Seth and I trotted out of the woods. Grandmother asked, "Can I come?"

I nodded and walked over to the front step. Grandmother swung her leg over my back, settling into the dip between my shoulder blades. Billy and Sue gasped.

"It's alright. We've done it dozens of times." Grandmother said as she leaned to grasp my fur. "I'm old but I'm still spry," she called as I dashed away, Seth following.

Are you sure about this? Seth asked.

I rolled my eyes. She and have done this a lot. We once climbed Black mountain in under five minutes.

Where's that?

Dummerston, Vermont. It's a great hike. There are lots of blueberries. I pictured the beautiful view.

Oh. Seth was silent until we reached the border. Jacob, Quill and Embry waited for us there in their wolf forms. They stared at the old woman perched on top of a giant wolf.

"You truly have found your family." Grandmother said.

I nodded.

You are one strange werewolf. Embry commented as they ran with us towards the Cullen's house.

I know, I laughed. Then I sobered. I wonder where I could have gotten that. I eyed my grandmother. She was smiling like she always did when we ran together.

"You will come visit in the fall won't you?" Grandmother asked me.

I nodded. I'd have to, to get a real fall you had to go to Vermont.

What's wrong with falls here? Seth asked.

I snorted, Please! It's too wet to get any real color. I smiled. Sorry, I'm a little snooty when it comes to autumn. It comes from being raised in Vermont.

We reached the main house. Grandmother stepped off my back onto a stump. I nodded to her and went behind a tree to phase.

Jacob phased more quickly and went to talk to her.

"Hello, I'm Jacob Black. I'm the leader of this pack."

"It's good to meet George's grandson." Grandmother said.

I could hear the smile in Jacob's voice. "Did you know Grandpa well?"

"I dated him during my stay here."

Seth and I walked out to meet them.

"Culture shock, huh?" I said to my Grandmother, she rolled her eyes.

"Please! Nothing shocks this old lady anymore!"

We laughed. "Grandmother this is Quill," he nodded, "And Embry."

Embry smiled, "How did you get such a bizarre grandchild?"

Grandmother laughed. Before she could answer Nessie ran out. I saw Grandmother's face. In one second, Nessie owned her.

Nessie leapt up into Jacob's arms. She touched his cheek. "That's Anne's grandmother. She already knows everything." Nessie touched him again. "Um, would you like to hold her?" Jacob asked Grandmother.

She nodded and Nessie flipped out of Jacob's arms and ran over to her. Grandmother smiled as she picked up the imp.

Together we walked to the house.

Esme opened the door before we could knock. "Come in. It's a pleasure to meet you." She told Grandmother.

"I'm glad to meet the people who accepted my granddaughter." Grandmother said.

Esme introduced the family to her. I wasn't surprised to see Grandmother taking it all in stride.

Grandmother stiffened. She glared at Edward, "Don't read my mind young man, it's rude!"

Edward's expression was priceless. The werewolves [myself included] almost fell over laughing. Emmett joined us.

"Did I not mention that Grandmother has a strong sense of intuition?" I cackled.

Edward had recovered. "I'm not a young man, I'm older then you."

Grandmother gave him her 'sure darling, you go ahead and tell yourself that' look. "Due to your maturity level, I would say that you are three."

This produced more laughter. Edward was extremely disgruntled. "How do you do that? You're blocking your mind."

Grandmother smiled. "I've always been somewhat physic. It grew more powerful in my old age. I can block my mind, and get a vague sense of what people are thinking. I'm not the only one who can do this. My brother could as well."

The day went as smoothly as I could have hoped. Grandmother never put Nessie down. Her obvious affection for the child quickly won over her parents.

Grandmother and Rosalie got into a discussion about Abenaki legends. Grandmother told us the legend of how Coyote got her yellow eyes. This distracted the boys, Emmett and the males of the pack. They even listened to part of it.

All to soon it was time to go. Grandmother clambered onto my back, to the amazement of the Cullens, and we took off.

I thought as Seth and I ran. I had found everything I was looking for. I had a place in this world. Grandmother knew everything and wasn't weirded out by it. I glanced at Seth. And I had a wonderful funny guy that loved me. I had everything I needed.

Seth turned to look at me, I love you.