn dresses later I'd fallen down to the floor and started crying. DAMN, I hadn't cried in 8 years, ever since I'd made a promise to myself and Alice that I would never cry again. I didn't even cry at my bubbe's funeral, I had just sat there with a remote expression, while other people looked at me with sad, sad faces.

When Rose walked into my room she had gasped twice. I was guessing the first gasp was for the landfill that was my room, and the second—bigger—gasp was because of seeing the tears that ran down my face, and gave way to my stone wall resolve.

She'd ran straight to my side, with Alice on her arm and wrapped her right arm around me and her left around Alice, and she'd rocked us left and right and shushed our loud sobs until it was completely quiet.

"Now, Bella," she'd asked, "Are you ready to talk?" I shook my head no, in the hopes that she would leave me be for now.

"Okay," she murmured soothingly "Alice?" Alice shook her head yes and took a deep breath.

(Friday, 7:46 p.m. From the Mind of: Mary Alice Brandon a.k.a. Pixie)

I took a shaky deep breath and got ready to pour my soul to my 2 best friends.

[Flashback] *note that while flashback is going, she is speaking*

It was the first day of high school and I was so excited. I knew now that with my new clothes, and attitude, I wouldn't be teased and called Gay-Guy, Gary Mary anymore. Ever since the beginning of junior high, when people had learned considerably bad words, they had stopped laughing at me and throwing food at me but now had started using words that really hurt.

I walked into the school meeting up with Bella, my best friend whose style was less than par.

Unfortunately when I had walked into school, the idiot Mike Newton had spilled his tuna, egg, ketchup, and cheese sandwich on my new shirt and jeans. I was so angry and I smelled like vomit, but to top it off and make it worse, the Adonis in himself Jasper Whitlock and his crew had walked in and the stench was traveling at 100 mph., he had smelled the stench and the oaf Emmett had commented "Yo, Gay," he had said in his bullhorn voice, "Dontcha know what a shower and soap is?" Everyone started laughing, and rumor got around that my family was too poor to afford a shower.

And the madness just kept happening. I had thrown a party in order to bring back my status to where it was supposed to be, and I'd especially invited the crew, if they came Jasper would notice me and love me then I'd become popular and live a happily ever after…

But that's not how it happened, I had put balloons in and everything because Jessica had told me that that was how a normal party was supposed to be, I'd stupidly listened to her and rented a clown…A CLOWN FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE. At the end of it my house was messed up, Jasper had declared the party whack after thirty minutes, all my mom's bras were gone, and I was grounded for 3 weeks.

And this story just gets worse and worse. In the tenth grade when both Bella and I got braces, and were called "Metal Asses" I was invited to a party, Jasper Hale's Party to be exact. I was so excited and dumbfound that I rushed home after school and got my outfit on 3 hours before the party. When I'd gotten there, and took my first fruit punch and I think Edward had spiked it. I took a drink and it had a certain tang to it and I thought it was the flavor so I kept drinking anyway. By the time I had my 5th drink I was so far gone it wasn't even funny. I jumped in the middle of the dance floor and started making a total fool of myself swishing and sliding like I had no dignity and people were taking pictures of me. It wasn't like Bella was there to bail me out. She had actually warned me, but I thought otherwise and decided to go.

And to make the joke even crueler, Jasper had dragged me inside the room labeled "7 minutes of Ecstasy" and started to lean in to kiss me, but then he shoved his pizza on my lips. I didn't know what I had done to them, or what kind of trick that was, but when I had gotten out cameras started flashing, and I was starting to feel a slight draining wooziness. I tripped twice on the way out from the spilled water on the floor, and I heard raucous laughter from the background. I cried and ran all the way home.

The other times were just old pranks from the book. In 10th grade I had dropped my book in the hallway right by skank Lauren's stiletto heel boots. I picked it up and looked at her shirt, I noticed that it was very pretty; when she wasn't dressing like a total slut she looked nice. I told her that it was very pretty, and she grew a very devious smirk. She shrieked and ran over to Jasper, "Jaspy baby," she cried in a nasal, irritating voice, "Mary was looking at my top and told me my boobs look very pretty; SHE'S GAY!"

Of course, I got ready the tissues from my pocket, and started heading for the bathroom because I knew I was going to start crying. But Jasper just had to make my day worse, it was bad enough that I liked him and he kept ridiculing me, but I hated Lauren with a passion, because she was one of the reasons Bella and I started getting picked on. But for Jasper, Lauren, Jasper's Crew, and basically the rest of the school to pick on us that much was just too much. He cried "Mary's a GAY FAG???" And to top it off he started cracking up in the middle of the hallway. I had to admit that even though he was ridiculing me; his laugh was beautiful, like bass wind chimes. Of course, though, everyone heard and I ran into the bathroom into my regular stall and started crying with Bella there comforting me.

And don't even think that the pranks that I'm telling you are the only ones they pulled; the others were smaller and by other people. There was also another time when they took my underwear and hung it up on the flagpole.

But the worst prank was senior year, during graduation. Bella and I had skipped the prom to avoid hurt and pain; again. I was lined up in the B and C row of the section, and walking up when my name was called up. Somehow, Jasper and his cronies has found a way to get an exploding water cushion my butt area, and when the English deed hugged me the cushion popped and it had look I had peed. Jasper had brought his fart-sound device and made it seem that whenever he pressed the button it sounded like I was the one farting. It was so EMBARASSING and I ran off the stage crying, cursing the day I'd met Jasper Hale.

{End of Flashback}

By this time we had Vanilla Ice Cream, and we were all crying at the story I had told. Out of the sadness and the just pure depressive state that we were all in, we went to bed on the floor, our eyes red and puffy and our cheeks tear streaked, all now harboring a hate for Jasper.

A/N: Please review guys, and I'll even give you a challenge, I need you to find the sentence in here that relates to ONE of the sentences in New Moon. (Hint Hint; its in BPOV)