A/N: This fic is about Sasuke Uchiha's betrayal, only in a different context.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Another A/N: Naruto: 20 yrs old, Hinata: 20 yrs old, Sasuke: 20 yrs old, Neji: 21 yrs old, Hanabi: 15 yrs old, do the math ppl.


Uchiha Sasuke slowly looked up at the pale full moon shining in the distance. His charcoal black eyes scanned the horizon for any signs of movement. The dark shade of the irises slowly turned blood-red and started spinning. He knew he just couldn't bring himself to do it, but he just had to. Appeasing the voices in his head was his top priority now, and the only way to do it was by finding him again.

His powerful legs dashed madly towards the other side of the border, as he zoomed swiftly but quietly past the sleeping borderguard.



Ato Të Vdekurit | The Dead Ones


"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."

~Friedrich Nietzsche

"Wake up, Hinata! You know how the boss is!" whined Naruto. Hinata slowly opened her eyes.

Oh not again! I'm sleeping at my desk! She quickly brushed herself off. The last thing she would want is to have a confrontation with Tsunade-san.

"Arigato, Naruto-sempai! What are we investigating now?" she asked.

Naruto sighed. He hated how Hinata always called him "sempai". "We're doing some research on some old myths today. Some old folks in the city are complaining about supernatural crime. " he stated half-heartedly. "Let's go down to the document room." Brushing herself off, Hinata followed her sempai down to the document room.

Hinata was excited, because she never got to go there before. This job at Konoha Division Corps was her first job since out of Harvard, and since her father was an honorary consultant here, she was automatically picked. She had started the job two weeks ago, and already everyone liked her quiet yet brave mentality. Her impeccable complexion, her light demeanour, and her gentle reasoning were what made her famous on the job overnight. Rarely did any of her newfound colleagues need to yell at her, or explain anything twice to her. In reality, she was the perfect employee.

Naruto looked at Hinata quizzically. She had brown bags under her eyes, which were unusually dark.

"Are you okay, Hinata-chan? You look tired."

Hinata shook her head. "I'll talk to you about my problems later, sempai. Let's just start working." She opened the document room, and immediately went to the supernatural section of the archives.

The blond-haired man sighed, twice in a day. Hinata can be so stubborn sometimes... he thought.

"So, sempai, what exactly are we looking for?" Hinata asked, hidden behind a big shelf of documents.

Naruto looked up from his searching. "We're looking for the Uchiha incident, doc. 5439, in the supernatural file."

"Arigato." Hinata quickly scanned through the supernatural section of the archive library. What she found nearly made her drop the folder in shock.

On the front cover, stamped on with bright red letters, was the word, "vampire".


A pair of shiny blood-red eyes looked at the scenery. It was anything but pleasant. The sand whipped around his pale ivory face, and his hair, unkempt and shaggy, hung in limp disarray. He looked a mess.

"Gotta find some food." he scanned the desert, searching for a morsel.

Finally he spotted a lone mouse scampering across the cruel sand dunes. Sasuke lunged, quick as a flash. The mouse was dead before it knew it.

Licking the blood off of his mouth, Sasuke got up with renewed energy. He had to arrive at Kirigakure before sundown.


"Hinata-chan? Did you find the file??" yelled Naruto. It had been over an hour since they were searching.

Sh-should I tell Naruto-sempai? The more I read, the less I trust him... thought Hinata. During the time they spent searching, she had been looking through 5439's documents.

"No. Not yet," in her desperation to hide the document, she left her worker's ID on the shelf. She put it in her bag, which she carried at all times.

Naruto appeared from a bookshelf. He looked disgruntled. "Hinata, let's go."

"H-hai, sempai."

"What did I tell you about calling me sempai?"


Their voices faded away as they went up the stairs. As soon as their voices were gone, a dark figure revealed himself from the shadows of the dimly lit archive room. Slowly gliding towards the "supernatural" section, he reached out a withered hand to pick up Hinata's worker ID.

"Hyuuga Hinata.." he breathed, blood dripping from his mouth.


A/N: ato të vdekurit is the dead ones. This phrase is Albanian.

READ AND REVIEW! Just so you know, I'll be updating this fic every Friday, so keep your eyes peeled.

(lol i should stop adding big fics to my list of big fics, but i just can't help it.)