Hi guys. Just thought I'd tell you a little bit about my story. In this story Harry finds out that he has special abilities, which have nothing to do with him being a wizard. I'm not going to tell you what they are because then there would be no point in reading the story would there? :D Anyways - I got the idea from the TV series 'Heroes'. Hope you like it and enjoy.



Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters for 'Harry Potter' or the 'abilities' from Heroes. I do however own the plot

Summary: One day, Harry accidentally finds out that he has special abilities. Soon he finds himself keeping secrets from everyone and being withdrawn. What will he do when someone finds out his secrets?….

WARNING: Will contain violence, bad language and Slash HP/SS and a little of HP/DM

If you do not like this then do not read. I do not care for narrow minded people - Love is Love, no matter the sex. I don't mean to offend anyone but this is how I feel. So if you don't like it then as I said - don't read - Thank You.


- I'm a Freak -

Harry Potter, age 16, lay on his small, dirty bed in the smallest room of Number 4 Privet Drive. Harry let out a deep sigh a threw his arm over his eyes to block out the morning sunrays from hurting his eyes. It was 6.30 in the morning and Harry Potter knew he would soon be hearing his Aunt knocking on his door, screeching at him to make their breakfasts. Harry had been living at the Dursley's since he had been left on their doorstep at the age of just one years old. Lord Voldemort, The Dark Lord, had killed his parents and then attempted to kill him, failing and nearly killing himself in the process. Having no other relatives, Young Harry Potter had been left a the Dursley's, his magic hating relatives. Harry hated it at the Dursley's. His relatives hated him just as much if not more. They may hate him but they at least had a use for him. Harry snorted at his thoughts. 'Yeah they have a use for me. I'm their personal bloody house elf'.

This summer was the worse of all summers at the Dursley's though. Tears sprung to Harry's eyes as he thought about the end of his last year. Sirius was dead. Never there to hug or laugh with again. 'All because of me. It's my fault', Harry choked out. He had been depressed since he had returned from his fifth year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He missed Sirius so much. And staying at the Dursley's being used as a house elf only made him feel worse. Even the letters and birthday gifts that he had received from his friends had not helped his depressing mood. Harry shook his head, clearing his thoughts as he heard his Aunt getting up and moving about.

Just as predicted, at 7 o'clock, three sharp knocks on the door, followed by his Aunt's screeching voice told him it was time to make breakfast.

'Get up you lazy brat. My poor Dudders is hungry. Get down those stairs and cook breakfast. NOW!'

Harry rolled his eyes in annoyance. Did she have to yell like that? It was bloody annoying as hell!

'Yes Aunt Petunia, I'll be right down' he answered, knowing she was waiting for his reply.

'You'd better be boy!' Harry listened as he heard her descend the stairs. Sighing again, Harry proceeded to get dressed, use the bathroom to freshen himself up a bit, before heading down stairs.

When he entered the kitchen his Aunt was setting the table. There was no sign of his Uncle or Cousin anywhere. Thankfully. His Aunt looked up and tilted her head towards the counter. Harry saw that everything was set out ready for him to start cooking.

'Well? What are you waiting for Boy. Hurry up! Dudders and Vernon will be down soon and they will want their breakfast!'

'Yes Aunt Petunia' he said and headed towards the sink to wash his hands. He heard his Aunt huff and leave the room to go god knows where. Probably to spy out the front window. Harry soon found himself lost in making the Dursley's breakfast, which in reality, was enough to feed a family of six. Not four. 'Or three rather. Its not like I could count my breakfast as such. I'll probably only get a sausage and a piece of toast, whereas Dudley will get the whole shebang'.

Lost in thought, Harry failed to notice his Aunt come back into the kitchen, followed by his Uncle. Harry was about to cut a tomato in half when his fat Cousin shoved into him on the way to the table. Harry hissed in pain as the knife slipped and cut his finger. He heard Dudley laughing in the background as he sat at the table waiting for his breakfast no doubt. But Harry wasn't paying attention to that. He was staring at his finger that had just healed in front of his eyes. There was no scar or anything. It was like he hadn't cut himself at all! If the blood wasn't still there on his hand he would of thought he'd imagined the whole thing. 'What the hell is going on?' he asked himself. Harry was brought out of his thoughts by his Uncle shouting,

'What are you doing Boy?! Standing around doing nothing? Hurry up. I want my breakfast today, not tomorrow!'

Harry jerked dropping his hand to his side. Dudley snickered knowing what he'd done but Harry ignored him and replied,

'Yes Sir'

Harry quickly washed his hands, finished cooking and served the breakfast, which he only got a sausage and a piece of toast of, as he knew he would. Harry then disappeared up to his room where he again studied his finger. There wasn't a scratch on it. How weird.

Harry shook his head and decided to forget the whole incident. He instead sat down and started on his Transfiguration essay for Professor McGonagall.


The next day found Harry in the back garden of Number 4, cutting the hedges to 'all the same shape and size'. Sweat was running down his back and he had an annoying itch at the base of his spine. Huffing in annoyance, Harry pulled the worn glove off his right hand and reached round to scratch the itch. Sighing in relief Harry went to put the glove back on and froze. His hand shot back to his spine where he felt around. Feeling nothing he gasped. Just at the base of his spine there had been a long thin scar. He had gotten it when he was younger. But now there was nothing there. It was like he had heeled. Harry frowned thinking back to the incident in the kitchen yesterday.

Shrugging his shoulders Harry shoved both incidents to the back of his mind. He didn't want to think about it. After all it was just one more thing that made him even more of a freak. And that is something he did not want.


Several weeks had passed and Harry was starting to worry. He had hurt himself several times, even going so far as to hurt himself on purpose. Each and every time, he healed straight away, leaving no evidence that he had been hurt in the first place. He had had cuts, burns, scrapes and even a broken hand, and yet, it had all healed. All the scars that he had collected over the years were gone, even the one he had gotten from fourth year when Wormtail had cut his arm open to take some of his blood.

At this point Harry was starting to panic. He didn't know what the hell was going on with him. He knew he couldn't tell anyone. Not his friends, not Dumbledore, not Remus, not the Order and most certainly not the Dursleys. He didn't want anyone knowing what kind of a freak he was. No one could know.

Harry looked up at the crinkled National Trust calendar that he had pulled out of the garbage and put on his wall. Five weeks. Five weeks until he could go back to Hogwarts. Harry found himself smiling as he lay back on his bed, arms tucked behind his head. All his homework was done and he had even gone over most of his books from first year to fifth. He was quite proud of himself. Harry laughed as he thought about what Hermione would say. She'd probably start going on about everything she knew whilst Ron shook his head and moaned about having to put up with two Hermione's.

Harry was just about to nod off when he heard the doorbell ring. He listened as he heard his Uncle stomp his way down the hallway to answer the door. Harry tried to listen to what was being said but all he could hear were murmurs.


Harry jumped and tumbled off the bed as his Uncle's yelling and angry voice flew up the stairs. Mumbling about stupid men who should learn to control their tempers, Harry got up and pulled his door open. Walking down the stairs Harry looked up only to stop at who he saw. A big smile made its way onto his face. He ran the rest of the way down the stairs and threw himself into the man's arms.

'Remus! What are you doing here? No, wait. It doesn't matter. I'm just happy to see you' he said hugging Remus tightly and pleased that Remus was doing the same.

'Hello Cub. It's good to see you too'.

A loud cough brought Harry's attention to his fuming Uncle. Harry let go of Remus and pulled back, looking at his Uncle.

'What is the meaning of this boy? Didn't I say that I didn't want any more of your fre…friends in my house?!' He was going to say 'freaks' but Harry knew he was too scared to say it front of another wizard and a grown one at that.

'I'm sorry Uncle Vernon. I had no idea that he was coming. I…' a gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him. He looked up into Remus' frowning face.

'It's alright Harry', he patted Harry on the shoulder gently before looking directly at Vernon, 'Mr. Dursley. You needn't worry. I will be leaving very soon and I will be taking Harry with me'. Harry's head, which he had lowered when Remus started talking to his Uncle, shot up. A huge grin appeared on his face. He was leaving the Dursley's.

'Why don't you go pack your things Harry. I'd like to have a little word with your…Uncle here'. Harry shot him a questioning look but Remus shook his head subtly. Nodding, Harry went upstairs to pack.


When Harry came back downstairs Remus was waiting for him by the door. The Dursley's were nowhere to be seen. Smiling up at him, Remus said,

'Ready to go?'

Harry nodded his head still looking around for the Dursley's. Looking back at Remus he answered,

'Yeah. More than ready', he looked at Remus and crossed his arms, 'What'd you do?'

Remus' face suddenly transformed into a mischievous grin, 'What? Me? I didn't do anything'.

Shaking his head, Harry decided that he really didn't want or need to know. Smiling he handed his trunk and Hedwig's empty cage to Remus so he could shrink them. He had let Hedwig out and told her to go to Grimauld Place, which is where he assumed he was being taken. Putting his shrunken stuff is his pocket, he followed Remus out the front door and down to the end on the street where they stopped. Harry looked around curious to why they had stopped there.

'Err, Remus. Why have we stopped here'

'We're going to be apparating and we can't do that if we're in the anti-apparition wards around your house', seeing Harry nod his head he opened his arms, which Harry stepped into, embracing him. 'Ready?'

Harry nodded his head and the next thing he knew, he felt like he was being squeezed through a tight rubber tube. He couldn't breath and his eyes starting watering. He started to feel light headed and felt like he was going faint from lack of air when…he could breath again.

Looking up, he saw a tall, looming building otherwise known as Number 12 Grimauld Place.

Tears sprung to his eyes as he thought about Sirius. He jumped when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders. He looked up into Remus' equally sad face.

'I miss him too Harry. I miss him too' and with that he pulled Harry into a hug.

It was several minutes until they pulled apart and went inside. Looking around the dimly lit hallway, Harry shook his head of all his depressing thoughts and followed Remus to the kitchen.



Albus Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonagall, Mad-Eye Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Severus Snape, Tonks and Arthur and Molly Weasley sat at the old worn table in the kitchen of Number 12 Grimauld Place. Albus Dumbledore tiredly took off his glasses an rubbed at his eyes to elevate some of the headache that was forming. Tonight's discussion was not going as planned. He had recently decided that leaving young Harry at the Dursley's was not going to do the poor child any good. He was more than likely depressed after the events at the end of his fifth year and sending him to the Dursley's was not one of his more ingenious ideas. He had decided that it was best for Harry to come stay at headquarters where he would be safe. On top of that, he would be able to learn Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts and other subjects from various Order members to help him in the future. The last advantage and the most important was that he could resume Occlumency. But of course, the only person that could teach him that subject was being exceedingly difficult. Sighing, Albus placed his glasses back on his nose and tuned back into the argument that was taking place.

'NO! I refuse to teach that insolent little brat! It didn't work last time, what with him not even trying in the first place, what makes you think this time would be any different than the last? No. I refuse', Severus Snape all-round snarky git and big bat of the dungeons snarled.

'Don't you dare talk about Harry like that! He probably couldn't concentrate on anything but the constant insults you threw at him! Why can't you just let go of the past Severus? Harry is NOT James!' Remus shocked everyone with his outburst.

Severus glared at the Wolf venomously. He opened his mouth th say something scathingly when Albus decided that enough was enough.

'That's enough! Both of you. It's time you put this childish grudge behind you. I for one am tired of hearing your continuous and pointless arguments. Whatever issues you have with each other? Get over them. Now!'

All present stared at the headmaster in shock. Gentle, calm Albus Dumbledore was never usually so harsh with his words. Everyone present realised that he was tired and had had enough of this discussion. They all held their breaths as he turned to Remus.

'Remus. You will go to the Dursley's residents and collect Harry. Have him pack all his things and bring him straight here. Do you understand?'

'Perfectly' was the reply.

'Good. Then you may go do that now', when Remus had left he turned to Severus, who he could tell was fuming internally, 'Severus? Remus is right. Harry is not his father and you will do well to remember that. Harry will come to Grimauld Place and you will teach him Occlumency. End of discussion. I don't want to hear anything more about it. It is imperative that he learns this Severus, you know that. Are we clear?'

'Crystal' Severus spoke through a clenched jaw, clearly not happy with the situation.

'Then you are excused. Harry will be arriving in half an hour I would guess. I would like you all to be present when he arrives. Thank you' and with that he himself left to go to the solitude of his room. He needed some peace and quiet. This war was grating on his last nerve.


Albus entered the kitchen more relaxed than earlier to see everyone there waiting, just as he'd asked. Sitting down he let out a tired sigh and waited for his favourite student to arrive.


Harry allowed his eyes to wander as he followed Remus down the dark hallway that led to the kitchen. It was just as he remembered. Dark, dank and really depressing. 'God. It's no wander Sirius hated being here. The place is a one way ticket to being depressed', he thought grimly.

They were just nearing the kitchen when Harry heard Mrs. Weasley's voice through the door.

'Well, how about I make a pot of tea and some scones for when the poor dear gets here? I'm sure he'll be starved'. Harry smiled to himself. That was Mrs. Weasley for you. Always trying to fatten him up. His smile only grew wider when he heard the voice of a man he thought of as his grandfather.

'Yes, yes Molly. A wonderful idea. I'm sure Harry will appreciate it very much'.

Harry looked up at Remus with a smile to find that Remus was smiling back an him. Giving a wink, Remus turned the door knob and enter the kitchen, Harry right behind him.

All conversation cut off as soon as they entered the room. Harry could feel all eyes on him and it was making him feel nervous. Then it hit him. Why was he here anyway? Had something bad happened? Was someone hurt? He felt his heart skip a beat. Did they know about his secret?! Harry took a deep but subtle breath to calm himself. There was no point in panicking, he told himself. He was brought back to reality when he suddenly found himself with a face full off breasts.

'Harry dear! Oh it's good to see you lad. Looking a bit on the peaky side again but we'll have you fattened up in no time'. She smiled and patted his cheek affectionately and Harry found himself smiling at her.

'Thanks Mrs. Weasley. I'm fine really. But I would really love some of those scones that were mentioned? If that's alright that is' he added quickly not wanting to sound cheeky.

Thankfully Mrs. Weasley just laughed. 'Of course dear. They'll be ready in no time. Why don't you go settle yourself by Professor Dumbledore and I'll bring you a cuppa and scone in a few minutes. There's a good lad'.

Harry smiled at her again and did and she suggested. Sitting down next to the headmaster, Harry smiled up at the man.

'Hello Professor'

'Harry my boy! How are you feeling?' he asking concern seeping into his voice.

'Fine', he answered a bit quick and from the look Dumbledore gave him, he probably noticed as well. Harry just plastered a smile onto his face hoping he'd drop the subject. Thankfully he did.

'Yes, well. I supposed your wandering why you have been brought here on such short notice?', seeing Harry nod his head he continued, 'Well I decided that you need to be around other people. People that care for you. You shouldn't be left to grieve on your own Harry. On top of that I thought it would be a good idea to train you up a little. Some of the members of the Order have agreed to teach you in several subjects including Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms and…Occlumency. And yes. Before you ask, those lessons will be with Professor Snape', he added as he saw Harry open his mouth.

'I don't think that's a good idea Professor. Professor Snape and I don't exactly…get along', he said with a little sarcasm and shot a look at Snape who was glaring at him from across the table to prove his point. Snape snorted in apparent but reluctant agreement.

'Be that as it may Harry, you and Professor Snape will just have to put your differences aside. You need to learn Occlumency Harry' the headmaster said sternly.

'Yes but….'

'Do you want Voldemort to attempt to possess you again? I saw how much pain you were in Harry. Do you really want to go through that again?' a little desperation in his voice.

Harry looked down at his hands which were in his lap in shame. The silence in the room was deafening. He remembered how much it had hurt when Voldemort had possessed him. It was worse than the Cruciatus. Looking up at Dumbledore, he shook his head.

'No. No I don't. Once was enough thank you very much', he gave a small smile.

Dumbledore smiled back sadly at him, resting a wrinkled hand on his should and giving it a slight squeeze.

'Very well. I will have your schedule to you tomorrow. But right now, I'm thinking its time you got to bed, hmm?'

Harry nodded in relief. To be honest, he was quite tired. It had been a long day. Standing up, he asked Mrs. Weasley to un-shrink his things before heading to the room he used last time. Before he left Mrs. Weasley handed him a cup of tea and a butted scone. Harry smiled and thanked her before leaving the room.

Once in his room, Harry put his trunk at the end of his bed and Hedwig's empty cage on the desk near the window. He then sat on the bed and proceeded to eat his little snack. When he had finished he put the empty cup on the desk as well. Sighing and running a hand through his messy hair, Harry headed to the bathroom across the hall, toothbrush in hand.

After brushing his teeth and pulling his pants, top and socks off, putting them in the washing basket, Harry opened the door to go back to his room only to bump into a tall, solid form.

'Oh. I'm so sorry! I…'. Looking up Harry found himself staring up at his most hated Professor.

'Professor' he said tightly in acknowledgment.

'Potter', he said looking him up and down, 'Tell me Potter. Is this a habit of yours? Parading around in your boxers?' he asked, amusement in his voice as Harry looked down at himself and blushed furiously. Wrapping his arms over a slim but well defined chest, Severus noticed absently, Potter stuttered,

'NO! No Professor…I…err…goodnight Professor' he said quickly then practically ran to his room, leaving his Professor smirking behind him.

It was only when Potter had shut his door that Severus realised what he had just done. He had been checking out Harry Potter. Not only his student but also a boy half his age! Scowling, Severus went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

Across the hall Harry jumped, making the cut he was making on his wrist with a small penknife, worse than originally intended. He hissed in pain, watching half in awe and half in fear as the cut healed itself almost instantly, leaving no evidence behind.

Harry threw the knife back into this trunk and lay down under the covers of his bed where he let the tears fall. Soon Harry fell into a fitful sleep but not before whispering into the darkness that surrounded him, 'I'm a freak'


Hi! Tell me what you think? All you have to do is click on the Review Button. Thanking you! :D and I hope you all enjoyed it!