Warnings: Het, crack, HidanxHinata, swearing, some sex references in later chapters.

This is loosely based off of the story of Hades and Persephone from Greek mythology. Loosely.

I don't own Naruto.

Till Life Do Us Part

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, long ago when gods still roamed the world freely there lived a beautiful young goddess named Hinata.

Hinata was the younger sister to the goddess of the crops, the goddess Ino. Ino had raised young Hinata, wand while she meant well she sheltered the girl terribly, never letting the girl venture out alone.

Hinata was a lovely being, even as a child, with eyes as silver as the moon, skin as white as milk and hair as black as the night's sky. Her beauty only increase as she grew older, and by the time she was a young woman her beauty rivaled that of Sakura, the goddess of love and beauty.

This worried Ino. She worried that her sister would be attacked by men who would seek to taint her innocence, or worse, that Sakura's vengeful nature would get the better of her.

So she made Hinata stay inside, away from the eyes of men, and away from the eyes of Sakura.

Hinata however, grew up lonely. She loved her sister greatly, but oh how she wished to be able to go outside. Ino blessed the harvest and therefor got to travel outside often, but Hinata stayed locked inside, all alone.

She would sometimes ask her sister why she could not go outside, but Ino never seemed to give her a real answer.

"It is dangerous!" she would snap, but never say how it was dangerous.

So one day when her sister was out she snuck out, only briefly, but it had entranced her. The world outside was beautiful.

Unfortunately that one time was enough.

When she snuck out Sakura happened to be looking down from Mount Olympus where she lived, and saw Hinata down on Earth.

"Who is that?" she snapped jealously. Her son, Sai, looked down as well.

"That is Ino's sister, Hinata. She is far more beautiful than you mother."

This made Sakura shriek with anger. "I'll make the worst possible being fall in love with her! I'll make her hate her beauty! I'll make- I'll make-" And idea struck the goddess as she spoke. "Sai!" she shouted. "Go to the underworld! I want you to make Hidan fall in love with her!"

Sai raised an eyebrow at his mother's command, but didn't question it; it was never good to cross his mother, even he knew that.

So he went down to the underworld and entered Hidan's realm, the realm of the dead.

He found the god of death right where he expected him, lounging boredly in his giant throne of human skeletons, head resting on his armrest, knees, thrown the other.

"Sai," the pale god greeted disinterestedly. "Did my advisors call you?"

"Why would they have done that?" Sai said cooly, advancing on the throne a little.

"Because," snapped Hidan, swinging his legs over the armrest so he was now sitting in the proper position in the chair. "My advisors have been bothering me about taking a queen, and now you're fucking here..."

Sai smiled. "I assure you, I'm not here at the request of anyone in your court."

Hidan had always been somewhat of a black sheep in that regard; he was nothing like his two brothers wen it came to relationships.

Pein, the king of Mount Olympus, changed lovers every week, much to the chagrin of of his Queen, Konan.

Kisame, king of the sea, had gone thru many women trying to find a queen.

But Hidan, king of the underworld, had never shown any interest in finding a queen. The man had had the occasional lover, but never had he considered a queen or cared much at all about relationships.

"Sir..." Sai started again. "Why do you not wish for a queen? Surely it would be ideal for your kingdom."

The albino god snorted and slumped in his throne. "I find the living endlessly insufferable. Forgive me if I have better things to do then placate some bitch like your precious mother."

"Speaking of my mother, that is why I am here. She has a matter she wished for me to discuss with you."

"And she couldn't send Deidara why?"

"She wished for the matter to remain private."

Hidan sighed. "Whatever. Go ahead then."

Sai kept smiling. "I'm afraid you must come with me. There is something I must show you. In the realm of humans."

The albino god groaned loudly. "Fine, I will patronize you, love-brat."

So the god of death and the god of love ascended to the human realm, where Ino and her sister lived.

Arriving at the sisters' home Hidan snorted. "This is Ino's home isn't it? I have no desire to deal with her either Sai."

"Look in the window," was all Sai said, pointing.

The albino looked in the direction of Sai's finger, his eyes landing on the beautiful dark-haired goddess.

She was looking out the window, up at the sky wistfully, brushing her long dark hair.

There was silence for a moment before Hidan spoke quietly. "Who is she?"

"That is Hinata," Sai said, smiling. "She is Ino's younger sister. Tell me sir, how do you feel for her?"

Hidan breathed deeply. "She is... lovely Sai, but what-"

Hidan was cut off as Sai's gold-tipped arrow struck him in the back. The god felt no pain and the arrow disappeared after hitting him, leaving no evidence for Hidan to realize what had happened to him.

"How do you feel for her?" Sai asked again, smirking.

Hidan didn't answer for a long moment, then abruptly turned and muttered "I am returning to my realm now Sai. Do not bother me again.

With that the god of death vanished back into his own realm.

End of Chapter 1


Hinata - Persephone, goddess of fertility and.. other stuff... (I haven't studied greek myth too extensively.)
Hidan - Hades, god of the underworld
Ino - Demeter, goddess of the crops, and stuff like that. Originally was Persephone's mother.
Sakura - Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty.
Sai - Cupid, god of love, Aphrodite's son.
Deidara - Hermes, messenger god.
Pein - Zeus, king of gods.
Kisame - Poseidon, god of the sea.
Konan - Hera, queen of the gods.

I think originally Cupid was supposed to the son of Aphrodite with Hermes, but I hate DeiSaku with a burning passion, so she just had Sai sans father. She wouldn't be the first god to just have a child miraculously appear.

As you can see this is loosely based off of the myth of Hades and Persephone. I'm making it more romantic.

I want NO flames beacuse it's HidaHina. I know it's crack, shut up.

Um, please review. Don't flame. Constructive criticism would be fabulous.