A/N- Okay, this is two years after the events of TLO. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover aren't really in this, so if you wanted to read about that, sorry. Enjoy!

"Pop Quiz!" my teacher, Mr. Wendel, announced. I was in Latin class, and I was the only one who didn't groan. The thing was, I was great when it came to Greek myths, despite my dyslexia and ADHD. The only thing I was good at…when it came to school. Not kidding.

I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Kylie Wolf, and I'm a fourteen-year-old freshman. I live in Manhattan, and go to this public school near my apartment, where I live with my mom. My dad's dead, or at least that's what my mom says. I don't believe anything she says. She used to be an actress, and I've never had a strong bond with her. After I figured out the truth from one of the lies she told, I haven't trusted her.

I grinned lightly at the memory, it was funny how I found out. You see, it was raining out and...oh, nevermind. But it was hilarious, I swear.

I shook out my short fiery hair, and looked down and my quiz. Pfffttt. Easy. It was on the birth of Apollo and Artemis. One of my favorites. I was done in four minutes. It only took that long because of my dyslexia. Five questions…Okay, kind of pathetic, but still…

Everyone else seemed to be done. Okay, why did he spring that test on us? It was easy. He asked a guy named Ben to collect them and he did, quickly too. And then—get this—he gave us free time. Odd. No teacher ever gave us free time. Cool teacher.

They rest of the day was kind of boring. Okay, completely boring. Absolutely nothing was happening. I didn't even get too many nasty looks from the other teachers. Besides Mr. Wendel, they all hated me. I don't even know what I did. I was a decent student most of the time; I mean, I tried my hardest. Oh, whatever, the world is biased.

I went home after that. My mother and I lived in a decent sized apartment. It was actually alright, because my room was facing east, so I could watch the sun come up. I rise with the sun. In winter, I always wake up really late.

I dumped my stuff in my floor. The room was painted light yellow with gold designs. I wasn't a huge fan of art, but my mom said it fit my personality. It wasn't too bad, so I didn't care.

"Hey, Kylie," my mother appeared in the doorway in a party dress. She was going out to a club. "I'm going out tonight." Thank you, thank you. "Be good, and don't go into the living room. I just got new furniture, and I don't want you to break it right away." She also said some other things, but I didn't really listen.

When she left, I took out my backpack, emptied it, and packed a couple extra pairs of clothes. Operation Run Away From Home, Phase 1, complete. Okay, bad name, I'm not great at thinking those up. But it didn't matter what it was called. I just needed to get away from this place because my mom was the worst in history. I think I'm going to go west.

I grabbed two water bottles, ten granola bars, some crackers from the kitchen, and my Ipod (I love music). I also brought my toothbrush. Okay, I'll admit, I have an obsession with my teeth being white. They're pretty white as it is, anyways. Back on topic.

Once I had all of my stuff, I crept down the fire escape. So far, so good. When I reached the bottom, I looked around. I didn't see anything, so I kept going. When I made it onto the street, I was trying to hail a taxi when some kid ran into me. He had dark hair and eyes, and olive colored skin. He was being chased by some type of creature with a lion's body, some wings, and a regular head. It looked like a Sphinx, you know, the ones in Greek mythology?

Anyways, when the kid ran into me, I stumbled and fell. I guess the kid realized I had slowed him down and he wouldn't be able to outrun the monster, so he pulled out a sword from where it rested in its sheath. It was maybe two and a half feet long and black. And when I say black, I'm mean the type of darkness something is when you're holding your hand and inch in front of your face, waving it, and you can't see it. It was creepy.

"You won't get away that easily, child of Hades," the monster cackled. I had pressed myself against the walls of a building. I was so freaked out I barely had any time to think about how strange it was that there was a monster calling the kid a child of Hades. That was really…weird. But the monster was creepier than its words.

The kid slashed his sword at the monster. He had a real intense look on his face, like he was going to die. Well, to be fair, the monster was pretty impressive looking, but so was his sword. I mean, it was pitch black and really intimidating. They starting fighting and I finally looked away from the scene.

It was then I realized that no one else noticed that there was a freak monster and a adolescent with a sword. Normally there would be police swarming the area if something like that happened, but we were only getting a few strange looks, like the teenager only had a fake sword and was in combat with a punching bag.

The kid stabbed the monster and it turned to dust. Then he looked at me. He had a strange expression on his face, like he was trying to figure something out. He seemed to decide on something, and sheathed his sword.

"You have to come with me," he said.

"Um…no. I don't know your name and I just saw you kill some freaky animal. I think I might be safer alone."

He sighed, rolled his eyes, and shook his head. I crossed my hands over my chest. I could be very stubborn if I wanted to.

Suddenly, the kid grabs my arm. He doesn't look it, but he was very strong. When I struggled, he didn't react at all. I wasn't that weak! With his free hand he grabbed some gold coin, tossed it on the ground where it dissolved into the cement (is it just me, or were things getting even weirder?) and said something that sounded like he was summoning a damned chariot. Oh, how reassuring. Needless to say, I wasn't too excited about that.

A gray taxi appeared and an old women popped her head out of the window and asked where we were going. "Two to Camp Half-Blood," the kid said. Alright then. He shoved me in the taxi and let go of my arm. I rubbed my wrist where he had been holding it. That felt better.

I looked ahead and realized there were three old women in the front seat. Why would old women be a part of a taxi service? I didn't really care as long as they could drive.

"Put on your seat belt," the kid said. I decided he needed a new name so I started calling him Dark Kid. Well, I'm not very good with words.

"Instead of doing that, how 'bout I get out of here?" I suggested. The taxi started moving. Ah, shoot. It was about ten seconds into the ride when I realized why I had to buckle up. I did, thankfully, or else I would have tasted leather.

The old women were arguing. They said stuff like "Wasp, I want the tooth!" or "Tempest, I'm going to drive into the river if you don't give me the eye!" Oh no.

"She doesn't have an eye and she's driving?" I yelled, horrified, at Dark Kid. He looked a little sick but nodded like it was normal.

"Don't worry, we get our money back if they crash," he said. I shot him a look.

"That's supposed to make me feel better?!" I screeched.

"Dear, be quiet, we're arguing over who gets the eye, and we can't hear each other over your screaming," the lady on the right said. I'm pretty sure my eyes were as huge as saucepans. I looked at Dark Kid. He shrugged like that was usual.

I was clutching the seat so hard my knuckles were white. I was starting to feel a little sick. We lurched again and freaked out. I grabbed Dark Kid's arm in panic.

"Make them stop! Or…do something!" I complained.

"Don't worry, the Gray Sisters have been doing this for…years."

"Yes, three thousand years!" the lady I had learned was called Anger said.

"We've been running a taxi service longer than anyone else!" said the one called Tempest.

"We know everything about this city!" screeched the one called Wasp.

"I can't see anything though, Tempest, so I don't know what street I'm on!" exclaimed Anger. They got into another fight about who should have the eye. Wasp grabbed it from Tempest, which was gross. When she was holding it, Dark Kid shot out his hand, stole it and stuck it into Anger's eye socket.

"Hey, no fair!" Tempest and Wasp chorused. Anger cheered.

"Stupid heroes. They have no respect for anyone," Wasp said crossly. I didn't have enough time to ponder what she meant. Anger had slammed her foot on the brakes, and I thought we were going to do flips. Dark Kid pushed me out.

The gray taxi zoomed away, back to the city. They had left us on a hill with green grass and a pine tree at the top. There was something gold glittering in the branches and a huge dragon thing that was wrapped around the evergreen. This day just kept getting worse.

A/N- Okay, that took forever to write. The Gray Sisters are hard to write.

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